Abraham Lincoln and the Downfall of American Slavery
by Professor Noah Brooks
Media, Development and Democracy (Studies in Media and Communications, #22)
Sponsored by the Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology section of the American Sociological Association (CITAMS), this book explores the complex construction of democratic public dialogue in developing countries. Case studies examine national environments defined not only by state censorship and commercial pressure, but also language differences, international influence, social divisions, and distinct value systems. With fresh portraits of new and traditional media through...
The decade of the 1990s is emerging as a major period of transformation in modem history. The Cold War has ended peacefully, but other conflicts-in the Middle East, in Africa, in Latin America-are now replacing the threat of nuclear war. Even in Eastern Europe the transition away from communism may lead to revolutionary situations. In these unstable times, an understanding of revolutions and their causes is a necessity when those directly involved and active observers-journalists, businessmen, m...
Desmond Doyle, 29, a painter and decorator, is married with six children and living in the infamous Fatima Mansions in Dublin in 1953. One day he comes home to find his wife has left him. He decides to go to England to find work and is advised to put his children into the state Industrial Schools system for a short time until he returns. When he returns he is told, to his horror, that the children have been consigned to the state until they are 16. This is the story of how Desmond Doyle fought t...
Civil Society and Democracy Promotion (Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century)
The S&T Innovation Conundrum
by Jill Dahlburg, Eli Zimet, and Timothy Coffey
A full history of the Tunisian revolution, from its roots decades ago to the ongoing process of becoming a democracy GBS_insertPreviewButtonPopup(['ISBN:9780748691036', 'ISBN:9780748691043', 'ISBN:9780748691050', 'ISBN:9780748691067']); From late 2010 to the present day, the Arab world has been shot through with insurrection and revolt. As a result, Tunisia is now seen as the unlikely birthplace and exemplar of the process of democratisation long overdue in the Arab world. Mixing political, hist...
Emancipatory Politics and Armed Struggle in the World Today
by Stefan Feuchtwang and Associate Professor Alpa Shah
In the aftermath of the global economic crisis, we live in a world where people are increasingly looking for the 'spaces of hope' which may point the way to a more equitable world. In this search, Euro-American attention has focused on radical uprisings of people, such as the Arab Spring or the Occupy movement, that are spatially close to us. In fact, in much of the post-colonial world long-standing armed movements for revolutionary change are very much alive. This important book provides an emp...
Us Defence Strategy from Vietnam to Operation Iraqi Freedom (Strategy and History)
by Robert R. Tomes
US Defence Strategy from Vietnam to Operation Iraqi Freedom examines the thirty-year transformation in American military thought and defence strategy that spanned from 1973 through 2003. During these three decades, new technology and operational practices helped form what observers dubbed a 'Revolution in Military Affairs' in the 1990s and a 'New American Way of War' in the 2000s. Robert R. Tomes tells for the first time the story of how innovative approaches to solving battlefield challenges...
Redcoats and Rebels (Penguin Classic Military History S.)
by Christopher Hibbert
This work offers a full-length, popular history of the American War of Independence - the "cruel accursed war" that changed the world forever. The story of this war has usually been told in terms of a conflict between blundering British generals and their rigidly disciplined red-coated troops on the one side, and heroic American patriots in homespun shirts and coonskin caps on the other. Here, the author portrays the realities of a war condemned by thousands of Americans, in which George Washing...
Routledge Handbook of Defence Studies
The Routledge Handbook of Defence Studies provides a comprehensive collection of essays on contemporary defence studies by leading international scholars. Defence studies is a multi-disciplinary study of how agents, predominantly states, prepare for and go to war. Whereas security studies has been broadened and stretched to cover at times the near totality of international and domestic affairs, and war studies has come to mean not just operations and tactics but also experiences and outcomes, d...
Kastom, property and ideology
by Siobhan McDonnell, Matthew G. Allen, and Colin Filer
The present-day Irish Republic was created by a revolutionary elite which developed between 1858 and 1900. This book analyses the social origins of the revolutionaries who became rulers of Ireland after 1921, and examines their political ideologies and prejudices. The author argues that they were heavily influenced not only by ancient agrarian grievances and memories of the Famine, but also by contemporary Catholic abhorrence of the Protestant and secular world represented by England and America...
Stategraphy-the ethnographic exploration of relational modes, boundary work, and forms of embeddedness of actors-offers crucial analytical avenues for researching the state. By exploring interactions and negotiations of local actors in different institutional settings, the contributors explore state transformations in relation to social security in a variety of locations spanning from Russia, Eastern Europe, and the Balkans to the United Kingdom and France. Fusing grounded empirical studies wi...
Building Organisational Capacity in Iranian Civil Society (Praxis Papers, #8)
by Catherine Squire
Migration and Security in an Age of Terror (Global Issues)
by Mark B. Salter