Sexual Health, Fertility, and Relationships in Cancer Care (PSYCHO ONCOLOGY CARE)
Sexual Health, Fertility, and Relationships in Cancer Care provides clinical management guidelines for the impact of cancer and oncology treatments on sexual health, fertility and relationships. Employing a practical toolkit format, this volume addresses a spectrum of key topics including: provision of onco-fertility and sexual health support, LGBTQ+ issues, support for adolescents and young people, effective psycho-educational/psycho-sexual interventions, and managing relationships for individ...
International Handbook of Criminology
A substantive guide to state of the art research and theory, the International Handbook of Criminology completes an esteemed trilogy of comparative analyses and insight from worldwide experts. Exploring a phenomenon that penetrates cultures of all racial, ethnic, and social classes, this volume continues in the tradition of its predecessors in the
Key Concepts in Mental Health (Key Concepts (Sage))
by David Pilgrim
Sleep Disorders in Children and Adolescents, an Issue of Childand Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America
by Baroni and Lunsford-Avery
This issue of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics, guest edited by Drs. Argelinda Baroni and Jessica Lunsford-Avery, will cover key topics of importance surrounding Sleep Disorders in Children and Adolescents. This issue is one of four selected each year by our series Consulting Editor, Dr. Todd Peters. Topics discussed in this issue include but are not limited to: Screening and Evaluation of Sleep Disturbances and Sleep Disorders in Children and Adolescents; Normal Sleep in Children and Ad...
Until recently professionals in both investigation and treatment have considered the fields of sexual violence and domestic abuse as separate and distinct. Numerous studies have shown, however, that these fields may not be so neatly pigeonholed as once believed. Statistics indicate that there is an overlap in both the level and type of violence exp
Handbook of Evidence-Based Practices for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
This authoritative volume provides state-of-the-art practices for supporting the approximately 20% of today's K-12 students who have emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD) that hinder school success. Leading experts present evidence-based approaches to screening, progress monitoring, intervention, and instruction within a multi-tiered framework. Coverage encompasses everything from early intervention and prevention to applications for high-risk adolescents. Exemplary programs are described for...
Cults and New Religious Movements
Findings of a three-year study by the Committee on Psychiatry and Religion. Attempts to present a balanced view of the complexity of the phenomenon, the controversies arising from it, and recommendations on issues where standards of clinical practice and legality are clear.
Die klassische Neuroanatomie scheiterte am Versuch, eine Erklarungsbasis fur die Gesetzmassigkeiten von Kognition, Verhalten, Erinnerung und Emotion zu schaffen. Eine Cartesianische Geist-Koerper-Kluft verlauft daher mitten durch die Neurologie und Psychiatrie, die erst jetzt mit neuen neurobiologischen Einsichten eingeebnet wird. Der Autor entwickelt ein anatomisch und neurophysiologisch orientiertes Verstandnis fur Gefuhle, fur die Sexualitat, fur die trugerische Gewissheit von Erinnerung und...
Working with Adolescents (Clinical Practice with Children, Adolescents, and Families)
by Julie Anne Laser and Nicole Nicotera
Noted for its multisystemic-ecological perspective, this accessible text and practitioner resource has now been revised and expanded with 60% new material. The book provides a comprehensive view of adolescent development and explores effective ways to support teens who are having difficulties. The authors examine protective and risk factors in the many contexts of adolescents' lives, from individual attributes to family, school, neighborhood, and media influences. Assessment and intervention str...
In dem Fachbuch analysieren renommierte Autoren rund 30 Filme unter psychodynamischen Gesichtspunkten: Wie weicht die Darstellung in den Medien von der Wirklichkeit ab? Und wie verandern sich Zuschauer, wenn sie damit konfrontiert sind? Am Beispiel bekannter und neu zu entdeckender Filme zeigen sie auf, wie sich virtuelle Realitaten, Konstrukte, Traumbilder und kunstliche Wesen auf die Wahrnehmung des Zuschauers auswirken. Die Texte sind so geschrieben, dass sie auch fur "psychoanalytische Laien...
The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for Psychosis
by Maggie Mullen
Powerful and effective skills to help you manage psychosis, take charge of your emotions, and get back to living your life. Based in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), this first-of-its-kind workbook offers real skills to help you balance your emotions and stay grounded in reality. You'll find self-assessments, worksheets, and guided activities to help you understand your symptoms and manage them in day-to-day life. You'll also gain self-awareness, learn to navigate difficult or stressful sit...
American Psychiatric Association Appointment Book
This essential organizer is spiralbound with a special lightweight, handsomely grained, vinyl cover.
From a pioneer in the field of mental health comes a groundbreaking book on the healing power of 'mindsight', the potent skill that is the basis for both emotional and social intelligence. Using case histories from his practice, Dr Siegel shows how we can focus our attention on the internal world of the mind in a way that will literally change the wiring of our brain and allow us to break free from harmful patterns of behaviour.
First Published in 1991. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Darwinian Psychiatry
by Professor of Psychiatry and Member of the Brain Research Institute Michael McGuire and Alfredo Troisi
Counseling the Adolescent
Sandplay Therapy in Vulnerable Communities (New Library of Psychoanalysis)
by Eva Pattis Zoja