Equality and Diversity in the European Steel Industry (Working Paper, #63)
by Professor Amanda Coffey, Peter Fairbrother, and Dean Stroud
Regional Courts, Domestic Politics, and the Struggle for Human Rights
by Jillienne Haglund
Despite substantial growth in past decades, international human rights law faces significant enforcement challenges and threats to legitimacy in many parts of the world. Regional human rights courts, like the European and Inter-American Courts of Human Rights, represent unique institutions that allow individuals to file formal complaints with an international legal body and render judgments against states. In this book, Jillienne Haglund focuses on regional human rights court deterrence, or the...
OSCE Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting (Papers in the Theory & Practice of Human Rights, #34)
by Tarlach McGonagle and Seema Kandelia
Rise of Saffron Power
This volume looks at the impact of the landmark 2014 elections and the consequent Assembly elections which have transformed the ideological discourse of India. It discusses a variety of topical issues in contemporary Indian politics, including the Modi wave, Aam Aadmi Party and the challenges it is confronting today, Hindutva and minorities, the decline of the Congress party, changes in foreign policy, as well as phenomenona like ‘love jihad’ and ghar wapsi. It also draws together political tren...
Quilts and Human Rights
by Marsha MacDowell, Beth Donaldson, Mary Worrall, and Lynne Swanson
Quilts and Human Rights offers a new understanding of the history of global human rights as seen through textiles of awareness and activism. Of all the textile forms linked to human rights activities, one form-the quilt-has proved an especially potent and popular form for individuals, working alone or as part of organized groups, to subversively or overtly act for human rights. Through a description of this activity over time and space, Quilts and Human Rights advances awareness of critical huma...
In the horrific events of the mid-1990s in Rwanda, tens of thousands of Hutu killed their Tutsi friends, neighbors, even family members. That ghastly violence has overshadowed a fact almost as noteworthy: that hundreds of thousands of Hutu killed no one. In a transformative revisiting of the motives behind and specific contexts surrounding the Rwandan genocide, Lee Ann Fujii focuses on individual actions rather than sweeping categories. Fujii argues that ethnic hatred and fear do not satisfacto...
Rethinking Federalism
Federalism is at once a set of institutions -- the division ofpublic authority between two or more constitutionally defined orders ofgovernment -- and a set of ideas which underpin such institutions. Asan idea, federalism points us to issues such as shared and dividedsovereignty, multiple loyalties and identities, and governance throughmulti-level institutions. Seen in this more complex way, federalism is deeply relevant to awide range of issues facing contemporary societies. Global forces --eco...
Government Code 2021 - Part 5 - Sections [23000 - 33205]
A Criminology of War? (New Horizons in Criminology)
by Ross McGarry and Sandra Walklate
In recent years, the academic study of ‘war’ has gained renewed popularity in criminology. This book illustrates its long-standing engagement with this social phenomenon within the discipline. Foregrounding established criminological work addressing war and connecting it to a wide range of extant sociological literature, the authors present and further develop theoretical and conceptual ways of thinking critically about war. Providing a critique of mainstream criminology, the authors question wh...
Report of the Human Rights Committee (Official records, Session 70: supplement 40 (A/70/40))
Official records of the Report of the Human Rights Committee. 111th session (8-25 July 2014) 112th session (7-31 October 2014) 113th session (16 March-2 April 2015).
South Africa
This study of contemporary South Africa focuses thematically on the major political contestants, interest-groups and power-brokers in that country. The contributors, several of whom have first-hand experience of the South African problem, attempt to provide from varied perspectives - ranging from the Afrikaner establishment to the exiled liberation movements - an introduction to aspects of contemporary South African politics and an insight into its many forms of resistance.
Anti-Human Rights & Anti-Environmental Practices of the United Nations
by Pallavi Kakoti-McHugh
This book draws on key theories and methods from the social sciences to develop a framework for the systematic study of human rights problems. It argues that solid empirical analysis of human rights problems rests on examining the observable practices from state and non-state actors that constitute human rights violations to provide plausible explanations for their occurrence and provide deeper understanding of their meaning. Such explanations and understanding draws on the theoretical insight...
I Remember Death by Its Proximity to What I Love
by Mahogany L. Browne
The American Crisis (Founding Fathers Collection, #4) (American Crisis)
by Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine wrote the American Crisis in an effort to justify the American Revolution and to bolster the moral of the Continental Army. THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triu...