Mixed Effects Models for the Population Approach (Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics)
by Marc Lavielle
Wide-Ranging Coverage of Parametric Modeling in Linear and Nonlinear Mixed Effects ModelsMixed Effects Models for the Population Approach: Models, Tasks, Methods and Tools presents a rigorous framework for describing, implementing, and using mixed effects models. With these models, readers can perform parameter estimation and modeling across a whol
Survey sampling is fundamentally an applied field. The goal in this book is to put an array of tools at the fingertips of practitioners by explaining approaches long used by survey statisticians, illustrating how existing software can be used to solve survey problems, and developing some specialized software where needed. This book serves at least three audiences: (1) Students seeking a more in-depth understanding of applied sampling either through a second semester-long course or by way of a su...
Contributed articles in honor of Yola Verhasselt, b. 1937, professor of Geography, Free University, Brussels.
Advances in Network Complexity (Quantitative and Network Biology (VCH))
A well-balanced overview of mathematical approaches to complex systems ranging from applications in chemistry and ecology to basic research questions on network complexity. Matthias Dehmer, Abbe Mowshowitz, and Frank Emmert-Streib, well-known pioneers in the fi eld, have edited this volume with a view to balancing classical and modern approaches to ensure broad coverage of contemporary research problems. The book is a valuable addition to the literature and a must-have for anyone dealing with ne...
Modeles Mathematiques En Biologie (Lecture Notes in Biomathematics, #41)
Modeling Survival Data Using Frailty Models (Industrial and Applied Mathematics)
by David D. Hanagal
When designing and analyzing a medical study, researchers focusing on survival data must take into account the heterogeneity of the study population: due to uncontrollable variation, some members change states more rapidly than others. Survival data measures the time to a certain event or change of state. For example, the event may be death, occurr
Data Analysis and Information Systems (Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization)
This volume presents 45 articles dealing with theoretical aspects, methodo logical advances and practical applications in domains relating to classifica tion and clustering, statistical and computational data analysis, conceptual or terminological approaches for information systems, and knowledge struc tures for databases. These articles were selected from about 140 papers presented at the 19th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft fur Klassifika tion, the German Classification Society. The...
Stochastic Methods in Biology (Lecture Notes in Biomathematics, #70)
The use of probabilistic methods in the biological sciences has been so well established by now that mathematical biology is regarded by many as a distinct dis cipline with its own repertoire of techniques. The purpose of the Workshop on sto chastic methods in biology held at Nagoya University during the week of July 8-12, 1985, was to enable biologists and probabilists from Japan and the U. S. to discuss the latest developments in their respective fields and to exchange ideas on the ap plica...
Bernard Rosner's FUNDAMENTALS OF BIOSTATISTICS is a practical introduction to the methods, techniques, and computation of statistics with human subjects. It prepares students for their future courses and careers by introducing the statistical methods most often used in medical literature. Rosner minimizes the amount of mathematical formulation (algebra-based) while still giving complete explanations of all the important concepts. As in previous editions, a major strength of this book is that eve...
Analysis of Variance for Random Models
by Hardeo Sahai and Mario M. Ojeda
ANOVA models involving random effects have found widespread application to experimental design in varied fields such as biology, econometrics, and engineering. Volume I of this two-part work is a comprehensive presentation of methods and techniques for point estimation, interval estimation, and hypotheses tests for linear models involving random effects. Volume I examines models with balanced data (orthogonal models); Volume II studies models with unbalanced data (non-orthogonal models). Accessi...
Multivariate Analysemethoden (Statistik Und Ihre Anwendungen)
by Andreas Handl and Torben Kuhlenkasper
Dieses Buch gibt eine Einfuhrung in die Analyse multivariater Daten. Behandelt werden neben den klassischen Verfahren auch neuere Verfahren wie Klassifikationsbaume. Das Buch wendet sich zum einen an Studierende des Fachs Statistik und zum anderen an alle Personen, die Datenanalyse betreiben und hierbei multivariate Verfahren anwenden wollen. Jedes Verfahren wird zunachst anhand eines realen Problems motiviert. Darauf aufbauend wird ausfuhrlich die Zielsetzung des Verfahrens herausgearbeitet. Es...
The Galton-Watson branching process has its roots in the problem of extinction of family names which was given a precise formulation by F. Galton as problem 4001 in the Educational Times (17, 1873). In 1875, an attempt to solve this problem was made by H. W. Watson but as it turned out, his conclusion was incorrect. Half a century later, R. A. Fisher made use of the Galton-Watson process to determine the extinction probability of the progeny of a mutant gene. However, it was J. B. S. Haldane who...
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Nonlinear Complex Systems (Springer Series in Synergetics, #62)
Nonlinear dynamics is now recognized as playing a crucial role in a wide variety of disciplines. But what is only just beginning is the important process of cross fertilization and transfer of knowledge and expertise from one area to another. This book is intended to promote this process which will undoubtedly contribute greatly to furthering our understanding of complex systems. Contributions are provided by leading experts from the areas of sociology, cog...
Medizinische Statistik für Dummies (Fur Dummies)
by Geraldine Rauch, Jochen Kruppa, Ulrike Grittner, Konrad Neumann, and Carolin Herrmann
Wenn auch Sie Ihre kleinen Problemchen mit medizinischer Statistik haben, sind Sie hier genau richtig. Mit viel Witz bringen Ihnen die Autoren Geraldine Rauch, Konrad Neumann, Ulrike Grittner, Carolin Herrmann und Jochen Kruppa die Prinzipien der Biostatistik näher. In diesem Buch lernen Sie alles, was Sie benötigen, um Statistik im medizinischen Bereich erfolgreich einzusetzen. Angefangen bei der Begriffskunde und den Grundlagen, erfahren Sie alles von Studientypen über deskriptive Verfahren, V...
The Statistics of Gene Mapping (Statistics for Biology and Health)
by David Siegmund and Benjamin Yakir
This book details the statistical concepts used in gene mapping, first in the experimental context of crosses of inbred lines and then in outbred populations, primarily humans. It presents elementary principles of probability and statistics, which are implemented by computational tools based on the R programming language to simulate genetic experiments and evaluate statistical analyses. Each chapter contains exercises, both theoretical and computational, some routine and others that are more cha...
Packed with worked examples and problems, this book will help the reader improve their confidence and skill in data-handling. The mathematical methods needed for problem-solving are described in the first part of the book, with chapters covering topics such as indices, graphs and logarithms. The following eight chapters explore data-handling in different areas of microbiology and biochemistry including microbial growth, enzymes and radioactivity. Each chapter is fully illustrated with worked exa...
Circumpolar Health Atlas (Heritage)
When many of us picture the areas surrounding the North Pole, we imagine barren landscapes, wintry conditions, and sparse human and animal populations. Opening up the Circumpolar Health Atlas will undoubtedly change this perception. Abounding with hundreds of vibrant, full-colour photographs and maps, this book presents a stunning and immersive portrait of life in the Arctic region, with an emphasis on the factors that contribute to human health in this area. Written with the general reader in m...
Grundlagen Der Datenanalyse Mit R (Statistik Und Ihre Anwendungen)
by Daniel Wollschl Ger
Das Buch liefert eine Einfuhrung in die Datenauswertung mit der frei erhaltlichen Statistiksoftware R. Die wichtigsten statistischen Verfahren in den Human- und Sozialwissenschaften werden ausfuhrlich an Beispielen erlautert und mit Diagrammen illustriert. Neben den klassischen univariaten Verfahren werden auch zahlreiche nonparametrische und multivariate Methoden beschrieben. Fur die 2.Auflage wurden die Neuerungen der Version R 2.14 eingearbeitet und die Abschnitte zu Regression, Resampling-Ve...
* Includes a new chapter on logistic regression. * Discusses the design and analysis of random trials. * Explores the latest applications of sample size tables. * Contains a new section on binomial distribution.
This reference - based on the Conference on Differential Equations, held in Bologna - provides information on current research in parabolic and hyperbolic differential equations. Presenting methods and results in semigroup theory and their applications to evolution equations, this book focuses on topics including: abstract parabolic and hyperbolic linear differential equations; nonlinear abstract parabolic equations; holomorphic semigroups; and Volterra operator integral equations.;With contribu...
Statistical Design and Analysis of Biomarker Studies (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
by Edward L. Korn, Paul S. Albert, and Lisa M. McShane
The only up-to-date text to focus on statistical analysis, Statistical Design and Analysis of Biomarker Studies discusses both the design and analyses required to develop biomarkers, and the types of designs and analyses that are done with these biomarkers once they are developed. This is a useful text for graduate students, biostatisticians, basic biologists, clinicians, and epidemiologists who are working with biomarkers.
Dieses Buch fuhrt in grundlegende Methoden der Mathematik ein, die in den Biowissenschaften angewendet werden. Die Themenbereiche wurden in der dritten Auflage erheblich erweitert. Sie umfassen u.a. Verfahren zur Auswertung von Beobachtungsdaten, die fur das Fachgebiet wichtigen Funktionen, die Anpassung von Funktionen an Daten, Modellbildung mit Differentialgleichungen, Vektoren und Matrizen sowie Schatz- und Testverfahren. Die Darstellung der Inhalte baut auf der Schulmathematik auf. Das Buch...
Medical Informatics (Lecture Notes in Medical Informatics, #14)
by F. Wingert
With the exception of some additions in Section 3.1 and minor changes, the English edition of the "Medizinische Informatik" is a translation of the German edition. Because there is frequently no one-to-one correspondence between the Ger- man and the English terminology, misinterpretations are possible. I have tried to avoid this situation as far as possible. The main problem re- mains within the academic setting. In recent years, the term 1~for.atics has become popular in Europe, but is widely u...