Die Interessenkonstellation der Beteiligten in der aktuellen Diskussion um eine Reform des deutschen Foederalismus
by Markus Heindl
Defense Policies of East-Central European Countries After 1989
by James W. Peterson and Jacek Lubecki
The 2014 Ukrainian-Crimean crisis has raised serious questions in the West about Russian motivations and future policy directions. Now more than ever, it is imperative to explore the defensive perceptions, reactions, and preparations of neighbouring countries, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia. Is there a convergence of their approaches along similar paths, or do their different cultures and historical experiences prefigure a divergence of their defense policies? While Slovakia...
With the stability of the European Union under threat and tensions between the national and supranational increasing, what will happen to the EU party system?For the internationalist European left, European integration and the role of transnational parties represent a central contention and concern. In May 2004, the European radical left, representing parties to the left of social democracy and the Green party family, created the transnational European Left Party (EL), uniting parties like the G...
Die Kompensationsfunktion Des Eu-Haushalts Und Deren Implikationen Fur Die Finanzverhandlungen 2007-2013
by Daniela Pulst
Since the attacks of September 11, 2001 a complex web of international structures and rules for the fight against transnational terrorism has emerged. However, previous research disregarded the organizational basis of counterterrorism cooperation. Using the example of bureaucratic actors in the United Nations and the European Union, this study examines how and to what degree international counterterrorism bureaucracies exercise autonomy and perform distinct functions. The book reveals the spec...
Ethnonationalism in India (Critical Issues in Indian Politics)
Discussing various ethnonational movements in India, including the Northeast, Punjab, and the Kashmir movements, the volume covers their initiation, subsequent trajectory, and the role of the State. The first part provides the context discussing democracy, diversity, and devolution and the containment of social and political power. The second and third parts focus on Kashmir as a legacy of Partition, and the Northeast respectively. Both parts discuss the nature of contest among various forms of...
This book problematises China's current policies towards Tibet and Taiwan and offers a fresh democratic approach. When it comes to talking about democracy in China, Chinese nationalists argue that it cannot solve China's problems, while Chinese liberals remain unduly silenced. But China is facing a national identity crisis, compounded by Tibet and Taiwan, where significant proportions of both populations do not identify with the Chinese nation state. Could democracy realistically address the pro...
Who were the classical Greeks? Paul Cartledge examines the Greeks in terms of their own self-image, mainly as it was presented by the supposedly objective historians - Herodotus, Thucydides and Xenophon. The Greeks were the inventors of history as it is understood today, just as they are the cultural ancestors of the West in so many other ways. Yet their historiography remained rooted in myth. The mental and material context of many of the inventions of Greek achievement which are rightly treasu...
Recent bombing campaigns and peacekeeping efforts have achieved a fragile and uncertain peace in Kosovo. However, NATO will need help from both the European Union and the United Nations to create and maintain a lasting peace in the region. An expert in the affairs of the troubled region, Rezun traveled to the crisis zone to interview Kosovar refugees and foreign statesmen. He offers a sharp critique of the conflict, taking NATO and the entire Western Alliance to task and emphasizing the villaino...
Inschriftliche Gesetzestexte Der Fr hen Griechischen Polis (Akten Der Gesellschaft F r Griechische Und Hellenistische Re, #9)
by Reinhard Koerner
Die Studie untersucht den Wandel der EU-AKP-Kooperation und analysiert ihn als Wandel der Regierungsweisen, in dessen Folge sich charakteristische liberale und postliberale Gouvernementalitaten herausbilden. Dies meint den UEbergang von einem nachkolonialen protektionistischen Regierungsmodell hin zu einer Governance-Variante, die von der Eigenverantwortlichkeit und Gleichheit der Akteure ausgeht und mit harmonisierenden und (selbst)disziplinierenden Politiken arbeitet. Ein wesentliches Moment f...
Der Band betrachtet den EU-Haushalt als politoekonomisches Phanomen und fullt eine Lucke in der Literatur, die den EU-Haushalt vorwiegend aus fiskalfoederalistischer Sicht untersucht. Der erste Teil dieses Buches befasst sich mit der Herleitung und Begrundung der Kompensationsfunktion des EU-Haushaltes. Dabei dient der liberale Intergouvernementalismus als Integrationsparadigma, das mit den Theorien der Neuen Politischen OEkonomie verbunden wird. Angelehnt an den historischen Verlauf der europai...
Foerdermittel statt Beitrittsperspektive (Nomos Universitatsschriften - Politik, #162)
by Victoria Reinhardt
Dieser Band stellt die Entwicklung der Beziehungen zwischen der EU und Moldova u.a. auf der Basis einer Auswertung von Ergebnissen aus der Feldforschung, einschliesslich zahlreicher Interviews mit zentralen Akteuren beider Seiten dar. Es werden Bestimmungsfaktoren zur Entfaltung der Foerderpotentiale analysiert, Lernprozesse erlautert und eine Perspektive fur die Beziehungen mit dem Fazit dargestellt: "Foerdermittel statt Beitrittsperspektive" - gut gemeint, aber nicht effektiv. Das Buch richtet...
OSZE-Jahrbuch 2006
Mit dem OSZE-Jahrbuch 2006 liegt erneut eine Fulle sachkundiger Beitrage vor, die uber die Organisation, ihre Arbeit, die vielfaltigen Themen, mit denen sie sich befasst, und uber die Staaten, deren aktive Teilnahme sie erst mit Leben erfullt, berichten. Die zwoelfte Ausgabe des Jahrbuchs gibt u. a. Einblick in die Tatigkeit des OSZE-Beauftragten fur Medienfreiheit, fasst den Stand der Reformen in der OSZE zusammen und untersucht die Fortschritte - oder auch Ruckschritte - bei der Loesung der "...
Centuries of Genocide
The fourth edition of Centuries of Genocide: Essays and Eyewitness Accounts addresses examples of genocides perpetrated in the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries. Each chapter of the book is written by a recognized expert in the field, collectively demonstrating a wide range of disciplinary perspectives. The book is framed by an introductory essay that spells out definitional issues, as well as the promises, complexities, and barriers to the prevention and intervention of genocide...
Internationalisierte Welten Der Bildung (Wirtschafts- Und Sozialpolitik, #16)
Inequality, Grievances, and Civil War (Cambridge Studies in Contentious Politics)
by Lars-Erik Cederman, Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, and Halvard Buhaug
This book argues that political and economic inequalities following group lines generate grievances that in turn can motivate civil war. Lars-Erik Cederman, Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, and Halvard Buhaug offer a theoretical approach that highlights ethnonationalism and how the relationship between group identities and inequalities are fundamental for successful mobilization to resort to violence. Although previous research highlighted grievances as a key motivation for political violence, contemp...
A Liberal's Search for Truth, Justice and the American Way
by David W. Williams
This three-volume reference on terrorism in the 20th century places this growing phenomenon in the context of modern history. It provides students with both detailed information and the historical perspective tie terrorism to the high school and college curriculum. "Volume 1" defines terrorism, explores the historical perspective from the dawn of Western Civilisation through World War II, and discusses specific activities of modern terrorist groups. "Volume 2" focuses on the developing world, wi...