Europas Fernsehen Im Wandel (Studien Zur Ordnungspolitik Im Fernsehwesen,, #4)
by Jochen Zimmer
Die europaische Fernsehlandschaft hat sich in den achtziger Jahren in ordnungspolitischer und programmlicher Hinsicht von Grund auf verandert. Grenzuberschreitende Reichweiten der Satellitenprogramme erforderten eine nationalubergreifende Ordnungspolitik und die Beteiligung internationaler Organisationen als Regelungsinstanzen. Die Programmacher standen vor der Herausforderung, ein europaisches Publikum zu erreichen. Nachdem sich wesentliche Entwicklungstendenzen verfestigt haben, widmet sich di...
I am the FIRE that burns against the COLD.
by Write Run and Midel Inglesh
Behind The Sofa is a collection of over 100 celebrity memories of Doctor Who, compiled in aid of Alzheimer's Research UK. Steve Berry decided to undertake this project in memory of his mother Janet, who suffered from Alzheimer's in her final years and passed away in 2009. The book has taken more than four years to put together and its publication has been "crowd-funded" by the pre-orders of an enthusiastic Whovian community. 100% of the book royalties, proceeds and net profit will be donated to...
From ugly breakups to hysterical breakdowns, hard drugs to hard time, Elvis to Tupac, this encyclopedic collection delivers the full story behind all the calamitous events that have sent rock's royalty down in flames. Plane crashes. Car wrecks. Overdoses. Murders. And of course, lip-synch scandals. Name any kind of tragedy and someone in the rock canon has lived through it, or not. Get ready for the whole scoop on all the info behind BEHIND THE MUSIC, VH-1's popular and addictive documentary ser...
Hailed as one of the fathers of Saturday morning television, Lou Scheimer was the co-founder of Filmation Studios, which for over 25 years provided animated excitement for TV and film. Always at the forefront, Scheimer's company created the first DC cartoons with "Superman", "Batman", and "Aquaman", ruled the song charts with "The Archies", kept Trekkie hope alive with the Emmy-winning "Star Trek: The Animated Series", taught morals with "Fat Albert" and the "Cosby Kids", and swung into high adv...
Cricket and broadcasting explores how the significance of radio and television to cricket in England has grown since the beginnings of broadcasting. Since the Second World War cricket has been increasingly shaped by its relationship with broadcasting which has been a force for conservatism and change. Representations of cricket on radio and television have done much to determine levels of interest and participation in the sport. Major changes such as the growth of the limited-overs game, the ex...
The media's coverage of religion is an important question for academic researchers, given the central role which news media play in ensuring that people are up-to-date with religion news developments. Not only is there a lack of treatment of the subject in other countries, but there is also the absence of comparative study on news and religion. A key question is how the media, the political system, the religions themselves, the culture, and the economy influence how religion is reported in diffe...
Zombies have changed dramatically in the new millennium. They are no longer the comical, shuffling, mindless monsters of George Romero's Night of the Living Dead (1968). In works such as 28 Days Later... (2002) and World War Z (2013) they are fast, rabid, and absolutely terrifying in large hordes. In Warm Bodies (2013) and In the Flesh (2013-2015), they are thoughtful, sensitive, and capable of ethics and empathy. Audiences of this modern cinematic monster have changed, too, from teenaged camp a...
La nueva cartografia del sector audiovisual argentino relata y analiza un proceso de descentralizacion que transforma el tradicional mapa de ese sector productivo. A partir de los primeros anos del Siglo XXI, en el cruce de la digitalizacion y la puesta en marcha de politicas publicas nacionales y provinciales, comienza a crecer la produccion audiovisual en todas las provincias del pais. Se trata de una realidad que excede en mucho la realizacion de un conjunto de producciones audiovisuales que...
When Garth Ancier left NBC for the start-up FOX network, NBC head Grant Tinker told Ancier he was making a terrible mistake. "I will never put a fourth column on my schedule board," Ancier recalls Tinker telling him. "There will only be three." Today, fewer than twenty years later, FOX is routinely referred to as one of the "Big Four" television networks while more recent arrivals like UPN, PAX, and the WB strive to be number five. The Australian-born media mogul Rupert Murdoch, Barry Diller, an...