This volume offers memory enhancing strategies that anyone can use to become less reliant on written notes and generally age-proof their memories. It could allow readers to develop mental agility and an ability to conquer absent-mindedness.
The Mind Illuminated
by Culadasa John Yates, PhD and Matthew Immergut
The Mind Illuminated is the first how-to meditation guide from a neuroscientist who is also an acclaimed meditation master. This innovative book offers a 10-stage program that is both deeply grounded in ancient spiritual teachings about mindfulness and holistic health, and also draws from the latest brain science to provide a roadmap for anyone interested in achieving the benefits of mindfulness. Dr. John Yates offers a new and fascinating model of how the mind works, including steps to overcome...
Contemplating Climate Change (Routledge Advances in Climate Change Research)
by Stephen M. Dark
Global climate change policy has failed us all, but what is the reasoning that underlies this failure? Why are some people more disposed to reflect on confounding issues like climate change, recognise the danger, seek a solution, and act accordingly, more than others? This book is concerned with how we think and act in response to climate change. In particular, faced with deep uncertainty and the multifaceted complexities that characterise the climate change conundrum, how the various actors a...
The thesis advanced in this book is that feeling and cognition actualize through a process that originates in older brain formations and develops outward through limbic and cortical fields through the self-concept and private space into (as) the world. An iteration of this transition deposits acts, objects, feelings and utterances. Value is a mode of conceptual feeling that depends on the dominant phase in this transition: from desire through interest to object worth. Among the topics covered ar...
Wie Kommt Die Kultur in Den Kopf?; Eine Neurowissenschaftliche Reise Zwischen Ost Und West
Schueler Lernen Selbstbewertung (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #480)
by Felix Winter
Il libro Children's Minds esce nel 1978. Con un linguaggio semplice, ma supportato da dati di ricerche condotte con rigore metodologico, Margaret Donaldson attacca molti luoghi comuni ispirati alle teorie di Piaget. Come sostiene l'autrice "Nello svolgimento di questo libro, io sostengo che oggi esistono prove che ci costringono a respingere certi aspetti della teoria di Jean Piaget sullo sviluppo intellettuale". Il libro fu quasi subito tradotto in italiano e pubblicato da EMME Edizioni, ma usc...
Mehrfach hat die Bachmann-Forschung der letzten Jahre auf die Bedeutung des Erinnerungsmotives fur den 1971 erschienenen "Malina"-Roman hingewiesen. Die vorliegende Studie zeigt erstmals die gattungsubergreifende Genese der Erinnerungsthematik und weist uber die motivische Entwicklung hinaus auf die poetologische Relevanz der Erinnerung als Strukturmerkmal Bachmannscher Texte. Von den Gedichten der "Gestundeten Zeit" (1953) bis hin zum "Malina"-Roman macht die Arbeit deutlich, dass Bachmann aus...
How to Be Critically Open-Minded: A Psychological and Historical Analysis
by John Lambie
Mapping Memory in Nineteenth-century French Literature and Culture (Faux Titre, #369)
Memory and memory studies have shaped a major site of humanities research over the last twenty years. Examined by ethnographers, archaeologists, social scientists, historians, economists, archivists, art historians, and literary scholars, the theme of memory - individual memory and memoir, collective memory, official memory and oral memory, cultural memory and popular memory - has informed academic discourse and formed institutional structures. Yet, the matter of memory is, paradoxically, under-...
This volume offers an introduction to consciousness research within philosophy, psychology and neuroscience, from a philosophical perspective and with an emphasis on the history of ideas and core concepts. The book begins by examining consciousness as a modern mystery. Thereafter, the book introduces philosophy of mind and the mind-body problem, and proceeds to explore psychological, philosophical and neuroscientific approaches to mind and consciousness. The book then presents a discussion of my...
Space, Objects, Minds and Brains (Essays in Cognitive Psychology)
by Lynn C Robertson
Lynn Robertson has been studying how brain lesions affect spatial abilities for over 20 years, and her work has revealed some surprising facts about space and its role in visual perception. In this book she combines evidence collected in her laboratory with findings from others to explore the cognitive and neural basis of spatial representations and their contributions to spatial awareness, object formation, attention, and binding.
Ownership is on most people's lips these days, or at least the lack of ownership. Everywhere people seem to be fighting over what is theirs. They want to take back their property, their lands, their liberty, their bodies, their identity, and their right to do what they want. These are all things people can own. These demands are quite remarkable when you consider that ownership is not an observable property but rather an abstract concept. And yet this abstract concept controls just about everyth...
Model-Based Reasoning in Science, Technology, and Medicine (Studies in Computational Intelligence, #64)
The volume is based on papers presented at the international conference on Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Medicine held in China in 2006. The presentations explore how scientific thinking uses models and explanatory reasoning to produce creative changes in theories and concepts. The contributions to the book are written by researchers active in the area of creative reasoning in science and technology. They include the subject area's most recent results and achievements.
Visual Perception: An Introduction, 3rd Edition
by Professor of Visual Psychology Nicholas Wade and Mike Swanston
Visual and Hearing Information Science
This volume introduces the mechanisms of sight and hearing, cognition and movement, centred round the results of Advanced Telecommunication research and development. It provides an understanding of the latest results of research in the field - such as the Japanese results in various areas of Information Science research. The first part of the book contains a general overview of the features of human information processing and memory research in the field of neural science. Part Two touches upon...
Cognitive Science in Medicine (The MIT Press)
by David A Evans and Vimla L. Patel
Cognitive Science in Medicine presents current research that focuses on issues and results in applying techniques from cognitive science to problems in biomedicine. Biomedicine has become one of the best-modeled domains from several perspectives-artificial intelligence, psychology, and the social sciences; yet few studies have combined these points of view. In this book, the interdisciplinary strengths of cognitive science offer fresh insights into biomedical problem solving. Cognitive Science...