The Pussycat Dolls Legendary Coloring Book (The Pussycat Dolls Legendary Coloring Books, #0)
by Luna Myers
Tap Dancing is Like Wine It Matures With Every Performance
by Puntastic Publishing
In 1987, four friends from London, Paul Oakenfold, Danny Rampling, Nicky Holloway and Johnny Walker, took a week-long holiday to Ibiza. What they saw there, and brought back home, would give rise to a new global music and counterculture movement. As the eighties drew to their close, with Thatcherism holding the nation tight in its grip, something funny was happening right across the jungle of Britain's nightlife scene. People were dressing down, not up, to go to clubs. And they were dancing r...
Calpurnia Famous Coloring Book (Calpurnia Famous Coloring Books, #0)
by Edith Graham
Scottish Dance (Collins Little Books)
by The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
A perfect introduction to the world of Scottish dance written by the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, including a short history of Scottish dancing. The book takes you through simple ceilidh moves to more complex formations and set dances, illustrated through diagrams and photos. Popular traditional dances are featured, such as 'Dashing White Sergeant', 'Eightsome Reel', 'Strip the Willow' and 'Cumberland Reel'. This comprehensive collection also contains several lesser...
De pratica seu arte tripudii (Clarendon Paperbacks)
by Guglielmo Ebreo of Pesaro
Fifteenth-century Italy produced the earliest known treatises on the dance. Guglielmo Ebreo, an eminent Jewish dancing master, dedicated his `On the Practice or Art of Dancing' to the future Sforza duke of Milan in the determination to give dance the status enjoyed by music and other arts and sciences. He included not only choreographies (subsequently likened to the artistic achievements of Machaut, Leonardo, Dante, and Petrarch), but a Defence of the Dance, a Socratic dialogue, and theoretical...
Courtney Hadwin Notebook (Courtney Hadwin Notebooks, #0)
by Hadwin Notebooks
MGMT Killer Coloring Book (Mgmt Killer Coloring Books, #0)
by Camilla Fairbank