Feature and Narrative Storytelling for Multimedia Journalists
by Duy Linh Tu
Feature and Narrative Storytelling for Multimedia Journalists is the first text that truly focuses on the multimedia and documentary production techniques required by professional journalists. Video and audio production methods are covered in rich detail, but more importantly, various storytelling techniques are explored in depth. Likewise, author Duy Linh Tu tackles the latest topics in multimedia storytelling, including mobile reporting, producing, and publishing, while also offering best prac...
Shout Hallelujah When You Hear the Trumpet Sound!
by Monika McKay-Polly
Magical World and Amazing Mythical Animals Midnight Edition
by Adult Coloring Book
To Doris with Love, From Woody Day My Days with Doris Day
by Syd Wood
All Women In the World Want Big Black Dick (Get Satisfied by Any Means Necessary Romancing Fucking, #1)
by Dan Edward Knight Sr
The Body, Desire and Storytelling in Novels by J. M. Coetzee (Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures)
by Olfa Belgacem
Asserting that Coetzee’s representation of the body as subject to dismemberment counters the colonial representation of the other’s body as exotic and erotically-charged, this study inspects the ambivalence pertaining to Coetzee’s embodied representation of the other and reveals the risks that come with such contrapuntal reiteration. Through the study of the narrative identity of the colonial other and her/his body’s representation, the book also unveils the author’s own authorial identity expos...
GoDaWork 4 S.M.A.R.T.I.E.S Emotions Edition 3 (Godawork 4 S.M.A.R.T.I.E.S, #1)
by Nicshelle a Farrow M a Ed
Listen deeply. Tell stories.This is themantra ofthe Center for Digital Storytelling (CDS) in Berkeley California, which, since 1998 has worked with nearly 1,000 organizations around the world and trained more than 15,000 people in the art of digital storytelling. In this revised and updated edition of the CDS's popular guide to digital storytelling, co-founder Joe Lambert details the history and methods of digital storytelling practices. Usinga "7 Steps"approach, Lambert helps storytellers iden...