Artificial Organs (Synthesis Lectures on Biomedical Engineering)
by Gerald E Miller
Introduction To Biocomposites, An (Series On Biomaterials And Bioengineering, #1)
by Seeram Ramakrishna, Zheng-ming Huang, Ganesh V Kumar, Joerg Mayer, and Andrew William Batchelor
Many years of cumulative research has been conducted on the usage of fiber-reinforced composites for biomedical application, but no one source exists where this topic is dealt with systematically. This book addresses polymer composites applied to bioengineering in a comprehensive manner.For potential applications to be successful, full advantage must be taken of the materials properties and the manufacturing techniques to meet the needs of biomedical application. This book focuses on fiber-based...
Penile Prosthetic Surgery
Penile Prosthetic Surgery: Practical Guide to Prosthetic Implant describes the different types of penile prostheses and provides step-by-step surgical procedures in diverse patients experiencing erectile dysfunction. Additionally, access to supplemental videos provide enhanced learning through the opportunity to see procedures carried out. Content covers common tips and tricks for successful surgery and presents possible complications with accompanying solutions. Coverage includes full acknowled...
Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Nurse Prescribers
by Vakha Tahan
Army Colouring Books For Boys (Kids Coloring Books)
by Little Eye Twinkle
Corporal Andy Reid was an ordinary soldier, serving in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. But his life changed for ever on Tuesday 13th October 2009, when he was blown up by a Taliban improvised explosive device (IED). Evacuated to the UK and the specialist military wing of Selly Oak Hospital, it was touch - and - go whether he would survive. He had lost both legs and his right arm, while the index finger of his left hand was almost completely removed. Yet survive he did and less than a month after...