Pain Management in Veterinary Practice
Pain Management in Veterinary Practice provides veterinary practitioners with the information needed to recognize and manage pain in a wide range of large, small, and exotic animal species. Encompassing acute, adaptive, and chronic, maladaptive pain, the book provides an up-to-date review of the physiology and pathophysiology of pain. Pain Management in Veterinary Practice offers specific strategies for addressing pain in animals, including local and regional analgesia, continuous rate infusions...
Laboratory Urinalysis and Hematology for the Small Animal Practitioner
by Bernard Feldman and Carolyn A. Sink
This guide to routinely performed laboratory procedures is essential for any veterinary practitioner or nurse learning to, or actually performing routine urinalysis and hematology laboratory procedures. It includes the basic information of how to collect, preserve, prepare, and examine specimens. It deals specifically with common findings in urinalysis and hematology and provides a comprehensive set of high quality images for on-the-spot reference. The book includes step-by-step procedures for b...
Companion Animals and Domestic Violence (Palgrave Studies in Animals and Social Problems)
by Nik Taylor and Heather Fraser
In this book, Nik Taylor and Heather Fraser consider how we might better understand human-animal companionship in the context of domestic violence. The authors advocate an intersectional feminist understanding, drawing on a variety of data from numerous projects they have conducted with people, about their companion animals and links between domestic violence and animal abuse, arguing for a new understanding that enables animals to be constituted as victims of domestic violence in their own righ...
Complete with line drawings, charts, and a glossary of medical terms, Dr. Lose provides essential information necessary to evaluate the delivery and a foal's health, and devotes a special chapter to hereditary and congenital problems.
Applying Equine Science (BSAS Publication, #35)
Climate Change and Animal Health (CRC One Health One Welfare)
This benchmark publication assembles information on the current and anticipated effects of climate change on animal health. It empowers educators, managers, practitioners, and researchers by providing evidence, experience, and opinions on what we need to do to prepare for, and cope with, the largest threat ever to have faced animals on this planet. With expert contributors from across the globe, the text equips the reader with information and means to develop sustainable adaptation or mitigation...
Equine Cytoloic Diagnosis takes a systems-based anatomical approach with each chapter divided into pathological mechanisms. Ideally suited to reference in a clinical setting, the book is fully illustrated and referenced throughout.
BHS Complete Manual of Horse and Stable Management
by Josephine Batty-Smith
A comprehensive guide to the care and management of horses and ponies. The aim of this volume is to provide a reliable source of information and advice on all practical aspects of horse and stable management. The manual has been compiled by a panel of experts each drawing on considerable experience and contributing specialised knowledge on his or her chosen subject. Filled with reliable information and advice on modern stable management practices, the book provides a sound foundation for Horse...
The A to Z of FIRST AID AND EMERGENCY CARE for Dogs and Cats
by A. Glover
Mycoplasmas in Swine
Swine can be infected with many different mycoplasmas. Some are important pathogens, causing significant health and welfare issues in pigs and major losses to the swine industry worldwide. Other mycoplasmas are not pathogenic for swine and can be considered commensals. This book provides up-to-date scientific, clinical and practical information of the most important pathogenic mycoplasmas in swine. Most emphasis has been placed on Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae as the most economically important, but...
Horse Coloring Physiology Workbook, Veterinary Anatomy Magnificent Learning Structure for Students & Even Adults
by Patrick Crown
Bill's Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics for Veterinary Technicians - E-Book
by Melinda Anderson
Zooarchaeology is a well-established discipline, aimed at understanding relationships between humans and animals in the past using the evidence of excavated animal remains. Its usual sphere of interest includes the reconstruction of meat consumption and other forms of animal exploitation. Recently, however, concerns with both animal welfare and zoonoses (epidemics threatening humans as well such as Bovine Spongy Encephalitis and the bird flu), have directed researchers' attention to a largely un...
Der Stoffwechsel (Physiologische Chemie, 2, 2, D/)
by Ruth Beutler, Bonifaz Flaschentrager, and E Lehnartz
The UFAW Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory and Other Research Animals (UFAW Animal Welfare)
The latest edition of the seminal reference on the care and management of laboratory and research animals The newly revised Ninth Edition of The UFAW Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory and Other Research Animals delivers an up-to-date and authoritative exploration on worldwide developments, current thinking, and best practices in the field of laboratory animal welfare science and technology. The gold standard in laboratory and captive animal care and management references, this la...