My Beginning Game, Without End ( a Handbook to Self-Renewal)
by Kaye a Peters
Bayou City: An Angler's Paradise The fourth-largest city in the U.S. has a secret hiding in plain sight: All that water means it's a fabulous place for fly fishing. Travel no further than to the city's "concrete flats" to stalk carp with Houston's iconic skyline as a backdrop. Just outside the metro area, wade in the secluded spring-fed waters of the Pineywoods to find spotted bass, largemouth bass, and a variety of panfish. Launch a canoe or kayak in nearby lakes and backwaters to search for g...
A Course in Miracles Dimensions of Awakening
by Donald James Giacobbe
Free from Silence
by Ayanna Gallow, Cylia Williams Staton, and Kisha Clarke The Internet writings of John Michael Greer - beyond any doubt the greatest peak oil historian in the English language - have finally made their way into print. Greer fans will recognize many of the book's passages from previous essays, but will be delighted to see them fleshed out here with additional examples and analysis.The Long Descent is one of the most highly anticipated peak oil books of the year, and it lives up to every ounce of hype. Greer is a captivating, brilliantly...
Spoken Miracles is an anecdotal account of Martha Lucia Espinosa's 30-year-long search for answers from God, as well as the result of a request that has been made by thousands of readers of author Gary R. Renard's The Disappearance of the Universe, lovingly called 'D.U.' Near the end of D.U., one of Gary's teachers mentions that there were 365 quotations from the modern spiritual guide A Course in Miracles (ACIM) used in the D.U. book. We are told also that if these quotations were read on their...
The Doctrine of Transition Homo Sapiens to a New Kind
by Gennady Kriveckov