The cognitive science of religion has made a persuasive case for the view that a number of different psychological systems are involved in the construction and transmission of notions of extranatural agency such as deities and spirits. Until now this work has been based largely on findings in experimental psychology, illustrated mainly with hypothetical or anecdotal examples. In The Mind Possessed, Emma Cohen considers how the psychological systems undergirding spirit concepts are activated in r...
In this fascinating and often hilarious work, pre-eminent psychologist Daniel Gilbert shows how - and why - the majority of us have no idea how to make ourselves happy. We all want to be happy, but do we know how? When it comes to improving tomorrow at the expense of today, we're terrible at predicting how to please our future selves. 'What would you do right now if you learned that you were going to die in ten minutes? Would you race upstairs and light that Marlboro you've been hiding in your s...
Web-Based Teaching and Learning Across Culture and Age
by Fengfeng Ke and Alicia Fedelina Chavez
With limited empirical research available on online teaching across cultures especially with Native and Hispanic American students, this book will present the findings of a two-year, Spencer-funded study in creating an inclusive (i.e., multicultural and intergenerational) instructional design model for online learning. The book is expected to provide the readers a field guide of teaching approach (comprising pedagogical, technical, relational and other suggestions for teaching) for inclusive e-l...
Vision dominates philosophical thinking about perception, and theorizing about experience in cognitive science has traditionally focused on a visual model. In a radical departure from established practice, Casey O'Callaghan provides a systematic treatment of sound and sound experience, and shows how thinking about audition and appreciating the relationships between multiple sense modalities can enrich our understanding of perception and the mind. Sounds proposes a novel theory of sounds and au...
Psychology of Learning&motivation: V.2
by Albert Ray Lang Professor of Psychology Gordon H Bower
Joshua Gert presents an original account of color properties, and of our perception of them. He employs a general philosophical strategy - neo-pragmatism - which challenges an assumption made by virtually all other theories of color. Neo-pragmatism rejects the standard representationalist strategy for solving "placement problems" in philosophy, which relies on the existence of a substantive notion of reference and truth. Instead, it makes use of deflationary accounts of such semantic notions. Ap...
This engaging, student-friendly book debunks major myths about studying and provides practical tips for studying smarter, not harder. Written by expert psychology teachers who also conduct the very research that these tips are based on, this book outlines clear steps students can use throughout their high school and college careers to plan, monitor, and evaluate their learning.
Self And Determination (Anarchist Interventions)
by Joshua Stephens
Creative Education, Teaching and Learning
Educators and education policy has increasingly acknowledged the value of creativity and creative approaches to education in particular. This book highlights a range of innovative teaching techniques successfully employed by teachers from a range of disciplines and education levels in order to share knowledge regarding creative education.
Psychology in India Revisited - Developments in the Discipline (Psychology in India)
Psychology in India Revisited - Developments in the Discipline is based on the fourth national survey of research in psychology and presents a current, analytical and critical review of basic and applied psychology.
The central goal of this volume is to bring the learning perspective into the discussion of intuition in judgment and decision making. The book gathers recent work on intuitive decision making that goes beyond the current dominant heuristic processing perspective. However, that does not mean that the book will strictly oppose this perspective. The unique perspective of this book will help to tie together these different conceptualizations of intuition and develop an integrative approach to the p...
Neuropsychology of Language, Reading and Spelling (Educational Psychology)
Zest (Character Strength) (Character Strength (Powerkids))
by Sara Antill
Wie Pippa Wieder Lachen Lernte
by K Pal-Handl, R Lackner, and B Lueger-Schuster
Jedes Kind kann von einem traumatischen Ereignis betroffen werden, sei es durch den ploetzlichen oder unerwarteten Tod eines Familienangehoerigen, durch einen schweren Verkehrsunfall oder durch das Erleben einer Naturkatastrophe.Viele Kinder wirken nach aussen hin unauffallig, doch qualen sie sich innerlich mit Phantasien, wie etwa, dass sie durch "schlimm sein" schuld am Ereignis sind. Pippa und Leo-Rix - ein traumatisiertes Madchen und sein Hilfstier, der Loewe Leo-Rix - bieten dem betroffenen...
With intelligence now getting a front-row seat in governments around the world, this book is especially timely. Intelligence rains in, but without an understanding of the nature of the intelligence, it accumulates in puddles of obscurity. The problems therefore seem to be how to obtain it, how to understand it, and how to sell it to one's bosses. This book deals with how to understand it. Three fundamental points are at the heart of this presentation about the cognitive challenges intelligence a...
Aristotle's Theory of Abstraction (The New Synthese Historical Library, #73)
by Allan Back
This book investigates Aristotle's views on abstraction and explores how he uses it. In this work, the author follows Aristotle in focusing on the scientific detail first and then approaches the metaphysical claims, and so creates a reconstructed theory that explains many puzzles of Aristotle's thought. Understanding the details of his theory of relations and abstraction further illuminates his theory of universals.Some of the features of Aristotle's theory of abstraction developed in this book...