Forged by the work of Django Reinhardt arguably the finest jazz guitarist of all time Manouche or Gypsy swing is a fascinating blend of Gypsy virtuosity and American jazz. In 1930s France, this new swing' music had a profound impact on the local musical scene and although the music's creator died in 1953, his music remains highly influential to this day. Django Reinhardt created a tradition, which has been perpetuated and developed by many exceptional contemporary musicians. The Rough Guide To G...
Intermediate Rudiments Answer Book - Ultimate Music Theory (Ultimate Music Theory Rudiments Books, #11)
by Glory St Germain
ABRSM's official More Music Theory Sample Papers are additional resources for candidates preparing for our new online Music Theory exams. Providing more authentic practice material and a reliable guide as to what to expect in the exam. -Essential practice material for the new format ABRSM Grade 3 Theory exams -Includes four sample papers -Model answers also available separately
Mode in Javanese Music (Research in International Studies, Southeast Asia)
by Susan Pratt Walton
One of the most controversial aspects of Javanese gamelan music is its musical mode, pathet. From her experience as a performer of sindhenan, or female singing, Walton analyses the melodies and defines the basic laws of mode for sindhenan. She explains more convincingly than previous authors how two systems of mode operate simultaneously in gamelan music to enhance its aesthetic appeal.
Piano Theory (French Edition), Primer (David Carr Glover Piano Library)
by Mary Elizabeth Clark and David Carr Glover
The Concise Musical Guide to King Crimson and Robert Fripp (1969 - 1984)
by Andrew Keeling
Model answers for More Sample Papers for ABRSM's Theory exams Grade 3 - Updated for the new format ABRSM Theory exams - Clear and concise presentation
ABRSM's official Music Theory Practice Papers are essential resources for candidates preparing for ABRSM Music Theory exams. They provide authentic practice materials and are a reliable guide to what to expect in the exam. These Grade 8 Practice Papers have been adapted from the 2020 Music Theory exam papers and contain four Grade 8 papers to work through. A set of corresponding Model Answers is available separately.
Doctor Mozart Music Theory Workbook Answers for Level 1 and Older Beginners
by Machiko Yamane Musgrave and Paul Christopher Musgrave
Extended Musical Interface with the Human Nervous System (Leonardo Monograph, #1)
by David Rosenboom
Der Einschwingvorgang Nichtperkussiver Musikinstrumente (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #148)
by Christoph Reuter
Leistet der Einschwingvorgang einen eher grossen oder einen eher geringen Beitrag zur Wahrnehmung von Instrumentalklangfarben? Diese Frage fuhrte seit den Anfangen der Klangfarbenforschung bis heute zu vielen widerspruchlichen und fehlerbehafteten Ergebnissen, die in diesem Buch aufgezeigt und unter Berucksichtigung des heutigen physikalischen, psycho- und instrumentenakustischen Kenntnisstandes diskutiert werden. Es wird im Verlaufe der Diskussion u.a. deutlich, dass sich die meisten widerspruc...
Ombra is the term which applies to an operatic scene involving the appearance of an oracle or demon, witches, or ghosts. Such scenes can be traced back to the early days of opera and were commonplace in the seventeenth century in Italy and France. Operas based on the legends of Orpheus, Iphigenia, and Alcestis provide numerous examples of ombra and extend well into the eighteenth century. Clive McClelland's Ombra: Supernatural Music in the Eighteenth Century is an in-depth examination of ombra...
Niccolo Piccinni: Catone in Utica (Quellen Und Studien Zur Geschichte der Mannheimer Hofkapelle, #4)
by Wolfram Ensslin
Die Werke Niccolo Piccinnis, eines der produktivsten Opernkomponisten des 18. Jahrhunderts, fuhren heutzutage ein Schattendasein. Die meisten seiner Opern befinden sich in zum Teil schwer zuganglichen Bibliotheken. Die grundliche Quellenuntersuchung seiner 1770 komponierten und wohl in Mannheim uraufgefuhrten Oper "Catone in Utica" ergibt wertvolle neue Erkenntnisse zur Arbeitsweise Piccinnis sowie zur Entstehungs- und Auffuhrungsgeschichte dieses Werkes. Die Arbeit stellt einen Beitrag zur Gatt...
The scope of this collection is indicative of the breadth and diversity of music's role in cinema, as is its emphasis on musical contributions to 'non-musical' films. By bringing together chapters that are concerned both with the relationship between performance, music and film and the specificity of national, historical, social, and cultural contexts, Film's Musical Moments will be of equal importance to students of film studies, cultural studies and music. The book is organised into four secti...
Ethnomusicology of the Flathead Indians
All people, in no matter what culture, must be able to place their music firmly in the context of the totality of their beliefs, experiences, and activities, for without such ties, music cannot exist. This means that there must be a body of theory connected with any music system - not necessarily a theory of the structure of music sound, although that may be present as well, but rather a theory of what music is, what it does, and how it is coordinated with the total environment, both natural and...
Diese Arbeit wurde mit dem Akademiepreis der Nordrhein-Westfalischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Dusseldorf ausgezeichnet. Die Renaissancebestrebungen in der Musikgeschichte einzelner Lander lassen sich in der Wende vom 15. zum 16. Jahrhundert im Verbund mit einer Neuorientierung der Kunste und Wissenschaften erkennen. Dabei gilt auch fur Frankreich, was fur die anderen europaischen Lander festgestellt werden kann: All das, was man gemeinhin unter -Humanismus- und -Renaissance- versteht, ist...