Atlas of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy
by Elliot L Chaikof and Richard P Cambria
50 Studies Every Vascular Surgeon Should Know (Fifty Studies Every Doctor Should)
by Julien Al Shakarchi
50 Studies every Vascular Surgeon Should Know presents key studies that have shaped the practice of Vascular Surgery. Selected using a rigorous methodology, the studies cover topics including carotid artery disease, aortic aneurysm, peripheral artery disease, trauma, venous disease and vascular access. For each study, a concise summary is presented with an emphasis on the results and limitations of the study, and its implication for practice. An illustrative clinical case concludes each review...
Principios Y Practica de la Cirugia del Linfedema
by Ming-Huei Cheng, David W. Chang, and Ketan M Patel
In diesem Buch erfahren Betroffene alles Wissenswerte uber Krampfadern, Beinschwellung und Beinvenenthrombose: Ursachen der Erkrankung, Krankheitserscheinungen, Unterschiede zu anderen Erkrankungen der Beine, Diagnose- und Therapiemoeglichkeiten. Die Wahl des richtigen Arztes und die Vorbereitung auf das Gesprach mit dem Arzt werden detailliert beschrieben, ebenso die Untersuchungen, die der Arzt durchfuhrt. Ausfuhrlich und ausgewogen sind die zahlreichen Behandlungsmoeglichkeiten dargestellt un...
M�mo-Fiches Deeje - Dipl�me d'�tat d'�ducateur de Jeunes Enfants
by Jacqueline Gassier and Céline Rose
Anger Management Skills Workbook for Kids
by Amanda Robinson, LPC, RPT
Help Your Child Learn Anger Management Skills for a Lifetime. While some children instinctively know how to regulate their emotions, plenty of others lack the skills they need to express their anger in healthy and effective ways. This warm, engaging workbook helps children ages 5-10 develop strong skills for managing their anger through 40 fun activities. From identifying their feelings and challenging negative thinking patterns to practicing healthy coping skills when angry feelings arise, k...
Fundamentals of Frontline Surgery is an easy to read text, written by world class faculty, that provides clinicians with succinct and didactic information about what to do in high intensity, resource limited situations.With global conflicts and humanitarian emergencies on the rise, there has been a dramatic uptake in the number of volunteers for both military and humanitarian operations. This manual aids best practice and fast decision making in the field.
Excimer Lasers (Nato Science Series E:, #265)
Among the many intense light sources, excimer lasers have a unique set of properties that place them at the forefront of tooling for material processing. Their extreme versatility means that they can be used in many areas of materials science and medicine. But three conditions need to be fulfilled in order that their versatility be truly appreciated and exploited: the characteristics and limitations of the sources must be known; the basic excimer laser processes should become reasonably w...
Bereits Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts hatte man sich mit allen heute gangigen Methoden der Gefasschirurgie auseinandergesetzt und in diesem Bereich der Chirurgie binnen weniger Jahre wichtige Erkenntnisse gewonnen. Gemass der oftmals aufgestellten These, ein Krieg bringe fur die Medizin, speziell die Chirurgie, Fortschritte, bot sich den Medizinern mit Beginn des Ersten Weltkrieges die Gelegenheit, dieses Wissen zu festigen und zu erweitern. Zeitgenoessische Berichte damals tatiger Kriegschirurgen s...
Current Vascular Surgery 2014
by Mark Eskandari, William Pearce, and James Yao
Second Vascular Surgery Database Report
by Chris Gibbons, Robin Kinsman, and Peter K. H. Walton
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