The lore of the unicorn is enormous in range and variety, not only because of the great expanse of time it covers but because it involves so many different departments of knowledge, and the literature dealing specifically with the topic is surprisingly extensive. Like most of my predecessors, I have hunted the unicorn chiefly in libraries, realizing the delightful absurdity of the task quite as fully as any one could point it out to me. A zoologist would have written on my topic a different and...
Compelling evidence that life, intelligence, and evolution on Earth were seeded by comets and cosmic intelligence * Explains how life first came from interstellar dust and comets and how later arrivals of cosmic dust and comets spurred evolution * Explores the possibility that universal knowledge may be stored in human DNA and how ancient cultures may have known a way to retrieve this knowledge All ancient cultures link humanity's origins to the heavens. The Egyptians, for example, were ad...
Haunted Ontario 2-Book Bundle (Haunted Ontario 2-Book Bundle)
by Terry Boyle
Gordon Smith displayed his psychic abilities as a child, but did not start to develop as a medium until he had a dream of the death of a close friend that came true. He started giving public displays of mediumship at a young 25 years of age and has gone on to become one of the most gifted mediums in the world. To keep his feet on the ground he still works in his barbershop in the west end of his native Glasgow. This work provides a biography of Gordon Smith's life as a psychic.
While examining various belief traditions across Europe and the United States, The Fairy Realm consults an assemblage of anecdotal evidence as to the existence of fairies and other creatures that appear in fairy tales - giants, ogres, trolls, mermaids, brownies, wildmen, kelpie, puca and other mythological beings. Ronan Coghlan, whose works include The Encyclopaedia of Arthurian Legends, Handbook of Fairies, Irish Myth and Legend and The Grail, examines an array of alleged fairy sightings in an...
Ghosts of Michigan's Upper Peninsula (Haunted America)
by Jennifer Billock
The latest stories of supernatural and ghostly occurrences in and around Liverpool.
Mystery Explorers (Mystery Explorers)
by Stewart Cowley and Greg Cox