Bioequivalence and Statistics in Clinical Pharmacology
by Director Research Statistics Unit Byron Jones and Scott Patterson
Analysing Ecological Data
by Alain F. Zuur, Elena N. Ieno, and Graham M Smith
Statistical Modeling and Analysis for Complex Data Problems
by Pierre Duchesne and Bruno R millard
Robust Rank-Based and Nonparametric Methods (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, #168)
The contributors to this volume include many of the distinguished researchers in this area. Many of these scholars have collaborated with Joseph McKean to develop underlying theory for these methods, obtain small sample corrections, and develop efficient algorithms for their computation. The papers cover the scope of the area, including robust nonparametric rank-based procedures through Bayesian and big data rank-based analyses. Areas of application include biostatistics and spatial areas. O...
This is the first book to compare eight LDFs by different types of datasets, such as Fisher's iris data, medical data with collinearities, Swiss banknote data that is a linearly separable data (LSD), student pass/fail determination using student attributes, 18 pass/fail determinations using exam scores, Japanese automobile data, and six microarray datasets (the datasets) that are LSD. We developed the 100-fold cross-validation for the small sample method (Method 1) instead of the LOO method. We...
Permutation Tests in Shape Analysis (SpringerBriefs in Statistics, #15)
by Luigi Salmaso and Chiara Brombin
Statistical shape analysis is a geometrical analysis from a set of shapes in which statistics are measured to describe geometrical properties from similar shapes or different groups, for instance, the difference between male and female Gorilla skull shapes, normal and pathological bone shapes, etc. Some of the important aspects of shape analysis are to obtain a measure of distance between shapes, to estimate average shapes from a (possibly random) sample and to estimate shape variability in a sa...
Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R (Use R!, #10)
by Roger S Bivand, Edzer J Pebesma, and Virgilio G Mez-Rubio
This book addresses the needs of researchers and students using R to analyze spatial data across a range of disciplines and professions. The book is co-authored by a group involved in the Comprehensive R Archive Network.
Estimating Functions (Oxford Statistical Science, #7)
This volume comprises a comprehensive collection of original papers on the subject of estimating functions. It is intended to provide statisticians with an overview of both the theory and the applications of estimating functions in biostatistics, stochastic processes, and survey sampling. From the early 1960s when the concept of optimality criterion was first formulated, together with later work on optimal estimating functions, this subject has become both an active research area in its own righ...
Indirect Questioning in Sample Surveys
by Arijit Chaudhuri and Tasos C. Christofides
Indirect questioning is a crucial topic in surveys of human populations. When the issue is about a stigmatizing characteristic (for example about illegal drug use), standard survey methodologies are destined to fail because, as expected, people are not willing to reveal incriminating information or information violating their privacy. Indirect questioning techniques have been devised so that the privacy of participants in a sample survey is protected and at the same time good estimates of certa...
Datenqualitat in Stichprobenerhebungen (Statistik Und Ihre Anwendungen)
by Andreas Quatember
Das Buch bietet eine verstandnis- und anwendungsorientierte Einfuhrung in verschiedene Stichprobendesigns, bestehend aus Auswahlverfahren und Schatzmethodik. Das Methodenverstandnis wird unterstutzt durch einfach nachvollziehbare und gerade dadurch besonders foerderliche Beispiele. Dabei werden auch andere praxisrelevante Aspekte, welche sich auf die Qualitat der gezogenen Schlussfolgerungen auswirken, nicht ausgeklammert: Behandelt werden unter anderem die Nonresponse-Thematik sowie die Anwendu...
Applied Missing Data Analysis in the Health Sciences
by Xiao-Hua Zhou, Chuan Zhou, Danping Lui, and Xaiobo Ding
Sample Size Calculations in Clinical Research (Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics)
by Shein-Chung Chow, Hansheng Wang, and Jun Shao
Sample size calculation plays an important role in clinical research. It is not uncommon, however, to observe discrepancies among study objectives (or hypotheses), study design, statistical analysis (or test statistic), and sample size calculation. Focusing on sample size calculation for studies conducted during the various phases of clinical resea
The Stability Concept of Evolutionary Game Theory (Lecture Notes in Biomathematics, #94)
by Ross Cressman
These Notes grew from my research in evolutionary biology, specifically on the theory of evolutionarily stable strategies (ESS theory), over the past ten years. Personally, evolutionary game theory has given me the opportunity to transfer my enthusiasm for abstract mathematics to more practical pursuits. I was fortunate to have entered this field in its infancy when many biologists recognized its potential but were not prepared to grant it general acceptance. This is no longer the case. ESS theo...
Parametric Statistical Change Point Analysis (Oberwolfach Seminars, Vol 29)
by Jie Chen and A. K. Gupta
This work is an in-depth study of the change point problem from a general point of view and a further examination of change point analysis of the most commonly used statistical models. Change point problems are encountered in such disciplines as economics, finance, medicine, psychology, signal processing, and geology, to mention only several. The exposition is clear and systematic, with a great deal of introductory material included. Different models are presented in each chapter, including ga...
Differential Equation Analysis in Biomedical Science and Engineering
by William E Schiesser
Cataloging much-needed mathematical and computational tools, "Differential Equation Analysis in Biomedical Science and Engineering Ordinary Differential Equation Applications with R" provides a solid foundation in formulating and solving real-world ODE numerical and analytical problems in various fields, from applied mathematics, engineering, and computer science to biology and medicine. Addressing the fact that the details of the numerical algorithms and how the solution was computed are usuall...
Bioinformatics (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Multimedia Information and Systems)
Life science data integration and interoperability is one of the most challenging problems facing bioinformatics today. In the current age of the life sciences, investigators have to interpret many types of information from a variety of sources: lab instruments, public databases, gene expression profiles, raw sequence traces, single nucleotide polymorphisms, chemical screening data, proteomic data, putative metabolic pathway models, and many others. Unfortunately, scientists are not currently a...
Systems Analysis in Forest Resources (Managing Forest Ecosystems, #7)
Systems analysis in forestry has continued to advance in sophistication and diversity of application over the last few decades. The papers in this volume were presented at the eighth symposium in the foremost conference series worldwide in this subject area. Techniques presented include optimization and simulation modelling, decision support systems, alternative planning techniques, and spatial analysis. Over 30 papers and extended abstracts are grouped into the topical areas of (1) fire and fue...
Cet ouvrage expose de maniere detaillee, exemples a l'appui, l une des methodes statistiques les plus courantes: la regression. Les premiers chapitres sont consacres a la regression lineaire simple et multiple. Ils expliquent les fondements de la methode, tant au niveau des choix operes que des hypotheses et de leur utilite. Ensuite sont developpes les outils permettant de verifier les hypotheses de base mises en uvre par la regression. Une presentation simple des modeles d'analyse de la covaria...
Statistical Modeling and Computation
by Dirk P. Kroese and Joshua C.C. Chan
This textbook on statistical modeling and statistical inference will assist advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Statistical Modeling and Computation provides a unique introduction to modern Statistics from both classical and Bayesian perspectives. It also offers an integrated treatment of Mathematical Statistics and modern statistical computation, emphasizing statistical modeling, computational techniques, and applications. Each of the three parts will cover topics essential to univers...
Long-Memory Processes
by Jan Beran, Yuanhua Feng, Sucharita Ghosh, and Rafal Kulik
Long-memory processes are known to play an important part in many areas of science and technology, including physics, geophysics, hydrology, telecommunications, economics, finance, climatology, and network engineering. In the last 20 years enormous progress has been made in understanding the probabilistic foundations and statistical principles of such processes. This book provides a timely and comprehensive review, including a thorough discussion of mathematical and probabilistic foundations and...