Mindfulness experts Dr Nina Smiley and David Harp have created a simple little book that provides meaningful ways to nurture ourselves through meditation and a connection with the outdoors whether it be in the city or in the countryside. Each mindful practice featured is inspired by quotes from dozens of notable authors, philosophers and poets such as Emily Dickinson, Lao Tzu, Aristotle, William Blake and Charles Dickens on the important themes of nature, spirituality, simple beauty and joyful...
Dion Fortune was one of the most significant occultists of the twentieth century and is still considered to be a major influence on the current Western Mystery Tradition. Fortune wrote one of the first modern accounts of the Tree of Life and the system of the Qabalah that makes ancient mythology and the mysteries behind them come to life here and now. She also wrote a series of novels that on one level can be read as slightly unusual romance novels but on a deeper level contain key images and pa...
Environmental Justice an attempt of valuing nature
by Barman Karuna Kanta
In his second collection, Walker Abel continues to voice the archetypal and contemplative presences awaiting us within the natural world. These are poems of surprise, poems of revelation. Not quite fairy tale, not quite magical realism, the poems are stories out of the unconscious, which is to say, out of the wild. For Abel, the poem is a threshold. It leads into another realm that is both the familiar grounded world of mountains and rivers, and also an ineffable world, where we meet our own yea...
Reconnect With Your Inner WildFrom wild harvesting, finding your own paths and reading hiking guides, to just stepping outside and appreciating nature, Re-Wild brings you 50 practices to bringing nature home. Book a stay here!Beginner’s hiking guide to pro wild harvesting. Divided by levels of difficulty, this nature guide book gives swaths of practical advice. From simple things like how to feel at home in nature and learning fun nature facts to finding a trail if you’re lost to foraging plants...
What happens when an Easterner who needs trees, hates heat, and doesn't gamble spends a year living in Las Vegas? Follow the author's reflections as she comes to appreciate the surrounding desert so deeply that she returns seven years later to hear more of the Mojave's message. Share in the process as this desert reveals itself as both a macrocosm and a microcosm of the major issues facing us today. For as a sacred text set in the perspective of deep time and clarified by silence, the Mojave lan...
“What [Ekelund is] addressing is the intention to walk one’s way to meaning: the walk as spiritual exercise, a kind of vision quest... A key strategy for finding ourselves, then, is to first get lost.”—The New York Times Book Review An ode to paths and the journeys we take through nature, as told by a gifted writer who stopped driving and rediscovered the joys of traveling by foot. Torbjørn Ekelund started to walk—everywhere—after an epilepsy diagnosis affected his ability to drive. The more...
In this collection of observations, contemplations, and insights, award-winning author Thomas Lloyd Qualls offers a down-to-earth oracle to help decipher the riddles of modern life. Part field notes from a seeker's journey and part teachings of a would-be monk who doesn't get to live on the side of a mountain, Happiness Is an Imaginary Line in the Sand is convincing in its stubborn insistence that a better world is not only possible, but within our grasp. The author lives not in a cloistered w...
JOHN MUIR'S exuberance for nature was the touchstone for his commitment to the earth and all its creatures. As naturalist, writer, and activist, Muir shaped the spiritual and physical boundaries of some of our most treasured national parks.Editor Chris Highland pairs 60 insightful Muir quotes with selections from other celebrated thinkers and spiritual texts. Take this pocket-size guide with you on backpacks, nature hikes, and camping trips. Let Muir's words enrich your experience as you ponder...
In Seasons of Contemplation , Browning offers the reader humble yet impacting meditations on the topics of religion, connection, mindfulness, ecology, the spiritual journey, and the perils of modern culture. The ruminations gathered within these pages provide simple insights that help bring sense to the chaos and hustle of our daily life. Direct and unpretentious, Browning once again reminds us that "Becoming aware of the dearness in what might otherwise be regarded as mundane is the ultimate fo...
Deep Walking takes readers on a chapter-by-chapter journey of self-development and spiritual renewal. In following the footsteps of medieval pilgrims on ancient paths, countless modern-day seekers have rediscovered purpose and meaning. Reino Gevers reveals why deep walking is one of the best and most underrated forms of exercise, boosting the quality of life on many levels. In taking time out for mindful walking, senses are opened to the whispers of the universe, realigning body and mind in a w...