Diary of a Philosophy Student (Beauvoir)
by Margaret A Simons and Simone de Beauvoir
Revelatory insights into the early life and thought of the preeminent French feminist philosopher Dating from her years as a philosophy student at the Sorbonne, this is the 1926-27 diary of the teenager who would become the famous French philosopher, author, and feminist, Simone de Beauvoir. Written years before her first meeting with Jean-Paul Sartre, these diaries reveal previously unknown details about her life and offer critical insights into her early philosophy and literary works. Present...
Dr. M. Scott Peck has inspired millions by combining the deepest insights of psychiatry with those of religion. In this second of a three volume audio series based on his best-selling book People of the Lie, Dr. Peck once again integrates religious teaching with the science of psychology as he offers hope for healing one of society's most persistent failings -- human evil. In this second volume, Dr. Peck uses real-life examples to demonstrate how we can be dramatically affected by the presen...
Stanley Cavell, Religion, and Continental Philosophy (Indiana Series in the Philosophy of Religion)
by Espen Dahl
Gay Science (Dover Philosophical Classics)
by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Autobiography and the Existential Self
In recent years, critical attention has become increasingly focused on autobiography. The impact of this enquiry is not exclusively confined to comparative literature studies and literary theory and criticism, but has also been extended to philosophy, sociology, feminist studies, psychoanalysis, social history, and cultural studies. This volume examines specifically the autobiographical writings of the various French existentialist' (and related) authors, and includes discussions of already well...
In this volume, Joseph Catalano offers an in-depth exploration of Jean-Paul Sartre's four major philosophical writings: Being and Nothingness, Saint Genet: Actor and Martyr, The Critique of Dialectical Reason, and The Family Idiot. These works have been immensely influential, but they are long and difficult and thus challenging for both students and scholars. Catalano here demonstrates the interrelation of these four works, their internal logic, and how they provide insights into important but o...
Soren Kierkegaard was a Danish philosopher, theologian, literary stylist and social critic. Born in 1813 in Copenhagen, his philosophical work addressed living as a single individual and the importance of personal choice. A famously fierce critic of the idealist thinkers of his time, including Hegel, Goethe, and Hans Christian Anderson, he is regarded as the first existentialist philosopher, and his Fear and Trembling is one of the classics of modern philosophy. Here you will find insights from...
In January 2012, creative writing professor and novelist Kyle Beachy published one of his first essays on skate culture, an exploration of how Nike's corporate strategy successfully gutted the once-mighty independent skate shoe market. Beachy has since established himself as skate culture's freshest, most illuminating, at times most controversial voice, writing candidly about the increasingly popular and fast-changing pastime he first picked up as a young boy and has continued to practice well i...
Existentialism, Second Edition concentrates on the "big four" existentialists - Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Sartre - while providing a strong sense of the breadth and variety of existentialist thought. In this edition, Solomon provides new translations of Kierkegaard, even more extensive Heidegger and Sartre selections, and a bit more Nietzsche. He retains a sense of the rich variety of existentialist thought and writing by adding such world figures as Miguel de Unamuno, Rainer Marie...
The Tragic Discourse L'Experience Du Tragique (European Connections, #26)
Best-known for her novels and longer philosophical works, Iris Murdoch was also a brilliant essayist, and produced classic pieces on a wide range of philosophical and literary subjects. Through essays such as `Existentialists and Mystics' she helped to create a new climate of thought in the post-war years, by bringing existentialism to British consciousness, and subjecting it to rigorous criticism. She has also contributed her own original philosophical thought, in the fields of metaphisics and...
The Continuum Companion to Existentialism (Bloomsbury Companions) (Continuum Companions)
The Continuum Companion to Existentialism offers the definitive guide to a key area of modern European philosophy. The book covers the fundamental questions asked by existentialism, providing valuable guidance for students and researchers to some of the many important and enduring contributions of existentialist thinkers. Specially commissioned essays from an international team of experts explore existentialism's relationship to philosophical method; ontology; politics; psychoanalysis; ethics; r...
Der Mensch ist Natur und Geschichte. In unserer Welt ist er ein gespaltenes Wesen: er wird nicht aus seiner Natur vom Selbst sondern von seiner "Maske", dem "Ich" bestimmt. Dieses infiltriert das individuelle Selbst mit den ideologischen Inhalten, die es in seiner geschichtlichen Welt als "Wahrheiten" erwerben muss. Obgleich sie nur auf Zeit gelten, richten sie sich im Menschen oft dauerhaft ein. Wir begreifen uns aus dem, was wir sein sollen und vergessen dabei nach und nach, wer wir wirklich s...
Wille Zur Phantasie (Philosophie Und Geschichte Der Wissenschaften, #63)
by Sandra Baquedano Jer
Das "Nichts" bei Schopenhauer auszuloten, ist Folge der Bewusstwerdung, dass viele Psychopathologien existieren, in denen sich verschiedene Beschreibungen der Depersonalisierung und der Persoenlichkeitsspaltung finden lassen. Dennoch versuchte der Wille zur Phantasie von einer Philosophie aus eine kritische Weltanschauung zu bieten, indem er innerhalb eines Phantasie-Korrelats andere veranderte Bewusstseinszustande beinhaltet wie Signale oder Symptome dessen, was die Person selbst als Realitat e...
Heideggers Denken ist ein Denken der Beziehung. Das wurde gelegentlich in der Forschung bemerkt; nun wird es erstmals in umfassender Weise am Werk Heideggers evident gemacht. Ausgangs- und Angelpunkt ist das Zwischen - bei Heidegger ein Name fur das Sein, der unsichtbare Hintergrund, von dem aus alles was ist, erscheint. Diese Arbeit geht den vielfaltigen Manifestationsformen der in sich bezughaften Ursprungsdimension des Erscheinens bei Heidegger nach und zeigt, wie dieses "offene Zwischen" mit...