We believe with the publication of our Lexicon Spinozanum, that we are meeting a need in Spinoza historiography which has been pointed out by scholars, but has never before been satisfied. In the intro duction of his Spinozas philosophische Terminologie (Leipzig, 1913), G. T. Richter promised "a Spinozistic Lexicon in which the meaning of each term is set out on an historical basis in alphabetical order". In 1924, in the Report, i.e., Nachbericht, of his four volume edition of the complete work...
Locke's Philosophy
Three hundred years after his major publications, John Locke remains one of the most potent philosophical influences in the world today. His epistemology has become embedded in our everyday presumptions about the world, and his political theory lies at the heart of the liberal democratic state. This collection by a distinguished international group of scholars looks both at core areas of Locke's philosophy and political theory and at areas not usually discussed--the links between Locke's philoso...
C.S. Peirce's System of Science (Peirce Studies, #7)
by Frances Williams Scott
Wahrheitstheorien. Korrespondenztheorie der Wahrheit und Pragmatische Wahrheitstheorie
by Laura Endrizzi
Meetings sets forth the life of one of the twentieth-century's greatest spiritual philosophers in his own words. A glittering series of reflections and narratives, it seeks not to describe his life in its full entirety, but rather to convey some of his defining moments of uncertainty, revelation and meaning. Recalling the question on the infinity of space and time which nearly drove Buber to suicide at the age of fourteen, his adolescent 'seduction' by Nietzsche's work, his hero-worship of Ferdi...
Socrates wrote nothing; Plato's accounts of Socrates helped to establish western politics, ethics, and metaphysics. Both have played crucial and dramatically changing roles in western culture. In the last two centuries, the triumph of democracy has led many to side with the Athenians against a Socrates whom they were right to kill. Meanwhile, the Cold War gave us polar images of Plato as both a dangerous totalitarian and an escapist intellectual. This book is framed by accounts of modern respons...
Heidegger's Unsaid Nietzsche explores the necessary terrain of untranslated and recently translated seminars (GA 46, the second text of GA 50, and GA 87) that have been largely excluded from the 1961 Nietzsche collection (GA 6). Not only have these seminars been omitted from scholarship into Heidegger's reading of Nietzsche and the Heidegger-Nietzsche relationship, but they represent what can be called Heidegger's "unsaid Nietzsche," in light of their obscurity, if all of Heidegger's other work...
John Locke and Personal Identity (Continuum Studies in British Philosophy)
by K. Joanna S. Forstrom
This landmark collection will explore the origins and foundations of music education across five continents. The introduction of music as a compulsory subject in schools is of unique significance for music educationists and researchers. However, their shared knowledge of this phenomenon is fragmentary and there is consequently a need for more comprehensive documentation and analysis of the foundational aspect of school music from a variety of international perspectives. Origins and Foundations o...
Ricoeur, Hermeneutics, and Globalization (Continuum Studies in Continental Philosophy)
by Bengt Kristensson Uggla
Ricoeur, Hermeneutics and Globalization explores the philosophical resources provided by Paul Ricoeur's hermeneutics in dealing with the challenges of a world framed by globalization. Bengt Kristensson Uggla's reflections start from an understanding of globalization as an 'age of hermeneutics', linking the seldom related problematic of globalization with hermeneutics through Ricoeur's concept of interpretation. The book proceeds to embrace lifelong learning as the emerging new life script of the...
Esprit de corps has played a significant role in the cultural and political history of the last 300 years. Through several historical case studies, Luis de Miranda shows how this phrase acts as a combat concept with a clear societal impact. He also reveals how interconnected, yet distinct, French, English and American modern intellectual and political thought is. In the end, this is a cautionary analysis of past and current ideologies of ultra-unified human ensembles, a recurrent historical and...
Aufklärung und Mythos in Ernst Cassirers Philosophie der Aufklärung
by Jonathan Arriola
This accessible and highly readable book is the first full--length biography of Hegel to be published since the largely outdated treatments of the nineteenth century. Althaus draws on new historical material and scholarly sources about the life and times of this most enigmatic and influential of modern philosophers. He paints a living portrait of a thinker whose personality was more complex than is often imagined, and shows that Hegela s relation to his revolutionary times was also more ambiguou...
Recent years have seen a growth of interest in the great English idealist thinker T. H. Green (1836-82) as philosophers have begun to overturn received opinions of his thought and to rediscover his original and important contributions to ethics, metaphysics, and political philosophy. This collection of essays by leading experts, all but one published here for the first time, introduces and critically examines his ideas both in their context and in their relevance to contemporary debates.
Martin Heidegger is one of the most influential figures of twentieth-century philosophy but his reputation was tainted by his associations with Nazism. The posthumous publication of the Black Notebooks, which reveal the shocking extent of Heidegger’s anti-Semitism, has only cast further doubt on his work. Now more than ever, a new introduction to Heidegger is needed to reassess his work and legacy. This book by the world-leading Heidegger scholar Peter Trawny is the first introduction to take in...
The Typic in Kant's "Critique of Practical Reason" (Kantstudien-Erganzungshefte)
by Adam Westra
In a short chapter of the Critique of Practical Reason entitled "On the Typic of the Pure Practical Power of Judgment," Kant addresses a crucial problem facing his theory of moral judgment: How can we represent the supersensible moral law so as to apply it to actions in the sensible world? Despite its importance to Kant's project, previous studies of the Typic have been fragmentary, disparate, and contradictory. This book provides a detailed commentary on the Typic, elucidating how it enables mo...