Making it Happen in Public Service
by Stephen Prosser, Michael Connolly, Rod Hough, and Kathryn Potter
This book examines the change management strategies and processes employed to ensure that the Labour Government's commitment to devolution became a reality in Wales. It is an account of constitutional, cultural, organizational and human change set within a dynamic political context and is based on unprecedented research access to devolution papers and the politicians and civil servants concerned with the changes.
Statistics of Scientific Procedures on Living Animals Great Britain 1992 (Cm., #2356)
A Lord Donaldson's Assessment (Derbyshire) (Cm., #3128)
by John Francis Donaldson Donaldson of Lymington
Auch nach dem Ende des Kalten Kriegs haben Nuklearwaffen kaum an Bedeutung eingebusst. DeryInternationale Gerichtshof (IGH), das Hauptjustizorgan der Vereinten Nationen, erstellte 1996 ein Gutachten uber die Vereinbarkeit eines Atomwaffeneinsatzes mit dem Voelkerrecht. Thema war weiterhin die Vereinbarkeit der Androhung eines Kernwaffeneinsatzes mit dem Voelkerrecht, somit die juristische Bewertung der Abschreckungspolitik. Die Arbeit stellt dar, wie es 50 Jahre nach den bislang einzigen Nukle...
Annual Report of the Scottish Valuation Advisory Council for the Year Ending 31st December 1986
Government's Expenditure Plans (Command Paper, #4617)
Major's early life was extraordinary; his rise through Parliament meteoric. Soon a favourite of Margaret Thatcher, he became Foreign Secretary and then Chancellor of the Exchequher. When Thatcher fell, he fought and won a shrewd campaign to succeed her. With the difficulties of the Gulf and Maastricht behind him, and the Poll Tax abolished, John Major went on to win a remarkable victory in the General Election of 1992, against the expectations of even his own friends. He brought down inflation a...
An extraordinary manual on statecraft by one of classical India's greatest minds, Kautilya also known as Chanakya and Vishnugupta (BC 350-283) wrote the Arthashastra. He was the man who destroyed the Nanda dynasty and installed Chandragupta Maurya as the King of Magadha. A master strategist, he was well-versed in the Vedas and adept at devising political stratagems. The original book is the most comprehensive treatise of statecraft of all times. The text covers numerous topics, duties and respon...
The Forty-Fourth Ward Assembly (Urban Insights Series; No. 5)
by Greta Salem
Index of Production and Construction for Scotland (Statistical bulletin)
Social and Organizational Developments Through Emerging e-government Applications
Social and Organizational Developments through Emerging E-Government Applications: New Principles and Concepts investigates emerging issues in e-government research, development, and implementation, offering insights into enhanced security, citizen-centered e-government efforts, and specific e-government deployments on local and national levels.
The Community Service in Scotland (Central Research Unit papers)
by George J. Duguid
The Government's Expenditure Plans within the Energy Sector (Cm., #1905)
Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organisation (Cm.: Treaty series: 1996: 3077: no. 19)
Brechas y estandares de gobernanza de la infraestructura publica en Chile
by Oecd