In the eighteenth century, the Western world viewed circumcision as an embarrassing disfigurement peculiar to Jews. A century later, British doctors urged parents to circumcise their sons as a routine precaution against every imaginable sexual dysfunction, from syphilis and phimosis to masturbation and bed-wetting. Thirty years later the procedure again came under hostile scrutiny, culminating in its disappearance during the 1960s. Why Britain adopted a practice it had traditionally abhorred and...
2015 Annual Report on Prostate Diseases (Harvard Medical School Special Health Reports)
by Marc B. Garnick
How I Survived Prostate Cancer-- And So Can You
by Associate Professor James Lewis
Healthy Eating on a Renal Diet
Cellular and Molecular Biology of Gonadal Development and Maturation in Mammals
by S.S. Guraya
This book provides a critical, up-to-date review of the vast body of recent research on the cellular and molecular biology of development, differentiation and maturation of the ovary and testis in mammals including human. It also explores the current concepts and theories of gonadal differentiation as well as the origin, migration and structure of germ cells.
Prostatakarzinom (Multimediale Bibliothek Der Medizin / Springer Symposia Live)
Diagnose Und Behandlung Der Gonorrhöe Beim Mann Und Bei Der Frau
by Jules Janet
Manual of Laparoscopic Urology
by Alberto Rosenblatt, Renaud Bollens, and Baldo Espinoza Cohen
Urology Annual
Aktuelles Aus Klinik Und Praxis Der Urologie (Wissenkompakt Medizin)
Der vorliegende Band der Reihe WissenKompakt Medizin erklart in allgemeinverstandlicher Weise die aktuellsten Therapien und Behandlungsmethoden aus dem Bereich der Urologie.Es wird erklart, wann eine Prostatabiopsie angezeigt ist und welche Vorteile Verfahren haben, die durch eine Magnetresonanztomographie der Prostata unterstutzt werden. Am Beispiel des Prostatakarzinoms wird exemplarisch dargestellt, wie aktuelle Erkenntnisse aus der Forschung in neue Behandlungsansatze fliessen. Es wird gezei...
Urinary Incontinence Pocketguide
by American Urogynecologic Society (Augs)
Recent Advances in Prostate Cancer: Basic Science Discoveries and Clinical Advances
Contribution a l'etude des retentions d'urine chez la femme
by Barbin-A