Offshore Employment in the Northern North Sea in 1987 (Statistical bulletin)
Case Concerning the Continental Shelf (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/Malta)
Budgetary reform (Cm., #1867)
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1992 (Health & safety booklets)
Arrested by Nazis in 1944 after her political beliefs were reported, Rinser was imprisoned until the end of the war. She shared her captivity with a variety of women including Jehovah's Witnesses, abortionists, women who had had affairs with foreigners, thieves and other politically suspect prisoners. Her journal covers two months of her imprisonment, observing both herself and her companions, as they cope, or fail to cope, in their various ways, with prison.
Creating Action Space
In the worst peacetime disaster experienced by the Russian Navy, on 12 August 2000 the state-of-the-art nuclear-powered Kursk submarine sank with the loss of 118 officers and crew. The sinking was a humanitarian, environmental, and military catastrophe for Russia, and a powerful political reversal for President Putin But what really happened? Peter Truscott, former Foreign Affairs and Defence spokesperson in the European Parliament and Vice-President of the Security Committee, aims to provide th...
Report on the electricity policy review part III grid connections (Northern Ireland Assembly reports, 196/11-16)
This book investigates the impact of internet use on anti-government protesting under authoritarian rule. By breaking up the causal chain into various steps, it provides a thorough and nuanced understanding of internet's role in different stages of the mobilization process. It argues that the impact of internet use on anti-governmental protesting differs per step in the 'mobilization chain', and also that the effect depends on both the on- and offline repression of the regime, as well as on the...
Paths to Union Renewal
South Africa's Labor Empire
by Jonathan Crush, Alan Jeeves, and David Yudelman
This book explores the complex interplay of factors fueling the transformation of the gold mining industry in South Africa. Basing their work on archival sources, contemporary evidence and interviews with mining personnel, the authors chart the expansion and break-up of the mine regional labour "empire" from 1920 through the mid-1970s and explore conflicts between the industry and the state over labour "sourcing", the mobilization of South African labour for the mines, the effects of workforce s...
A Stata (R) Companion to Political Analysis
by Philip H. Pollock and Barry C. Edwards
With Philip Pollock's Fourth Edition of A Stata Companion to Political Analysis, students quickly learn Stata via step-by-step instruction, more than 50 exercises, customized datasets, annotated screen shots, boxes that highlight Stata's special capabilities, and guidance on using Stata to read raw data.
How Ottawa Spends, 2012-2013 (How Ottawa Spends)
by G. Bruce Doern and Christopher Stoney
Continuing its tradition of current, exemplary scholarship, the 2012-13 edition of How Ottawa Spends casts a critical eye at national politics, priorities, and policies, with an emphasis on the Conservative majority's mandated austerity measures and budget-cutting strategies. Leading scholars from across Canada examine a new era of majority government and a transformed political opposition both in Parliament and in provincial politics. Several closely linked political, policy, and spending realm...
Security Meets Gender Equality in the EU (Gender and Politics)
by Lucrecia Rubio Grundell
This book explores the triangular dynamics of securitisation and desecuritisation that underpin the EU’s approach to trafficking in women for sexual exploitation. That is, the progressive securitisation of trafficking in women for sexual exploitation within the EU’s anti-trafficking policies and the existence of two distinct and competing approaches that coexist among feminist struggles against such trend and that largely follow the two opposing views that structure feminist debates on prostitut...
This volume offers a comparative analysis of the role of the military in Latin America in domestic politics and governance after 2000. Divided into four parts covering the entirety of Latin America, the book argues that the Latin American military as semi-autonomous political actors have not faded away since 2000 and may even have been making a comeback in various countries. Each part outlines scenarios which effectively frame the various pathways taken to post-military democratic society. Part...
Ata Handbook
Impact of Regional Policy Regradings in Scotland (ESU Research Papers, paper 15)
by Stuart McDowall, Hugh M. Begg, and Peter Mckiernan