Multicriteria Environmental Assessment: A Practical Guide
by Nolberto Munier
Les Identites d'Amelie Nothomb (Collection Monographique Rodopi en Litterature Francaise Contemporaine, #50)
by Mark D. Lee
Soupconnee d'imposture des sa premiere rentree litteraire, accusee d'etre un homme age publiant sous un pseudonyme invraisemblable, Amelie Nothomb est une auteure qui - plus que d'autres - a du s'inventer. Dans Les Identites d'Amelie Nothomb, Mark D. Lee revient sur les circonstances qui ont marque les debuts d'une carriere extraordinaire et pour la premiere fois, il confronte les multiples constructions mediatiques de notre 'barge belge' avec l'enigme de l'invention identitaire qui se deploie d...
Fifteen Years Implementing the Right to Food Guidelines (Spanish Edition)
The Right to Food Guidelines provide practical guidance on ways to implement the right to adequate food in a wide range of policy and programmes areas through a human rights-based approach. Since the adoption of the Right to Food Guidelines, FAO and its partners have produced a wealth of tools, strengthened capacity, and facilitated multi-stakeholder dialogues worldwide. However, the goal of realizing the right to food of everyone has not been accomplished yet. Currently, over 820 million peopl...
Country profiles on housing and land management (Country profiles on housing and land management)
The Country Profile of Belarus focuses on the nation's housing sector, specifically on issues of housing provision and affordability, management and maintenance of the housing stock, energy efficiency in housing, housing finance, smart sustainable cities, and the legal and institutional framework. The Country Profiles on Housing and Land Management are intended to assist governments to improve the performance of their housing, urban development and land management sectors and, at the same time,...
As environmental issues move to the centre of the political debate, more attention is being focused on the role our economy has played in creating the ecological crisis, and what a sustainable economy might look like. In spite of the success of the environmental movement in drawing attention to the crisis facing us, there has been comparatively little attention focused on the way the operation of the global economy contributes to this crisis. Environment and Economy provides a stimulating intro...
Guidance on land-use planning, the siting of hazardous activities and related safety aspects
The guidance aims to assist Parties in more effectively mitigating the effects of possible industrial accidents and the consequences on human health, the environment and cultural heritage within countries and across borders. The general guidance (Part A) does this by sharing examples and pointing to good practices of countries' efforts in the UNECE region to integrate industrial safety considerations into environmental assessment and land-use planning processes. It also highlights the important...
East and West in the Energy Squeeze (Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies)
by C.T. Saunders
Water resources and services are integrated measures of social systems that range beyond the technical world and the IWRM requires a balance between competing views of social and political issues. This volume focuses on increased awareness of the human dimension, women’s role, environmental protection, sustainability and food security aspects in achieving sustainable water management. Understanding the strategies used by small farmers, as well as how small farming systems work or why they fail,...
Large-Scale Livestock Grazing: A Management Tool for Nature Conservation
The Next Green Revolution
by Raymond P. Poincelot, Jim Horne, and Maura Mcdermott
Explore the benefits of and necessity for sustainable agriculture!Here is an easy-to-read, practical introduction to sustainable agriculture: what it means and why it is needed. It is the first book to synthesize the goals of sustainable agriculture into eight comprehensive steps. The Next Green Revolution presents a convincing critique of our current agricultural system and an introduction to an alternative system which gives more consideration to future generations. Interwoven through the book...
Most books in environmental economics either employ complex mathematical models or resort to a recital of case studies. What makes this new book by a leading expert in resource economics so useful is the careful blend of theory and practice. Terms and techniques are explained fully, and only a modest technical background in economics and mathematics is assumed. Partha Dasgupta examines the problems of resource management and pollution control within a common framework and relates them to issues...
This book highlights ecosystem services of Indian tropical soils driven by soil properties. Soils are complex and important biomaterials and have an outstanding role in providing ecosystem services to mankind. The tropical soils have been traditionally and generally considered as either agriculturally poor or virtually useless by many. This book will discuss the difficulties encountered in managing Indian tropical soils in order to sustain their productivity. Some unique soil properties are ye...
by Marko Geilhausen, Juliane Branzel, Dirk Engelmann, and Olaf Schulze
Das Buch stellt die Anforderungen der ISO 50001 als Grundlage fur eine Zertifizierung dar. Dabei wird immer die Sicht des Energiemanagementbeauftragten im Auge behalten, indem praktische Hinweise fur die Umsetzung und zu den einzelnen Normenpunkten gegeben werden. Die AEnderungen zur Vorgangernorm DIN EN 16001 sind dargestellt und Moeglichkeiten der Integration eines Energiemanagementsystems in bestehende Systeme nach ISO 9001 und ISO 14001 werden beschrieben. Damit bietet das Buch sowohl Neuein...
Forest Security
Sustainable Forest Management: Growth Models for Europe
by H Hasenauer
Geostatistical Reservoir Modeling (Applied Geostatistics S.)
by Michael J. Pyrcz and Clayton V. Deutsch
Published in 2002, the first edition of Geostatistical Reservoir Modeling brought the practice of petroleum geostatistics into a coherent framework, focusing on tools, techniques, examples, and guidance. It emphasized the interaction between geophysicists, geologists, and engineers, and was received well by professionals, academics, and both graduate and undergraduate students. In this revised second edition, Deutsch collaborates with co-author Michael Pyrcz to provide a full update on the lates...
Renewable Resource Utilization for Development (Pergamon Policy Studies on International Development)
by R M Professor of Music Robert P Morgan and Larry J Icerman