'An exceptional account.' Prospect'Enlightening.' SpectatorFor the first time in millennia we live without formal empires. But that doesn't mean we don't feel their presence rumbling through history. The Great Imperial Hangover examines how the world's imperial legacies are still shaping the thorniest issues we face today. From Russia's incursions in the Ukraine to Brexit; from Trump's 'America-first' policy to China's forays into Africa; from Modi's India to the hotbed of the Middle East, Puri...
A gripping narrative and a savvy, incisive analysis of the power struggle for the world's remaining energy sources.
The Turkish Arms Embargo (Studies in Conflict, Diplomacy, and Peace)
by James F. Goode
In August 1974, while Richard Nixon resigned and Gerald Ford began a prolonged battle with Congress over executive power, a crisis was occurring in Cyprus. Desperate to shore up its declining popularity with a foreign policy triumph, the military government of Greece tried to overthrow the government of the independent island nation. In response, the Republic of Turkey invaded Cyprus in order to protect Turkish Cypriots. The invasion led to the downfall of the junta in Athens, the beginning of a...
Uruguay Round Results and the Emerging Trade Agenda
by United Nations: Conference on Trade and Development
China has been holding its annual China International Import Expo (CIIE), starting from 2018 in Shanghai. This is a significant move for China to actively open the Chinese market to the rest of the world as this supports trade liberalization and economic globalization This book systematically expounds the background and content of CIIE, and studies the opportunities that China's expansion of imports brings to its economy, enterprises, consumers and to that of other countries. It elaborates on ho...
Effective Crisis Response and Openness
The world has now faced the most severe global economic crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Governments have responded to the crisis with many initiatives, often with implications for the openness of their national economies to global markets. While the primary objectives have been to support demand and thus economic activity and employment, recognition of cross-border spillovers has led to calls for international cooperation and to refrain from beggar-thy-neighbour measures. Arguabl...
The WTO, Agriculture and Sustainable Development
Despite the Doha declaration of November 2001, the failure to start a new round of global trade negotiations at Seattle in December 1999 and the hostility of protesters to the trade liberalization process and growing global economic and social disparities was a wake-up call for the World Trade Organisation (WTO). The ambitious goal of this ground-breaking book is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of liberalized world trade, in particular in the agricultural sector, and to investigate to w...
Canada and the United States exchange the world's highest level of bilateral trade, valued at $1.4 billion a day. Two-thirds of this trade travels on trucks. Heavy Traffic examines the way in which the regulatory reform of American and Canadian trucking, coupled with free trade, has internationalized this vital industry. Before deregulation, restrictive entry rules had fostered two separate national highway transportation markets, and most international traffic had to be exchanged at the border...
Trade and Navigation between Spain and the Indies in the Time of the Hapsburgs (Harvard Economic Studies, #19)
by Clarence Henry Haring
Brilliantly illuminating one of the least-understood areas of American history, best-selling author Eric Jay Dolin now traces our fraught relationship with China back to its roots: the unforgiving nineteenth-century seas that separated a brash, rising naval power from a battered ancient empire. It is a prescient fable for our time, one that surprisingly continues to shed light on our modern relationship with China. Indeed, the furious trade in furs, opium, and beche-de-mer-a rare sea cucumber de...
Free Trade Area of the Americas- Regional Economic Integration (Brazil)
by Naval Postgraduate School
Trade Policy Reviews (Trade policy review)
Protective tariffs were part of American life long before the era of NAFTA and GATT. In the late nineteenth century, the "tariff question" was one of the most controversial issues of the day. As Joanne Reitano shows in this far-reaching study, the ensuing debate was anything but an empty exercise in political rhetoric occupying only politicians and lobbyists. The tariff was of central concern to a broad cross section of people because of its perceived relationship to immediate economic problems,...
Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Asia
Distortions to Agricultural incentives in Asia is the third volume in a series of books that brings together analytical narratives of the evolution over the past half-century of policy-imposed distortions to farmer incentives and food prices in 80 countries. Drawing on new consistent set of estimates spanning 90 percent of the world's agricultural markets. The first two titles in the series focus on Europe's transitional economies and Latin America. Future titles will focus on Africa and the dis...
The Annual Report 2020 provides a comprehensive account of the WTO's activities in 2019. The report begins with a message from WTO Director-General Roberto Azevedo. This is followed by a brief overview of 2019 and more in-depth accounts of the WTO's various areas of activity over the past 12 months. Spotlights highlight major WTO events and activities.
Critical Materials
by Richard Silberglitt, James T Bartis, Brian G Chow, David L. An, and Kyle Brady
Examen Des Politiques Commerciales 2017: Uemoa
by World Tourism Organization
Each Trade Policy Review consists of three parts: a report by the government under review, a report written independently by the WTO Secretariat, and the concluding remarks by the chair of the Trade Policy Review Body. A highlights section provides an overview of key trade facts. 15 to 20 new review titles are published each year. The reviews consist of detailed chapters examining the trade policies and practices of the member and describing trade policy-making institutions and the macroeconomic...
After Helsinki (Executive Intelligence Review, #45)
by Lyndon H Larouche Jr
The New Systems Competition (Yrjo Jahnsson Lectures, #1)
by Hans-Werner Sinn
Competition between companies tends to be beneficial for the general public, but is this also true for competition between states in a world with global financial markets, low transport costs, and increasing migration? In this book, Sinn provides a solid economic analysis of the competitive forces at work and addresses how they affect public goods provision, income redistribution, environmental policy, safety standards, banking regulation and even competition policy itself. Identifying the defic...
The international trading system remains a locus of fierce social conflict. The protesters who besiege gatherings of its managers-most famously on the streets of Seattle at the turn of the millennium-regard it with suspicion and hostility, as a threat to their livelihoods, an enemy of global justice, and their grievances are exploited by populist statesmen peddling their own mercantilist agendas. If we are to support the trading system, we must first assure ourselves that it can withstand moral...
Globalization and the Environment
The WTO has laid the foundations for a new era of trade relations, and increased trade liberalization has improved global efficiency in production and consumption. The strengthening of trade rules, however, has increased the scope for disputes over interpretations of more extensive and complicated agreements, and has spilt over into environmental and scientific matters. One of the unforeseen consequences of the WTO agreements has been controversy over risk. This volume explores aspects of r...