The Annual Report 2020 provides a comprehensive account of the WTO's activities in 2019. The report begins with a message from WTO Director-General Roberto Azevedo. This is followed by a brief overview of 2019 and more in-depth accounts of the WTO's various areas of activity over the past 12 months. Spotlights highlight major WTO events and activities.
American Civil Liberties Union
by Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, and John McBrewster
During the 1990s, as widespread perception spread of declining state sovereignty, activists and social movement organizations began to form transnational networks and coalitions to pressure both intergovernmental organizations and national governments on a variety of issues. Research has focused on the formation of these transnational networks, campaigns, and coalitions; their objectives, strategies and tactics; and their impact. Yet the issue of how participation in transnational networks influ...
VSO Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia Strategy
by Catherine Hine and Russel Gates
A Hard Look at Hard Power: Assessing the Defense Capabilities of Key U.S. Allies and Security Partners
"If one organization is synonymous with keeping hope alive, even as a faint glimmer in the darkness of a prison, it is Amnesty International. Amnesty has been the light, and that light was truth—bearing witness to suffering hidden from the eyes of the world."—from Keepers of the FlameThe first in-depth look at working life inside a major human rights organization, Keepers of the Flame charts the history of Amnesty International and the development of its nerve center, the International Secretari...
Co-operatives in the Big Society
by Thomas Haynes and Piotr Brzezinski
Amid the mass protests of the 1960s, another, less heralded political force arose: public interest progressivism. Led by activists like Ralph Nader, organizations of lawyers and experts worked "inside the system." They confronted corporate power and helped win major consumer and environmental protections. By the late 1970s, some public interest groups moved beyond U.S. borders to challenge multinational corporations. This happened at the same time that neoliberalism, a politics of empowerment fo...
China's Challenge to Sovereignty in Africa (Rethinking Globalizations, #1)
by Johan Lagerkvist
Collaborative Grantseeking: A Guide to Designing Projects, Leading Partners, and Persuading Sponsors
by Jeremy T Miner, Lynn E Miner, and Jerry Griffith