2019-2023 Five Year Planner (2019 - 2023 Five Year Monthly Calendar Planner, 60 Months, #2)
by Tina R Kelly
Tap Dancing America: A Cultural History
by Five College Professor of Dance Constance Valis Hill
Patrice O'Neal Adult Coloring Book (Patrice O'Neal Books, #0)
by Beth Clinton
I Don't Have A Bucket List, But My Fucket List Is A Mile Long
by Wild Pages Press
Floating Bones charts the author’s journey into tensegrity, which begins in ballet and culminates in a model for addressing one’s body as a teacher. Tensegrity flips traditional biomechanical models such that instead of support coming from the bones, the bones float, and it is the muscles and other soft connective tissue that provide support for the moving body. Using the model of tensegretic experience, Roses-Thema connects somatics, cognition, rhetoric, and reflective practices detailing the...