The recent earthquake disasters in Japan and a series of other disasters in the world have highlighted again the need for more reliable geotechnical prediction and better methods for geotechnical design and in particular dealing with geohazards. This book provides a timely review and summaries of the recent advances in theories, analyses and methods for geotechnical predictions and the most up-to-date practices in geotechnical engineering and particularly in dealing with geohazards. A special se...
Peri-Urban Areas and Food-Energy-Water Nexus (Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering)
This book explores the nexus among food, energy and water in peri-urban areas, demonstrating how relevant this nexus is for environmental sustainability. In particular it examines the effective management of the nexus in the face of the risks and trade-offs of mitigation policies, and as a mean to create resilience to climate change. The book delineates strategies and actions necessary to develop and protect our natural resources and improve the functionality of the nexus, such as: integrated ma...
Volcanology (Journal / Notebook)
by Wild Pages Press Journals & Notebooks
This volume explores the discourse of disaster and women in the existing social settings and state disaster-related affairs in coastal Bangladesh. It covers various issues ranging from disproportionate vulnerability, coping and adaptation mechanisms for women, limitations for promoting participation and involvement of women in the decision-making process both in family and community and changes in the role and responsibilities of women for reducing disaster risk and vulnerability. It contributes...
If you live on a flood plain or wetland, you know the potential dangers-to you, your family, and your home. A major flood could strike at any time, and you need to be prepared. But of even more immediate concern is the tiresome battle to keep your property free of minor floods and water seepage, which can be just as destructive-and costly-as a major flood. This all-purpose book guides you through the range of options you have to protect your property. And if a problem already exists, it shows yo...
170 natural disasters - their causes, their impact on people and landscape, and their significance on the world around us. The book includes such disasters as the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in the years 79 and 513, the Black Death in 1348, the Great Fire of London in 1666, the Galveston hurricane in 1900 which killed 8,000 people, the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, Aberfan 1966, famine in Ethiopia in 1985 and many more. NATURAL DISASTERS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD ends with a section about the futu...
The book considers the riverine paleo structures of the coastal marine zone from the point of view of marine bottom seismic acoustics. The authors describe the mechanisms of the origin and features of riverine paleo structures in the coastal marine area. The methods applied for this kind of research have been developed and explained comprehensively, including geomorphology and interpretation of seismic acoustic facies. Besides, the authors also propose a classification of morphological features,...
Humanitarian Logistics from the Disaster Risk Reduction Perspective
This book aims to clarify the priorities of the Sendai Framework for the DRR 2015 - 2030, through gathering recent contributions addressing the different ways researchers define, measure, reduce, and manage risk in the challenge of the DRR. Beyond a discussion of the different definitions of disaster risk; this book provides contributions focused on optimization approaches that support the decision-making process in the challenge of managing DRR problems considering emerging disaster risks in th...
Devastating damage in the Tohoku region of Japan occurred during and after the earthquake off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake on March 11, 2011. The AIJ (Architectural Institute of Japan) dispatched reconnaissance teams into the field to obtain basic facts on the damage to buildings due to the massive ground motions and resultant tsunami. Their mission included collecting information on the characteristics of the earthquake itself and the observed major ground motions and tsunamis through...
Soil Erosion and Carbon Dynamics (Advances in Soil Science)
The most complete, nonpartisan source of information on this hot agronomic topic available today, this book brings together a diverse group of papers and data to resolve the debate between sedimentologists and soil scientists and agronomists over whether the effects of soil erosion on carbon and atmospheric CO2 is beneficial or destructive. Divided into four sections, it offers data on how soil erosion affects soil, water, and air quality. Topics include mineralization rate, inundation, sediment...
Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Seismic Events (IAEA TECDOC)
Probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) is considered to be an important tool for assessing the safety of nuclear installations (typically used for safety assessment of nuclear power plants) in relation to potential initiating events that can be caused by random component failure and human error, as well as internal and external hazards. The purpose of seismic PSAs performed on nuclear installations is to provide risk insights related to their seismic robustness. The methodology for seismic safety...
Integrated Watershed Management
Headwaters are fragile environments threatened by anthropogenic actions. The regeneration of headwaters calls for a practical approach through integrated environmental management. This book discusses various issues concerning headwater regions of the world under wide-ranging themes: climate change impacts, vegetal cover, sub-surface hydrology, catchment and streamflow hydrology, pollution, water quality and limnology, remote sensing and GIS, environmental impact assessment and mitigation, socio-...