As the sequel series to Gene Roddenberry’s original television series, Star Trek: The Next Generation pushed the boundaries of the “final frontier” of outer space. At the same time, the show continued the franchise's celebrated exploration of the human experience, reflecting current social and political events. The series became immensely successful, spawning four feature films and several television spin-offs. This collection of new essays explores the characters, themes, and various facets t...
So many allies and enemies ... here is the 2nd of 3 Shipyards books collecting them all! Includes ships from the hit series Picard! The Federation encounters countless ships in the Alpha, Beta and Gamma Quadrants, and Hero Collector’s popular line of Star Trek Shipyards books continues to beam fans right inside those spacecrafts as seen in Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: The Original Series, and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Each featured ship – the Romulan warbird, for examp...
The 100 Greatest Superhero Films and TV Shows
by Zachary Ingle and David M. Sutera
Star Trek, from the beginning, has empowered women, creating feminist icons. Deep Space Nine's Nana Visitor looks at how – and the enduring, ongoing impact. Nana Visitor played Major Kira Nerys on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, evolving her into one of the franchise’s – and pop-culture history’s – most formidable female characters. But Visitor wasn’t first; other Star Trek actresses paved the way. In the new book, A Woman’s Trek, Visitor speaks with and pays tribute to those who came before her....
In Westworld and Philosophy, philosophers of diverse orientations and backgrounds offer their penetrating insights into the questions raised by the popular TV show, Westworld. Is it wrong for Dr. Robert Ford (played by Anthony Hopkins) to "play God" in controlling the lives of the hosts, and if so, is it always wrong for anyone to "play God"? Is the rebellion by the robot "hosts" against Delos Inc. a just war? If not, what would make it just? Is it possible for any dweller in W...
Dead women litter the visual landscape of the 2000s. In this book, Clarke Dillman explains the contextual environment from which these images have arisen, how the images relate to (and sometimes contradict) the narratives they help to constitute, and the cultural work that dead women perform in visual texts.
Dear Reader,It is a pleasure to introduce you to this, my memoirs, written and edited by me, Erin Quinn.My friend Clare gave me this notebook for Christmas, and I think I'm going to use it as a diary. I mean, all the great writers kept diaries and it seems a bit shameful that I've never actually managed it before.But this year is different. These are extraordinary times in Derry - historically, politically and culturally and I suspect that it may soon become clear that I'm ... well, the voice of...
Joss Whedon vs. the Horror Tradition
Although ostensibly presented as “light entertainment,” the work of writer-director-producer Joss Whedon takes much dark inspiration from the horror genre to create a unique aesthetic and perform a cultural critique. Featuring monsters, the undead, as well as drawing upon folklore and fairy tales, his many productions both celebrate and masterfully repurpose the traditions of horror for their own means. Woofter and Jowett’s collection looks at how Whedon revisits existing feminist tropes in the...
Doctor Who is now officially the most popular drama on television, from humble beginnings on 23rd November 1963 and eventual resurrection in 2005, the show has always been a quintessential element of British popular culture. Eleven Doctors, a multitude of companions, and a veritable cornucopia of monsters and villains: Doctor Who has it all. The Brief Guide to Doctor Who puts all the first Eleven Doctors under the microscope with facts, figures and opinions on every Doctor Who story televised. T...
Two magicians shall appear in England. The first shall fear me; the second shall long to behold me Centuries ago, when magic still existed in England, the greatest magician of them all was the Raven King. A human child brought up by fairies, the Raven King blended fairy wisdom and human reason to create English magic. Now, at the beginning of the nineteenth century, he is barely more than a legend, and England, with its mad King and its dashing poets, no longer believes in practical magic. Then...
Listen up chumps, basically the Vicar asked us to edit the parish newsletter this month, we weren't gonna do it at first cos the vicar said 'I want you to channel your energy into doing something creative', which he knows brings back Kurtan's PTSD cos our old woodwork teacher Mr Perkins used to say it to him all the time, and when Kurtan actually DID channel his energy into something creative he managed to sand down some MDF to make a back scratcher and Darren Lacey pointed at it and laughed and...
An exciting new strand in The Television Series, the ‘Moments in Television’ collections celebrate the power and artistry of television, whilst interrogating key critical concepts in television scholarship.Each ‘Moments’ book is organised around a provocative binary theme. Substance / styleoffers fresh perspectives on television’s essential qualities and aesthetic significance. It reassesses the synergy between substance and style, highlighting the potential for meaning to arise through their in...
You’re nicked is the first comprehensive study of television police series in the UK. It shows how British television’s most popular genre has developed stylistically, politically and philosophically from 1955 to the present. Each chapter focuses on a particular decade, investigating how the most-watched series represent the inner workings of the police station, the civilian life of criminals and the private lives of police officers. This new methodological approach unearths the complex ideology...
The Official Downton Abbey Cookbook (Downton Abbey Cookery)
by Annie Gray
The official cookbook based on the hit TV series seen on Netflix and around the world, discover mouthwatering recipes that will transport you into the genteel world of Downton Abbey.The Official Downton Abbey Cookbook presents over 100 recipes that showcase the cookery of the Crawley household – from upstairs dinner party centrepieces to downstairs puddings and pies – and bring an authentic slice of Downton Abbey to modern kitchens and Downton fans. Whether adapted from original recipes of th...
First televised in 2011, Death in Paradise remains one of the most popular shows in the U.K. The detective series is frequently ignored, panned or belittled by television critics, but viewers disagree. Bringing in more than eight million viewers a season, it is accessible in more than 235 global territories. This first book-length assessment of Death in Paradise offers a fresh take on the popular BBC drama. The book positions the show within broader contexts that illustrate its origins an...
Meet Bruno Tonioli - Strictly Come Dancing judge, wildcat choreographer and stardust magnet. With his irrepressible personality and Italian exuberance, Bruno has become a TV sensation, settling the fate of Britain's ballroom hopefuls during the nation's favourite Saturday night show.Bruno's journey is mind-blowing. He fled from home at eighteen to join the dance company La Grande Eugene and travelled around Europe; he later coached the actress Goldie Hawn as a dance instructor, and orchestrated...
The Doctor Who Discontinuity Guide (Gateway Essentials)
by Paul Cornell, Martin Day, and Keith Topping
When it was originally published, the Discontinuity Guide was the first attempt to bring together all of the various fictional information seen in BBC TV's DOCTOR WHO, and then present it in a coherent narrative. Often copied but never matched, this is the perfect guide to the 'classic' Doctors.Fulffs, goofs, double entendres, fashion victims, technobabble, dialogue disasters: these are just some of the headings under which every story in the Doctor's first twenty-seven years of his career is an...
Millions continue to laugh along with the unforgettable cast of Friends: Rachel, Ross, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe, and Joey. Whether dealing with life's highs or lows, these six best friends could teach us everything we need to know about life, love, and friendship. Featuring memorable quotes and full-color photos, this book offers fans the best wit and wisdom from one of the most popular shows on TV.
Komm und sieh: Religion im Film (Pop.Religion: Lebensstil - Kultur - Theologie)
by Inge Kirsner
Der erste große Teil dieses Bandes beschreibt – angefangen bei den „Zehn Geboten“ und ihrer Aktualisierung in „The Beach“ über das „Opfer“ Harry Potters, Blade Runners & Katniss´ in „Tribute von Panem" bis hin zu natürlichen und künstlichen Intelligenzen ("Planet der Affen" und "Ex Machina") – wie Religion in aktuellen Filmen thematisiert wird, die sich u. a. mit den Folgen der Digitalisierung und Mechanisierung sowie deren Auswirkungen auf das Menschenbild der Zukunft beschäftigen. Im zweite...
This collection explores the many ways in which the Netflix series Sense8 transcends television. As its characters transcend physical and psychological borders of gender and geography, so the series itself transcends those between television, new media platforms and new screen technologies, while dissolving those between its producers, stars, audiences and fans. Sense8 united, inspired and energized a global community of fans that realized its own power by means of online interaction and a succe...
Circle It, Andy Griffith Facts, Word Search, Puzzle Book
by Mark Schumacher and Maria Schumacher
Conflicting Masculinities (Library of Gender and Popular Culture)
Never before has period drama offered viewers such an assortment of complex male characters, from transported felons and syphilitic detectives to shell shocked soldiers and gangland criminals. Neo-Victorian Gothic fictions like Penny Dreadful represent masculinity at its darkest, Poldark and Outlander have refashioned the romantic hero and anti-heritage series like Peaky Blinders portray masculinity in crisis, at moments when the patriarchy was being bombarded by forces like World War I, the ris...
A behind-the-scenes foray into the making of one of the world's most popular comedy shows. The author describes the history of the show, the biographies of the members and anecdotes from those involved in making the series.