Exotics and Retrospectives (Lafcadio Hearn Library, v. 5)
by Lafcadio Hearn
The Garden of Bright Waters; One Hundred and Twenty Asiatic Love Poems
by E Powys Mathers
A new edition of the most widely known and popular collection of Japanese poetry.The best-loved and most widely read of all Japanese poetry collections, the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu contains 100 short poems on nature, the seasons, travel, and, above all, love. Dating back to the seventh century, these elegant, precisely observed waka poems (the precursor of haiku) express deep emotion through visual images based on a penetrating observation of the natural world. Peter MacMillan's new translation o...
A reprint of the famous collection of Japanese historical stories, fairy tales, customs, and traditions, compiled by one of the first foreign diplomats in Japan.
On the Manners and Customs of the Loochooans
by Basil Hall Chamberlain
Basho stands today as Japan’s most renowned writer, and one of the most revered. Wherever Japanese literature, poetry or Zen are studied, his oeuvre carries weight. Every new student of haiku quickly learns that Basho was the greatest of the Old Japanese Masters. Yet despite his stature, Basho’s complete haiku have not been collected into a single volume. Until now. To render the writer’s full body of work into English, Jane Reichhold, an American haiku poet and translator, dedicated over ten...
Matsuo Basho (1644-1694) is widely acknowledged as the greatest of all the Japanese haiku poets. In the original Japanese, the two defining features of the haiku form are its 5-7-5 sound unit format (the syllable being the corresponding unit in English) and its rhythm. This selection of three hundred of Basho's finest haiku represents the first successful strict translation into English haiku of what was actually written, some 350 years ago, by a genius of the form. The renditions are beautiful;...