This book describes how Bayesian methods work. Its primary aim is to demystify them, and to show readers: Bayesian thinking isn't difficult and can be used in virtually every kind of research. In addition to revealing the underlying simplicity of statistical methods, the book explains how to parameterise and compare models while accounting for uncertainties in data, model parameters and model structures. How exactly should data be used in modelling? The literature offers a bewildering variety o...
Foundations of Synergetics II (Springer Series in Synergetics, #52)
by Alexander S. Mikhailov and Alexander Yu Loskutov
This textbook is based on a lecture course in synergetics given at the University of Moscow. In this second of two volumes, we discuss the emergence and properties of complex chaotic patterns in distributed active systems. Such patterns can be produced autonomously by a system, or can result from selective amplification of fluctuations caused by external weak noise. Although the material in this book is often described by refined mathematical theories, we have tried to avoid a formal mathematica...
Survival Analysis with Correlated Endpoints (SpringerBriefs in Statistics)
by Takeshi Emura, Shigeyuki Matsui, and Virginie Rondeau
This book introduces readers to advanced statistical methods for analyzing survival data involving correlated endpoints. In particular, it describes statistical methods for applying Cox regression to two correlated endpoints by accounting for dependence between the endpoints with the aid of copulas. The practical advantages of employing copula-based models in medical research are explained on the basis of case studies. In addition, the book focuses on clustered survival data, especially data a...
This is the first volume in a two-volume, comprehensive treatment of the methodologies used in researching the zebrafish, an emerging vertebrate model system. The text includes discussions on development, genetic methodologies, and model applications.
Researchers and students who use empirical investigation in their work must go through the process of selecting statistical methods for analyses, and they are often challenged to justify these selections. This book is designed for readers with limited background in statistical methodology who seek guidance in defending their statistical decision-making in the worlds of research and practice. It is devoted to helping students and scholars find the information they need to select data analytic met...
Behavioural Mechanisms of Food Selection (Nato ASI Subseries G:, #20)
Behavioural Mechanisms of Food Selection examines animals belonging to diverse trophic groups, from carnivores, herbivores, micro-algal grazers, to filter-feeders and detritus-feeders. In the past Optimal Foraging Theory has been applied to all these groups, but in different ways and in disci plines that rarely overlap. Here concepts and developments hitherto scattered in the literature are drawn together. This uniquely broad synthesis captures the state of the art in the study of diet selection...
Designed for easy use by both new and experienced protein crystallographers, this book is for anyone interested in solving protein structures by the method of crystallography. It contains many examples of actual experiments and data, including electron density maps. Computer methods are also presented, including computer code examples. The book contains information on area detectors, synchrotron radiation techniques, and computer methods, and features the XtalView software system.
Missing Data (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences)
by John W. Graham
Missing data have long plagued those conducting applied research in the social, behavioral, and health sciences. Good missing data analysis solutions are available, but practical information about implementation of these solutions has been lacking. The objective of Missing Data: Analysis and Design is to enable investigators who are non-statisticians to implement modern missing data procedures properly in their research, and reap the benefits in terms of improved accuracy and statistical power...
Data Integration, Manipulation and Visualization of Phylogenetic Trees introduces and demonstrates data integration, manipulation and visualization of phylogenetic trees using a suite of R packages, tidytree, treeio, ggtree and ggtreeExtra. Using the most comprehensive packages for phylogenetic data integration and visualization, contains numerous examples that can be used for teaching and learning. Ideal for undergraduate readers and researchers with a working knowledge of R and ggplot2. Key F...
Handbook of Phase II Clinical Trial Design (Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics)
by Yu Shyr
In the past, pharmaceutical companies have quickly jumped to Phase III without completion and full analysis of Phase II, which consequently led to failure. In the future, more emphasis needs to be placed on quality designed, conducted, and analyzed Phase II clinical trials. Focusing on Phase II clinical trials conducted in a sequential manner, this handbook presents modern techniques of clinical trial design, describes many Phase II designs, and discusses the software used for sample size and po...
The Mathematical Structure of the Human Sleep-Wake Cycle (Lecture Notes in Biomathematics, #69)
by Steven H. Strogatz
Over the past three years I have grown accustomed to the puzzled look which appears on people's faces when they hear that I am a mathematician who studies sleep. They wonder, but are usually too polite to ask, what does mathematics have to do with sleep? Instead they ask the questions that fascinate us all: Why do we have to sleep? How much sleep do we really need? Why do we dream? These questions usually spark a lively discussion leading to the exchange of anecdotes, last night's dreams, and ot...
Intended to meet the requirements for a single volume which covers methodologies appropriate for the analysis of survival data. Along with guidelines for the planning and design of clinical trials this expanded Second Edition offers a thorough discussion of population lifetables, real life examples, numerous exercises, computer programs for survival data analysis plus an updated reference list which includes a large number of recently published papers.
Geostatistics for Compositional Data with R (Use R!)
by Raimon Tolosana-Delgado and Ute Mueller
This book provides a guided approach to the geostatistical modelling of compositional spatial data. These data are data in proportions, percentages or concentrations distributed in space which exhibit spatial correlation. The book can be divided into four blocks. The first block sets the framework and provides some background on compositional data analysis. Block two introduces compositional exploratory tools for both non-spatial and spatial aspects. Block three covers all necessary facets of mu...
Quantitative Methods for Precision Medicine (Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics)
by Rongling Wu
Modern medicine is undergoing a paradigm shift from a "one-size-fits-all" strategy to a more precise patient-customized therapy and medication plan. While the success of precision medicine relies on the level of pharmacogenomic knowledge, dissecting the genetic mechanisms of drug response in a sufficient detail requires powerful computational tools. Quantitative Methods for Precision Medicine: Pharmacogenomics in Action presents the advanced statistical methods for mapping pharmacogenetic contro...
This edited collection brings together internationally recognized experts in a range of areas of statistical science to honor the contributions of the distinguished statistician, Barry C. Arnold. A pioneering scholar and professor of statistics at the University of California, Riverside, Dr. Arnold has made exceptional advancements in different areas of probability, statistics, and biostatistics, especially in the areas of distribution theory, order statistics, and statistical inference. As a tr...
Biometrie (Heidelberger Taschenbucher, #234)
by W. Kohler, G. Schachtel, and Peter Voleske
Dieses Buch richtet sich an die Anwender statistischer Methoden aus der Biologie und den Agrarwissenschaften. Es versucht die be handelten statistischen Verfahren mit moglichst wenig Formalismus, durch anschauliche Beispiele und mit Hilfe graphischer Darstellun gen ausfuhrlich zu erlautern. Die Auswahl des behandelten Stoffes erfolgte unter dem Gesichtspunkt, dass im Verlauf eines Semesters ein Einblick sowohl in die beschreibende als auch in die schliessende Statistik und in die Versuchsplanung...
The last two decades have seen enormous developments in statistical methods for incomplete data. The EM algorithm and its extensions, multiple imputation, and Markov Chain Monte Carlo provide a set of flexible and reliable tools from inference in large classes of missing-data problems. Yet, in practical terms, those developments have had surprisingly little impact on the way most data analysts handle missing values on a routine basis. Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data helps bridge the...
Branching Processes in Biology (Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics, #19)
by Marek Kimmel and David E. Axelrod
This book provides a theoretical background of branching processes and discusses their biological applications. Branching processes are a well-developed and powerful set of tools in the field of applied probability. The range of applications considered includes molecular biology, cellular biology, human evolution and medicine. The branching processes discussed include Galton-Watson, Markov, Bellman-Harris, Multitype, and General Processes. As an aid to understanding specific examples, two introd...
Statistical Methods in Healthcare
In recent years the number of innovative medicinal products and devices submitted and approved by regulatory bodies has declined dramatically. The medical product development process is no longer able to keep pace with increasing technologies, science and innovations and the goal is to develop new scientific and technical tools and to make product development processes more efficient and effective. Statistical Methods in Healthcare focuses on the application of statistical methodologies to eval...
Bayesian Analysis with R for Drug Development (Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics)
by Harry Yang and Steven J. Novick
Drug development is an iterative process. The recent publications of regulatory guidelines further entail a lifecycle approach. Blending data from disparate sources, the Bayesian approach provides a flexible framework for drug development. Despite its advantages, the uptake of Bayesian methodologies is lagging behind in the field of pharmaceutical development. Written specifically for pharmaceutical practitioners, Bayesian Analysis with R for Drug Development: Concepts, Algorithms, and Case Stu...
Modeling Survival Data: Extending the Cox Model (Statistics for Biology and Health)
by Terry M. Therneau and Patricia M. Grambsch
This book is for statistical practitioners, particularly those who design and analyze studies for survival and event history data. Building on recent developments motivated by counting process and martingale theory, it shows the reader how to extend the Cox model to analyze multiple/correlated event data using marginal and random effects. The focus is on actual data examples, the analysis and interpretation of results, and computation. The book shows how these new methods can be implemented in S...
Evaluating Climate Change Impacts (Chapman & Hall/CRC Applied Environmental Statistics)
Evaluating Climate Change Impacts discusses assessing and quantifying climate change and its impacts from a multi-faceted perspective of ecosystem, social, and infrastructure resilience, given through a lens of statistics and data science. It provides a multi-disciplinary view on the implications of climate variability and shows how the new data science paradigm can help us to mitigate climate-induced risk and to enhance climate adaptation strategies. This book consists of chapters solicited fr...
Proceedings of the Second Seattle Symposium in Biostatistics (Lecture Notes in Statistics, #179)
The First Seattle Symposium in Biostatistics: Survival Analysis was held on November 20and 21, 1995in honor ofthe twenty-fifth anniversary ofthe University of Washington (UW) School of Public Health and Community Medicine. The event was a big success. Exactly 5 years later, the Second Seattle Symposium in Biostatistics: Analysis of Correlated Data washeld on November 20 and 21, 2000, and it was also very successful. The event was sponsored by Pfizer and co-sponsored by the UW School of Public He...
Measuring Agreement (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
by Pankaj K. Choudhary and Haikady N. Nagaraja
Presents statistical methodologies for analyzing common types of data from method comparison experiments and illustrates their applications through detailed case studies Measuring Agreement: Models, Methods, and Applications features statistical evaluation of agreement between two or more methods of measurement of a variable with a primary focus on continuous data. The authors view the analysis of method comparison data as a two-step procedure where an adequate model for the data is found, and t...