The Professional Review Guide for the CHP and CHS Examinations, 2005 Edition contains questions that cover competency statements for both the CHP and the CHS certification examinations. This valuable manual incorporates the changes posted in the Federal Register for the final HIPAA Privacy Rule and the final HIPAA Security Rule. Use the accompanying Interactive CD-ROM to develop your test taking skills for the electronic testing environment. The References CD-ROM include: postings to the Federal...
Finally, a complete guide to the hospital coding and billing processes that includes both inpatient and outpatient coding as well as inpatient and outpatient billing! Understanding Hospital Coding and Billing offers a comprehensive look at the world of hospital/facility coding and billing in a worktext format. This learning solution will promote understanding of the entire facility process from patient intake through the entire billing process. Knowledge of the total process is imperative to suc...
Use this book and the Interactive CD-ROM to help you prepare for the Certified Coding Associate (CCA) certification examination. Practice interpreting documentation and applying your clinical knowledge in assigning codes to diagnoses and procedures for a variety of patient settings. Also includes a CD-ROM of the mock examination for real-world test taking practice.
Validation describes the procedures used to analyze pharmaceutical products so that the data generated will comply with the requirements of regulatory bodies of the US, Canada, Europe and Japan. Calibration of Instruments describes the process of fixing, checking or correcting the graduations of instruments so that they comply with those regulatory bodies. This book provides a thorough explanation of both the fundamental and practical aspects of biopharmaceutical and bioanalytical methods valida...
Anti-discriminatory Practice (British Association of Social Workers (BASW) Practical Social Work) (Practical Social Work)
by Neil Thompson
The first edition of Anti-Discriminatory Practice quickly established itself as a best-selling text. This new, fully revised and updated edition builds on that success, offering a sound basis for countering discrimination and oppression in social work. Written in a clear and accessible style, it offers a lucid blend of theory and practice to guide students, professionals, educators and managers through the complexities of promoting equality. Essential reading for all involved in social work theo...
Critical Practice in Social Work
This social work text is conceived as a complementary volume to "Social Work: Themes, Issues and Critical Debates", although it is usable as a stand-alone introduction in its own right. Focusing on social work values, on areas of particular practice (ranging across work with children, families and vulnerable adults) and on management issues relevant to all social workers whether they are managers or not, it offers an overview both of the practicalities of social work and the principles underpinn...
Immer mehr Unternehmen nutzen Online-Assessments, um Potenziale von Bewerbern oder Mitarbeitern via Internet zu testen. Online-Tests sind effizient und mittlerweile auch für mittelständische Unternehmen erschwinglich - doch sie haben auch ihre Grenzen. In diesem Buch zeigen erfahrene Personaler, was bei der Planung und dem Einsatz zu beachten ist und in welchen konkreten Bereichen Online-Tests sinnvoll eingesetzt werden können: Von der Vorselektion und dem Personalmarketing, über die Personalaus...
Aggressive Verhaltensstrungen Von Kindern Und Jugendlichen
by Fritz Poustka, Klaus Schmeck, and Fritz Poustak
Warum brauchen wir Schlaf? Wie entsteht Durst? Oder ein Herzinfarkt? In der Physiologie lernen Sie alles über die Funktionen des menschlichen Körpers. Die 32. Auflage der Physiologie des Menschen wurde komplett überarbeitet, der Stoff ist nun in 84 übersichtliche Kapitel gegliedert. Gleich die erste Seite eines Kapitels bietet einen hervorragenden Überblick über den Lernstoff:In einer Box wird kurz und knapp erklärt, worum es im Kapitel geht.Danach kommen die visuellen Lerner auf ihre Kosten: e...
St. Anthony's Illustrated ICD-9-CM Codebook for Physician Payment (Pab)
Clearly explaining the "how to" of stress management and prevention, STRESS MANAGEMENT FOR LIFE, 4th Edition emphasizes experiential learning and encourages readers to personalize text information through practical applications and a "tool box" of stress-reducing resources, including activities and online stress-relief audio files. Michael Olpin and Margie Hesson offer more than just a book about stress; they offer readers a life-changing experience. Well-researched and engaging, the book empowe...
Trusted by clinicians for nearly 75 years, Conn's Current Therapy presents today's evidence-based information along with the personal experience and discernment of expert physicians. The 2022 edition is an excellent resource for a wide range of healthcare providers, including primary care, subspecialists, and allied health, providing current treatment information in a concise yet in-depth format. More than 300 topics have been carefully reviewed and updated to bring you state-of-the-art content...
Das Buch beschreibt Theorie und Praxis der Kommunikation im Krankenhausalltag zwischen den verschiedenen Berufsgruppen. Dabei wird sowohl die Verstandigung unter Kollegen, die Arzt-Patientenkommunikation als auch die Darstellung nach aussen hin betrachtet. Zahlreiche Praxisbeispiele erganzen die Ausfuhrungen. Viele Hinweise und nutzliche Tipps fur gelingende Gesprache, die Nutzung technischer Kommunikationsmittel im Krankenhausbetrieb, eine Take-Home-Message am Ende jedes Kapitels sowie viele Sc...
Coaching ist in aller Munde, die Angebote sind zahlreich, der Markt ist mittlerweile von vermeintlich neuen "Tools", Techniken und Ansatzen etc. fast ubersattigt und sehr unubersichtlich. Diese Buch hilft, den UEberblick zu behalten. Es stellt wirklich relevante Coaching-Ansatze nach einheitlichem Raster vor: Das Wichtigste in Kurze, typische Fragestellungen, Fallbeispiele, Erfolgskriterien fur Berater, Besonderheiten einzelner Zielgruppen. Es informiert uber wichtige Settings im Coaching-Prozes...
This learning package highlights the concepts and procedures required to prepare and submit accurate health insurance claims. Includes step-by-step instructions for major forms of claims to help students understand the specific needs. Numerous exercises, complete with answers, provide students with immediate feedback to gain the necessary skills to prepare accurate documents.
Medical Insurance Online for Insurance Handbook for the Medical Office (Access Code and Textbook Package)
by Marilyn Fordney
Understanding Health Insurance, Tenth Edition is fully updated to the latest code sets, guidelines, and claim forms to provide you with the most essential and up-to-date knowledge on billing and reimbursement. With Understanding Health Insurance, Tenth Edition, you will learn about managed health care, legal and regulatory issues, coding systems, reimbursement methods, coding for medical necessity, and common health insurance plans. Exercises in each chapter provide plenty of practice for learni...