The Student's Companion to Social Policy
This superb Companion provides a comprehensive and up-to-date guide and essential resource to social policy which students will wish to keep as a constant source of reference, inspiration and guidance throughout the course of their degree studies - from their first encounters with the discipline through into employment and advanced study. It seeks to convey the excitement and immediacy of social policy's intellectual and political engagements with the world, and its practical applications in res...
This book examines why press freedom has not become part of the established international human rights debate, despite its centrality to democratic theory. It argues that an unrestricted press is not just an important economic actor, but also an influential power in the political process, a status that interferes with government interests of sustaining their own power and influence. Despite the popularity of ideational explanations in the field of human rights studies, in the case of promoting p...
The Polish Fixed-income Securities Market (World Bank Working Paper)
by Michel Noel, Noritaka Akamatsu, Wladyslaw Jan Brzeski, and Carlo Segni
This title analyzes the recent evolution of the Polish fixed-income securities market, including the money market, the government bond market, and the non-government bond market, focusing in particular on the sub-national bond market. It examines key policy challenges facing the development of the sector, including policies to stimulate the development of the classic repo market, increase the reliability of the government bond yield curve, stimulate the overall development of the non-government...
Despite costing hundreds of billions of dollars and subsidizing everything from homeownership and child care to health insurance, tax expenditures (commonly known as tax loopholes) have received little attention from those who study American government. This oversight has contributed to an incomplete and misleading portrait of U.S. social policy. Here Christopher Howard analyzes the "hidden" welfare state created by such programs as tax deductions for home mortgage interest and employer-provided...
Ethnonationalism in India (Critical Issues in Indian Politics)
Discussing various ethnonational movements in India, including the Northeast, Punjab, and the Kashmir movements, the volume covers their initiation, subsequent trajectory, and the role of the State. The first part provides the context discussing democracy, diversity, and devolution and the containment of social and political power. The second and third parts focus on Kashmir as a legacy of Partition, and the Northeast respectively. Both parts discuss the nature of contest among various forms of...
Children and Forced Migration
This book responds to the reality that children and youth constitute a disproportionately large percentage of displaced populations worldwide. It demonstrates how their hopes and aspirations reflect the transient nature of their age group, and often differ from those of their elders. It also examines how they face additional difficulties due to the inconsistent definition and uneven implementation of the traditional 'durable solutions' to forced migration implemented by national governments and...
Manifest Destiny Im Kalten Krieg (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #216)
by Stefan Krotz and Gotz-Dietrich Opitz
Die religiose Ideologie des Millennialismus hat in der Rhetorik und Dogmatik der Puritaner Neuenglands eine zentrale Rolle gespielt und konnte bis in die Gegenwart hinein vor allem im politischen Diskurs der USA uberleben. Die vorliegende Studie weist mit Hilfe der Methode einer kategoriengestutzten Inhaltsanalyse die flachendeckende Prasenz millennialistischen Gedankenguts in den Inaugurationsreden von Truman bis Bush nach und ermittelt mit Hilfe der Methode einer stilistischen Inhaltsanalyse d...
50 Years of Community Development Vol II (Community Development Research and Practice, #2)
This 50th anniversary publication provides a comprehensive history of community development. Beginning in 1970 with the advent of the Community Development Society and its journal shortly thereafter, Community Development, the editors have placed the chapters in major themed areas or issues pertinent to both research and practice of community development. The evolution of community development as an area of scholarship and application, and the subsequent founding of the discipline, is vital to...
This book argues that in a globalising world in which nation-states have to manage population flows and intensifying cultural diversity within their borders, multicultural policy and approaches have never been more important. The author takes an extended case study approach, examining Australia's experiments with pragmatic forms of multiculturalism and multicultural policy since the early 1970s up to the present. The Public Life of Australian Multiculturalism challenges some larger assump...
Der mexikanische Dichter Octavio Paz ist der Gegenstand einer rasch anwachsenden Sekundarliteratur, verstarkt, seit er 1990 den Literatur-Nobelpreis erhielt. Der Frage, wie er zu seiner heutigen offentlichen Stellung gelangt ist, wird dabei hochst selten nachgegangen. Die vorliegende Arbeit sucht diese Frage im Kontext einer Analyse des korporativistischen Gesellschaftssystems Mexikos zu beantworten, wobei der Werdegang des Dichters in diesem System detailliert nachgezeichnet wird. Die kommunika...
Originally published in 1976, this book highlights the problems faced by many inner-city working class communities in 1970s Britain, with particular reference to the Gairbraid housing clearance area of Maryhill, Glasgow. It examines the policy of local authority re-housing. Both the policy and practice of re-housing is carefully analysed and the efficacy of community action illustrated and discussed.
Gestern Gastarbeiter, Morgen Minderheit (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #169)
by Ulrike Schoneberg and Ulrike Scheoneberg
Migration und ethnischer Pluralismus sind universelle soziale Tatbestande, die in den letzten Jahrzehnten in den westeuropaischen Industrielandern enorm an Bedeutung gewonnen haben. Aus den ursprunglich nur wegen einer zeitweiligen Arbeit Eingewanderten sind auf Dauer anwesende Minderheiten geworden. Der Prozess, in dem eingewanderte Minderheiten sesshaft werden und sich der neuen Umgebung anpassen, ist keineswegs allein als Assimilation oder Angleichung zu verstehen, sondern beinhaltet auch For...
Race, Multiculture and Social Policy
by Alice Bloch, Sarah Neal, and John Solomos
Exploring the relationship between race, multiculture and social policy, this text unpacks theoretical and political debates about social exclusion, social justice and policy intervention. From health to housing, employment to education, the text provides comprehensive analysis of social policy in a multicultural society.
Bringing together international case studies, this book offers theoretical and empirical insights into the interaction between social work and social policy. Moving beyond existing studies on policy practice, the book employs the policy cycle as a core analytical frame and focuses on the influence of social work(ers) in the problem definition, agenda setting, policy formulation and implementation of social policy. Twenty-three contributors offer examples of policy making from seven different c...
Religion and Politics (American University Studies. Series 10: Political Science; 2)
This original and panoramic book proposes that the underlying forces of demography and globalisation will shortly reverse three multi-decade global trends - it will raise inflation and interest rates, but lead to a pullback in inequality. "Whatever the future holds", the authors argue, "it will be nothing like the past". Deflationary headwinds over the last three decades have been primarily due to an enormous surge in the world's available labour supply, owing to very favourable demographic tre...
Human Rights and Foreign Policy (Southampton Studies in International Policy)
This is an exploration of the moral and pragmatic dilemmas involved in the relationships between states in an era of change, derived from a workshop held by the Centre for International Policy Studies. The concern of those present was to examine human rights in the contemporary world.
Can the Welfare State Compete?
The authors examine how the USA, Great Britain, France, Sweden and Germany have responded to the increasing challenge of international competition since the mid-1970s. Apart from in Sweden, the pursuit of competitiveness has undermined economic and social citizenship rights, and this has, in Britain and the USA, engendered an assault upon the idea of the welfare state. Solidarity and social discipline will be severely tested if the welfare state is to remain economically and politically viable i...
The constant drumbeat of headlines about Darfur, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Somalia, as well as the other states in Africa that are beleaguered by political instability have made the causes of failed states and intra-state political conflicts a major issue, both academic and practical. Using Harry Eckstein and Ted R. Gurr's congruence-consonance theoretical framework of regime classification, E.C. Ejiogu examines the internal variations of society evident in the Nigerian state to explain why the country...
A balanced and sophisticated analysis of the true costs, benefits, and consequences of enforcing drug prohibition is presented in this book. Miron argues that prohibition's effects on drug use have been modest and that prohibition has numerous side effects, most of them highly undesirable. In particular, prohibition is shown to directly increase violent crime, even in cases where it deters drug use. Miron's analysis leads to a disturbing finding--the more resources given to the fight against dru...