Race and Social Policy
Social policy is not blind. It has been at the forefront of perpetuating structural inequality in many of the systems charged with serving and protecting. The impact of race on social policy is linked to historical (intended and unintended) patterns of discrimination that have resulted in disparate impact for many across their life course. This book uses critical race theory to examine key social policies. The chapters give primacy to addressing the experiences of African Americans in navigating...
Making Policy Move
by John Clarke, Dave Bainton, Noemi Lendvai, and Paul Stubbs
Responding to increasing interest in the movement of policies between places, sites and settings, this timely book, written by key people in the field, argues that treating policy's movement as an active process of `translation', in which policies are interpreted, inflected and re-worked as they change location, is of critical importance for studying policy.
Children's Rights in International Politics (Transformations of the State)
by A. Holzscheiter
Provides insights into a lively field of international human rights politics - the protection of children and their rights - by looking at the negotiations leading to the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Children, Morality and Society (Studies in Childhood and Youth)
by S. Frankel
This book explores the extent to which children engage with questions of morality, arguing that they are active members of society who have both the capacity and understanding to engage with discourses of morality.
This book examines the contentious subject of human rights in China. However, in contrast to the majority of the literature which focuses on alleged Chinese abuses of human rights, the author examines the emergence and evolution of a Chinese conception of rights, paying attention to the impact of Confucianism, Republicanism, and Marxism on this conception. It is suggested that the joint influence of these doctrines helps to explain, among other things, the contemporary emphasis attached to socio...
Justifying War? (The Sciences Po Series in International Relations and Political Economy)
This book is based on a multinational and multidisciplinary discussion between American and European researchers and practitioners on the moral, legal and political dilemmas raised by the use of force in today's world.
The debate over the size and scope of the federal government has raged from the New Deal right up through the 2016 presidential race. So why have opponents of big government so rarely made political headway? Because they fail to address the fundamental issue. Patrick M. Garry changes that in this short, powerful book. Garry, a law professor and political commentator, reveals six ways in which big government hurts the very people its purports to help: the poor, the working class, and the middle c...
Politische Kultur in Ostdeutschland
by Michael Edinger and Andreas Hallermann
Auch 15 Jahre nach der deutschen Vereinigung haben Ostdeutsche andere Einstellungen zu Demokratie, Parteien und Politikern als die Altbundesburger. Am Beispiel Thuringens werden Struktur und Entwicklung der politischen Kultur in Ostdeutschland untersucht. Das besondere Augenmerk gilt der Frage, inwieweit und warum das demokratische System von den Burgern unterstutzt wird. Hat die (mangelnde) Systemunterstutzung Bedeutung fur die politische Beteiligung und fur den Rechtsextremismus in den neuen L...
This book presents a novel approach to framing the concept of stigma, and understanding why and how it functions. Graham Scambler extends his analysis beyond common social interactionist understandings of stigma by linking experiences to the larger social structure-the political economy. A Sociology of Shame and Blame contends that stigma is being 'weaponised' as part of a calculated political strategy favouring capital accumulation over justice, and addresses how the shame associated with sti...
Spanish Society After Franco investigates the origins of collective social welfare from the early nineteenth century, to set the context for an analysis of contemporary social policy from the perspective of economic and political trends since the transition of democracy in the mid-1970s. The review of policy evolution is complemented by an examination of the critical impact of social change, particularly the decline of the power of the church, regional devolution, the gender dimension and social...
In this "clear, provocative" (Boston Globe) New York Times bestseller, Paul Krugman, today's most widely read economist, examines the past eighty years of American history, from the reforms that tamed the harsh inequality of the Gilded Age and the 1920s to the unraveling of that achievement and the reemergence of immense economic and political inequality since the 1970s. Seeking to understand both what happened to middle-class America and what it will take to achieve a "new New Deal," Krugman ha...
Universities, Inclusive Development and Social Innovation
This book examines the ways in which universities can play a crucial role in inclusive development, social innovation and social entrepreneurship. It aims to prove the importance of inclusive development and inclusive innovation on economic growth and demonstrate the ways in which universities can be pioneers in this area through initiatives in social responsibility and social innovation. For example, providing access to a university education without discrimination of race, gender, income statu...
Economic globalization is a complex phenomenon where the links between social security expenditures and globalization are not well understood so far. This study summarizes new key findings and highlights new theoretical insights in the field of social security systems, labor standards, taxation and economic globalization. Moreover, new thoughts on the links between social security systems and migration as well as between free trade areas and social market economy development are presented. The b...
Piety and Public Funding (Politics and Culture in Modern America)
by Axel R. Sch fer
How is it that some conservative groups are viscerally antigovernment even while enjoying the benefits of government funding? In Piety and Public Funding historian Axel R. Schäfer offers a compelling answer to this question by chronicling how, in the first half century since World War II, conservative evangelical groups became increasingly adept at accommodating their hostility to the state with federal support. Though holding to the ideals of church-state separation, evangelicals gradually took...
Legal Threats to Traditional Marriage
by On The Constitution Subcommittee on the Constitution, On The Judiciary Committee on the Judiciary, House Of Representatives U S House of Representatives, Subcommittee on the Constitution, Committee on the Judiciary, and U S House of Representatives
After the collapse of Japan's bubble-economy in the late 1980s, a wide range of neo-liberal reforms were introduced which dramatically affected the nature of the labour market. These reforms expanded and consolidated a two-tier market, widening the gap between those who benefit from the 'company citizenship' of 'regular' (long-term, secure) employment conditions and those who are increasingly disadvantaged by reduced income and security in the peripheral non-regular system of casual and short-te...
Extractive Industry and the Sustainability of Canada's Arctic Communities
Modern treaties, increased self-government, new environmental assessment rules, co-management bodies, and increased recognition and respect of Indigenous rights make it possible for northern communities to exert some control over extractive industries. Whether these industries can increase the well-being and sustainability of Canada's Arctic communities, however, is still open to question.Extractive Industry and the Sustainability of Canada's Arctic Communities delves into the final research fin...
Governance, Globalization and Public Policy
Governance, Globalization and Public Policy is concerned with exploring the nature of the policy arena in the context of globalization and the reconstitution of the state. The contributors to this book seek to broaden, extend and integrate theoretical, conceptual and substantive policy debates. The book begins by exploring the concepts and perspectives associated with globalization and governance, the relationship between them and the repercussions for public policy and the state. It also cons...
The Evolution of Social Innovation
At a time when governments and civil society organizations are putting ever-greater stock in social innovation as a route to transformation, understanding what characterizes social innovation with transformative potential is important. Exciting and promising ideas seem to die out as often as they take flight, and market mechanisms, which go a long way towards contributing to successful technical innovations, play an insignificant role in social innovations. The cases in this book explore the evo...
Northern Ireland (United Kingdom) (OECD public governance reviews)
Social Policy Review is an annual selection of commissioned articles focusing on developments and debates in social policy in the UK, Europe and internationally. The Review has become recognised as a topical, accessible, well-written and affordable publication and has a substantial readership among social policy teachers, students, researchers and policy makers. Social Policy Review 13 continues the tradition of providing a different style and approach to policy issues from that found in most ac...