Ansätze für die Ursachen von Essstörungen bei Mädchen und Frauen
by Kira Herzog
Though practices like acupuncture have become popular in the West over the last few decades, they have been a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years. Hand reflexology and acupressure are two techniques that can achieve similar results to more complicated practices like acupuncture, but can be done at home, on yourself, without any tools. This book acts as a beginner's guide to these pressure-based practices. Through illustrations and easy-to-understand language, readers can...
Modeling the Interplay Between Human Behavior and the Spread of Infectious Diseases
Allergy Relief and Prevention
by M D Jacqueline Krohn, M a Frances Taylor, and Erla Mae Larson
Tecnazene (Environmental Health Criteria)
From Alma-Ata to the year 2000
The Transhumanism Handbook
Modern humanity with some 5,000 years of recorded history has been experiencing growing pains, with no end in sight. It is high time for humanity to grow up and to transcend itself by embracing transhumanism. Transhumanism offers the most inclusive ideology for all ethnicities and races, the religious and the atheists, conservatives and liberals, the young and the old regardless of socioeconomic status, gender identity, or any other individual qualities. This book expounds on contemporary view...
Disability & International Development
by Malcolm Maclachlan and Leslie Swartz
Situates disability rights within the broader context of global health and the need for much greater inter-sector collaboration. This book is suitable for professionals in rehabilitation, social welfare and human rights; governmental and non-governmental organizations and disabled people's organizations; and researchers and practitioners.
Digital Health and Public and Community Health provides students with an examination of digital health and its integration in public and community health services. Readers learn how digital health systems and initiatives require engagement from a plethora of stakeholders, individual healthcare providers, and interprofessional teams of healthcare providers, including input from health profession education, communities and government, insurers, health policy, health research, and consumers. The b...
MAK– und BAT–Werte–Liste 2015 (Mak - Werte - Liste DFG (VCH))
Gesundheit, Entwicklung Und Erziehung in Der Fruehen Kindheit (Gesellschaft Und Erziehung, #2)
by Gerda Niebsch, Christa Grosch, Ursula Bossdorf, and Gisela Graehn-Baumann
Unterstutzung von Familien, Foerderung von Gesundheit und Entwicklung und die Erziehung von Klein- und Vorschulkindern werden seit langem kontrovers diskutiert. Die Autorinnen ziehen ein Resumee der jahrzehntelangen wissenschaftlichen und praktischen Arbeit zur Gestaltung des Lebens der Kinder in den Kindereinrichtungen der DDR. Die Wichtigkeit von padagogischer und medizinischer Betreuung fur die Entwicklung der Kinder von fruhester Kindheit an und die Zusammenarbeit der Kindereinrichtungen mit...
Auslandsmitarbeiter in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Gesundheitsmanagement mit Fokus auf psychische Belastungen
by Jacob Spanke
Die "Karriere" der Krankheiten. Das Medizinsystem und dessen Anpassung an gesellschaftliche Probleme
by Melisa Bel Adasme
MAK– und BAT–Werte–Liste 2017 (Mak - Werte - Liste DFG (VCH))
Die MAK- und BAT-Werte-Liste 2017 enthält Grenzwerte und Einstufungen für rund 1000 Arbeitsstoffe. Fundierte Empfehlungen mit rechtlicher Relevanz in Deutschland, der EU und darüber hinaus!
Chlordecone (Environmental Health Criteria)