Land Values and the Implications for Planning Policy (Central Research Unit Papers)
by Scottish Executive,Social Research
In this atlas the authors have brought together, in accessible form, a set of maps which portray a vivid picture of the physical environment of the British Isles. Each set of maps is accompanied by text that explains the nature and causes of the patterns that can be observed. The contents are broadly based, covering the geology, geomorphology, hydrology, climatolgoy, soils, biogeography, and seas of the British Isles and the human impact on each of these aspects. The maps are as uncomplicated...
Post-Treaty Politics (Earth System Governance: A Core Research Project of the Inte)
by Sikina Jinnah and Professor Oran R Young
Is private ownership an inviolate right that individuals can wield as they see fit? Or is it better understood in more collective terms, as an institution that communities reshape over time to promote evolving goals? What should it mean to be a private landowner in an age of sprawling growth and declining biological diversity? These provocative questions lie at the heart of this perceptive and wide-ranging new book by legal scholar and conservationist Eric Freyfogle. Bringing together insights f...
Organic Maturation Studies and Fossil Fuel Exploration
Teach Yourself Conservation
by Nicholas Foskett and Rosalind Foskett
The World of Mineral Deposits
by Florian Neukirchen and Gunnar Ries
This vivid introduction to economic geology not only describes the most important deposit types, but also the processes involved in their formation. Magmatic, hydrothermal and sedimentary processes as well as weathering and alteration are explained in the framework of plate tectonics and the history of the Earth. The chapter about fossil fuels includes unconventional deposits and the much-debated fracking. Other topics covered are exploration, mining and economic aspects like commodity prices....
Pyrometallurgy for Complex Materials and Wastes
Florida's parched swamps and sprawling subdivisions set the stage for a look at water crisis throughout the American East, from water-diversion threats in the Great Lakes to tapped-out freshwater aquifers along the Atlantic seaboard. Part investigative journalism, part environmental history, "Mirage" shows how the eastern half of the nation - historically so wet that early settlers predicted it would never even need irrigation - has squandered so much of its abundant fresh water that it now face...
Processes, Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments
by Danny D Reible
Wege Zu Einem Nachhaltigen Umgang Mit Süßwasser (Welt Im Wandel, #1997)
Die globale Susswasserkrise wird sich zukunftig weiter verscharfen. Neueste Analysen des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveranderungen (WBGU) zeigen nicht nur die heutigen Brennpunkte, sondern auch die zukunftig fur Wasserkrisen besonders anfalligen Weltregionen auf. Zusatzlich werden drei eng mit der globalen Susswasserkrise in Verbindung stehende "Krankheitsbilder der Erde" untersucht. Aus dieser Zusammenschau leiten die Wissenschaftler in ihrem neuesten Jahresberi...
Groundwater Resources Assessment (Developments in Water Science)
by Jaroslav Balek and J Balek
The development of environmentally sound groundwater resources has recently become a high priority throughout the world. Many countries are currently developing comprehensive regulations for the management of groundwater resources. Within this framework an assessment of renewable groundwater resources is one of the most important factors. This book is based on the author's many years of experience in the assessment of surface and subsurface water resources, field experiments and computer oriente...
Natural Resource Management Opportunities and Technological Options
by Dr Muthiah and D Mandal
Climate Science for Serving Society: Research, Modeling and Prediction Priorities
by Ghassem R Asrar and James W Hurrell
Rural Transport and Traction Enterprises for Improved Livelihoods
by Peter Crossley and Tim Chamen
This booklet focuses on promoting transport and traction services as viable diversification enterprises for smallholder farmers and other in rural areas. It considers the benefits that can arise from such enterprises, not only for smallholders themselves, but also to local communities in overall terms through increased productivity, improved and faster marketing, better mobility and reduced drudgery.
Microbial Life of Cave Systems (Life in Extreme Environments, #3)
The earth's subsurface contains abundant and active microbial biomass, living in water, occupying pore space, and colonizing mineral and rock surfaces. Caves are one type of subsurface habitat, being natural, solutionally- or collapse-enlarged openings in rock. Within the past 30 years, there has been an increase in the number of microbiology studies from cave environments to understand cave ecology, cave geology, and even the origins of life. By emphasizing the microbial life of caves, and the...