How to Feed a Cat - A Historical Article on Feline Nutrition
by Margaret Cooper Gay
A practical and information-packed guide for purchasing and raising pet rabbits So, you're thinking about buying or adopting a pet rabbit. Wonderful! Or maybe you've already brought a fuzzy bundle of joy home and you're realizing you could use a little guidance. Rabbits are adorable and soft and fun, but they also require a fair amount of work and knowledge to make sure they're living a happy, healthy life. With the right approach, you will soon discover that your new pet rabbit can become you...
The Everything New Puppy Book (Everything (R))
by Carlo de Vito and Amy Ammen
Nothing is more adorable than a new puppy. But without the proper time spent training them, today's puppies can become tomorrow's nightmare hounds. This book teaches puppy owners all they need to know to successfully raise a puppy of any breed or background. Complete with black-and-white photos, owners will learn how to: *Choose the best breed for their lifestyle *Help children and other pets acclimate to the new puppy *Puppyproof the house *Housebreak and train the new puppy *Feed and...
One reason cats fascinate us is that they are so unlike us: Their ears, more than eyes, show their feelings. On our laps, they are purring lovebugs; on the prowl, they are fearsome apex predators - with territorial instincts to match. This makes it hard for us humans to understand our cats as well as we love them. Thank goodness feline behaviorist Liesbeth Puts is here to help! - 120 colour photos throughout set this ahead of the competition - Abundant subheads steer readers to the answers they...
Alaskan Malamutes (Pet Owners Manual) (Complete Pet Owner's Manual)
by Betsy Sikora Siino
The energetic canine known as the Alaskan Malamute is best known as a team-working sled dog, but he also makes a friendly and loyal pet. This title, along with all books in the comprehensive and popular B.E.S. Complete Pet Owner's Manuals series, provides advice on feeding, health care, housing, and all other important aspects of responsible pet ownership. Each title in the series is individually written from first page to last by a pet trainer, veterinarian, or other pet-care specialist. All...
The Chinchilla Care Guide. Enjoying Chinchillas as Pets. Covers
by Harding
These fascinating birds are green as they are found in their native Australian environment, but selective breeding in captivity has resulted in a stunning variety of colors. Here is virtually everything a prospective parakeet owner needs to know about keeping one or more of these birds. Titles in B.E.S. popular Pet Handbooks series instruct pet owners on health care, proper feeding and housing, and other facts important to owners and their pets. All books in this series have high quality, full-c...
The Belgian Malinois, prized for its obedience in training and high energy levels, is becoming an increasingly popular breed in North American police departments. The United States Secret Service and the United States Armed Forces also use the Malinois extensively as a working dog. Jan Kaldenbach, a former dog handler and police officer, is a top breeder of Malinois and has supplied dogs to a number of police departments in North America. In this guide, he outlines the basics in selecting and tr...
The Best of Pets Welcome (Pets Welcome National Edition: A Guide to Hotels, Inns & Resorts Thathat Welcome You & Your Pet)
by Kathleen Fish and Robert Fish
Beyond Obedience is a revolutionary new training program for you and your dog from one of our country's foremost animal advocates and holistic practitioners. The idea that your canine companion is a fully emotional being and acutely sensitive to your changing feelings and moods is the foundation of April Frost's original and highly effective training program. One of the most difficult aspects of training a dog is clearly communicating your intentions. Beyond Obedience is the first book to work...
Dog Behavior Answer Book, 2nd Edition: Understanding and Communicating with Your Dog and Building a Strong and Happy Relationship
by Arden Moore
The completely revised 2nd edition of the classic The Dog Behavior Answer Book, with 73,000 copies in print, features a fresh design and larger format along with the the most up-to-date guidance on how to build a strong, happy relationship with a canine companion, including expert insights on why dogs do what they do, how to reenforce good behaviour, and the most effective techniques for discouraging bad habits. Since its original publication 15 years ago, The Dog Behavior Answer Book has helpe...
The New Encyclopedia of the Horse
by Elwyn Hartley Edwards, Eluyn Hartley Edwards, Sharon Lucas, and Elwin Hartley Edwards
We know their favorite spots to scratch. We know which funny noises make them cock their heads. We know what treats they love the best. But do we know how to keep our dogs safe? The truth is, we often don't consider what hazards lurk in our home and garden until an incident occurs. Each year, thousands of dogs are seriously hurt and even killed by a host of easily preventable accidents. The Safe Dog Handbook "teaches readers about the myriad ways to ensure a safe home and outdoor experience for...
My dog can't walk. How did he get hurt? Why does my pet use the carpet instead of the grass? Does my cat have a soul? Do animals reincarnate? Can an animal be my soul mate? Why do I feel my dead animal is in the body of my new animal? Can my pet know and describe an illness or the location of pain in their body? Will my pet know when it's time to leave this plane? How will I know? Will he give me a sign? These are some of the questions for which you will get an answer in this book. Dr. Monica Di...
As dogs take their place as coddled family members and their numbers balloon to over 77 million in the United States alone, it's no surprise that canine culture is undergoing a massive transformation. Now subject to many of the same questions of rights and ethics as people, the politics of dogs are more tumultuous and public than ever-with fierce moral battles raging over kill shelters, puppy mills, and breed standards. Incorporating interviews and research from scientists, activists, breeders,...
Free Stuff for Pet Lovers on the Internet (Free Stuff on the Internet S.)
by Judy Heim and Gloria Hansen
A guide to Web sites for surfers who love their pets. It covers: help for different breeds of dogs, cats and birds; freshwater and saltwater aquariums; how to care for reptiles and exotic animals; information on training, nutrition, travel and safety; and advice from vets.
Bull Dogs (Complete Pet Owner's Manual) (B.E.S. Dog Bibles)
by Phil Maggitti
Originally bred for the now outlawed sport of bull baiting, today's bulldog is typically mild tempered and a loyal household companion. Barron's extensive line of "Complete Pet Owner's Manuals" advise current and soon-to-be pet owners on the care of dogs and cats of virtually all recognized breeds, as well as on birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, small mammals, and even exotic creatures like tarantulas and sugar gliders. The information in each book is authoritative but the language is non-techn...
Owners and prospective owners of virtually every breed of dog will find advice on the care of their pet, as well as photo-illustrated short profiles of more than 60 of the most popular breeds, from Afghan to Yorkshire Terrier. Readers will also find a wealth of charts and tables on a variety of canine topics, including which breeds make the best companions for owners of various age groups and life styles. Attractive, candid colour photos show dogs at play, at rest, and interacting with their hum...
Animals and Society (Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences)
Animals are crucial to the functioning of any society: they provide humans with food, labour, raw materials, modes of transport, companionship, scientific knowledge through observation and experimentation, and forms of leisure and entertainment. Given both the wide variety of ways in which animals are involved in human societies, and also the broad range of controversies (from vivisection for scientific and commercial purposes, to factory farming) that have arisen, the study of animals is by its...