Anhang Zu Dem Buche, Die Parabase Und Die Zwischenakte Der Alt-Attischen Komoedie (Classic Reprint)
by Carl Agthe
Substantiality and Causality (Philosophische Analyse / Philosophical Analysis, #60)
This book addresses contemporary problems on substantiality and causality. After presenting rival approaches to substantiality and causality - a traditional, ontological view vs. a transcendental one - it presents studies of substance as showing causal aspects and of causality, showing its reference to the category of substance. The last section contains studies of extension as a conceptual background of both substantiality and causality.
Aristotle, the Categories on Interpretation, And, Prior Analytics (Classic Reprint)
by Aristotle Aristotle
Philosophy of everybody's business. As human beings, we all have the ability, and even the proclivity, to philosophize. We all engage in philosphical thought in the course of our daily live. What is philosophy? Why is it important? The importance of philosophy can be summed up in two words: Great Ideas. Great Ideas are the ideas that have been captured and developed in what are often called the Great Books of Western Civilization. They are common concepts that are a part of everyone's vocabulary...
Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Representation & Reasoning)
by Judea Pearl
Textbook offers an accessible account of the theoretical foundations and computational methods that underlie plausible reasoning under uncertainty. For graduate-level courses in AI, operations research, and applied probability. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.
The Exoteric Square of Opposition (Studies in Universal Logic)
The theory of the square of opposition has been studied for over 2,000 years and has seen a resurgence in new theories and research since the second half of the twentieth century. This volume collects papers presented at the Sixth World Congress on the Square of Opposition, held in Crete in 2018, developing an interdisciplinary exploration of the theory. Chapter authors explore subjects such as Aristotle’s ontological square, logical oppositions in Avicenna’s hypothetical logic, and the power of...
REA's Essentials provide quick and easy access to critical information in a variety of different fields, ranging from the most basic to the most advanced. As its name implies, these concise, comprehensive study guides summarize the essentials of the field covered. Essentials are helpful when preparing for exams, doing homework and will remain a lasting reference source for students, teachers, and professionals. Logic covers the basic concepts of logic, including sentences, arguments, and the eva...
This book is dedicated to V.A. Yankov’s seminal contributions to the theory of propositional logics. His papers, published in the 1960s, are highly cited even today. The Yankov characteristic formulas have become a very useful tool in propositional, modal and algebraic logic. The papers contributed to this book provide the new results on different generalizations and applications of characteristic formulas in propositional, modal and algebraic logics. In particular, an exposition of Yankov’s...
Modal Logic (Oxford Logic Guides, #35)
by Alexander Chagrov and Michael Zakharyaschev
For a novice this book is a mathematically-oriented introduction to modal logic, the discipline within mathematical logic studying mathematical models of reasoning which involve various kinds of modal operators - `like it is necessary' in philosophy, `it is believed' in cognitive science, `it is provable' in mathematics and `it is true after executing a program' in computer science. It is an advanced text which starts with very fundamental concepts and gradually proceeds to the front line of cu...
Categories of Being
This edited volume is a comprehensive presentation of views on the relations between metaphysics and logic from Aristotle through twentieth century philosophers who contributed to the return of metaphysics in the analytic tradition. The collection combines interest in logic and its history with interest in analytical metaphysics and the history of metaphysical thought. By so doing, it adds both to the historical understanding of metaphysical problems and to contemporary research in the field. Th...
This comprehensive account of the concept and practices of deduction is the first to bring together perspectives from philosophy, history, psychology and cognitive science, and mathematical practice. Catarina Dutilh Novaes draws on all of these perspectives to argue for an overarching conceptualization of deduction as a dialogical practice: deduction has dialogical roots, and these dialogical roots are still largely present both in theories and in practices of deduction. Dutilh Novaes' account a...
Degrees of Belief (Synthese Library, #342) (Synthese Library (Paperback), #342)
This book has grown out of a conference on "Degrees of Belief" that was held at the University of Konstanz in July 2004, organised by Luc Bovens, Wolfgang Spohn, and the editors. The event was supported by the German Research Fo- dation (DFG), the Philosophy, Probability, and Modeling (PPM) Group, and the CenterforJuniorResearchFellows(since2008:Zukunftskolleg)attheUniversityof Konstanz. The PPM Group itself - of which the editors were members at the time - was sponsored by a So a Kovalevskaja A...
A Boole Anthology (Synthese Library, #291)
Modern mathematical logic would not exist without the analytical tools first developed by George Boole in The Mathematical Analysis of Logic and The Laws of Thought. The influence of the Boolean school on the development of logic, always recognised but long underestimated, has recently become a major research topic. This collection is the first anthology of works on Boole. It contains two works published in 1865, the year of Boole's death, but never reprinted, as well as several classic s...
Logik Und Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie (Husserliana: Edmund Husserl - Gesammelte Werke, #30)
by Edmund Husserl and Ursula Panzer
Veroeffentlicht wird in dem vorliegenden Husserliana-Band die letzte Textfassung einer Vorlesung, die Husserl erstmals im Wintersemester 1910/11 unter dem Titel `Logik als Theorie der Erkenntnis' gehalten hat. Aufbauend auf dem in seinen Vorlesungen `Einleitung in die Logik und Erkenntnistheorie' von 1906/07 (Husserliana XXIV) und `Grundprobleme der Ethik' (Husserliana XXVIII) Erarbeiteten, entfaltet Husserl in der hier veroeffentlichten Vorlesung von 1910/11 die allgemeine Idee der Wissenschaft...
Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Logic and Science Facing the New Technologies