Max Weber and Charles Peirce: At the Crossroads of Science, Philosophy, and Culture shows that a relational conception of science is implicit in Max Weber's reflections on scientific inquiry as a bridge between the Geisteswissenschaften (soft sciences) and Naturwissenschaften (hard sciences). Because he is not a trained philosopher, Weber does not have the precise philosophical language in which to articulate his ideas clearly. Consequently, his relational vision of science remains obscure. Basi...
Determinism, Death, and Meaning (Routledge Studies in Metaphysics)
by Stephen Maitzen
This book offers new arguments for determinism. It draws novel and surprising consequences from determinism for our attitudes toward such things as death, regret, grief, and the meaning of life. The book argues that rationalism is the right attitude to take toward reality. It then shows that rationalism implies determinism and that determinism has surprising and far-reaching consequences. The author contends that the existence of all of humanity almost certainly depends on the precise time and...
Spinoza's Radical Theology: The Metaphysics of the Infinite
by Charlie Huenemann
Figs Notebook Large Size 8.5 x 11 Ruled 150 Pages Softcover
by Wild Pages Press
Phenomenology, Institution and History (Continuum Studies in Continental Philosophy)
by Stephen H. Watson
This is a new monograph examining Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology and its implications for historical rationality and the community. Maurice Merleau-Ponty is widely known for his emphasis on embodied perceptual experience. This emphasis initially relied heavily on the positive results of Gestalt psychology in addressing issues in philosophical psychology and philosophy of mind from a phenomenological standpoint. However, far less work has been done in addressing his evolving conception of how such...
Transcendentalism never came to an end in America. It just went underground for a stretch, but is back in full force in Robert Brandom's new book. Brandom takes up Kant and Hegel and explores their contemporary significance as if little time had expired since intellectuals gathered around Emerson in Concord to discuss reason and idealism, selves, freedom, and community. Brandom's discussion belongs to a venerable tradition that distinguishes us as rational animals, and philosophy by its concern...
Between Faith and Reason is a description of the interaction between our need to believe and our ability to reason. Faced with a reality that threatens him emotionally, man develops and adheres to articles of faith that help him cope with that reality. But unable to forego his thinking ability, he also questions and undermines the same faith he creates. Hence, his existence is a constant tug-of-war between his need to believe and his capacity to think; between faith and reason. The author c...
This is a concise commentary on Kant's aims and arguments in his celebrated "First Critique", within the context of the dominant schools of philosophy of his time. "How is Nature Possible?: Kant's Project in the First Critique" presents a clear and systematic appraisal of what is perhaps the most difficult treatise in the philosophical canon. Daniel N. Robinson situates Kant's undertaking in the "First Critique" within the context of the history of philosophy and as a response to the challenges...
Philosophische Versuche Uber Die Menschliche Natur Und Ihre Entwickelung (Werkprofile, #5)
by Johann Nikolaus Tetens
Der Traum in Der Fruhen Neuzeit (Fr He Neuzeit, #143)
by Claire Gantet
A Companion to Rationalism (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy, #38)
This book is a wide-ranging examination of rationalist thought in philosophy from ancient times to the present day. It is written by a superbly qualified cast of philosophers. This book: critically analyzes the concept of rationalism; focuses principally on the golden age of rationalism in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries; and, also covers ancient rationalism, nineteenth-century rationalism, and rationalist themes in recent thought. It is organized chronologically. Various philosop...
The Philosophy of Spinoza - Special Edition
by Benedictus De Spinoza
Reflexions Curieuses d'Un Esprit Des-Interresse Sur Les Matieres Importantes Au Salut (Ed.1678) (Religion)
by Benedictus De Spinoza
In Praise of Reason (In Praise of Reason) (The MIT Press)
by Michael P. Lynch
Why does reason matter, if (as many people seem to think) in the end everything comes down to blind faith or gut instinct? Why not just go with what you believe even if it contradicts the evidence? Why bother with rational explanation when name-calling, manipulation, and force are so much more effective in our current cultural and political landscape? Michael Lynch's In Praise of Reason offers a spirited defense of reason and rationality in an era of widespread skepticism -- when, for example,...
Zizek and Heidegger (Continuum Studies in Continental Philosophy)
by Thomas Brockelman
Filling a genuine gap in Zizek interpretation - through examining his relationship with Martin Heidegger, the author offers a new and useful overview of Zizek's work."Zizek and Heidegger" offers a radical new interpretation of the work of Slavoj Zizek, one of the world's leading contemporary thinkers, through a study of his relationship with the work of Martin Heidegger. Thomas Brockelman argues that Zizek's oeuvre is largely a response to Heidegger's philosophy of finitude, an immanent critique...
Re-Thinking the Cogito (Continuum Studies in Philosophy)
by Christopher Norris
Christopher Norris argues for and constructs a new approach to philosophy of mind that combines naturalistic and rationalist perspectives usually thought to be at odds. "Re-Thinking the Cogito" seeks to combine a strongly naturalistic with a distinctively rationalist perspective on some nowadays much-discussed issues in philosophy of mind. Against the common view that they involve downright incompatible conceptions of mind, knowledge and ethics it seeks to unite a naturalism that draws on recent...
Collected here in this omnibus edition are Immanuel Kant's three most important works on the Metaphysics of Morals and Ethics. Included are Kant: Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, Introduction to the Metaphysic of Morals, and The Metaphysical Elements of Ethics. Kant's Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals is one of the most important works in modern moral philosophy. It belongs beside Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, and Hobbes. Here Kant sets out to articulate and defend the...