Rudolf Virchow: Archiv Fur Pathologische Anatomie Und Physiologie Und Fur Klinische Medicin. Band 144
by Rudolf Virchow
Visual Anatomy & Physiology: Pearson New International Edition
by Frederic H Martini, William C Ober, and Judi L Nath
Visual Anatomy & Physiology combines a visual approach with a modular organization to deliver an easy-to-use and time-efficient book that uniquely meets the needs of today's students-without sacrificing the coverage of A&P topics required for careers in nursing and other allied health professions.
Until very recently most experimental studies on brain chemistry were conducted with postmortem tissue. However, because of shortcomings with postmortem methods and also the desire to directly relate neurochemistry to behavior, there has been a rapid growth of interest towards in vivo neurochemical methods. The recent availability of small diameter hollow dialysis fibres and very sensitive analytical techniques has made microdialysis practical for the routine measurement of many endogenous neu...
Disgusting Body Facts Pack A of 5 (Disgusting Body Facts)
by Angela Royston
Read Me books are designed to engage reluctant readers with exciting, and even disgusting, subject matter at a low reading level. This series introduces some disgusting aspects of the human body to engage readers and build understanding of body systems.
Introduction to the Human Body
by Gerard J Tortora and Bryan H. Derrickson
Introduction to the Human Body 10th Edition Binder Ready Version offers a balanced introduction to the human body, especially developed to meet the needs of the one-semester A&P course. It provides an effective blend of stunning art and clearly written text to illuminate the complexities of the human body. Class-tested pedagogy is woven into the narrative and illustrations to ensure that students gain a solid understanding of the material. This text is an unbound, binder-ready version.
My Early Learning Library abc (My Early Learning Library)
by Chez Picthall and Christiane Gunzi
Histologische Untersuchungen über die Entwicklung des Zeckenadultus in der Nymphe
by Suavi Yalvac
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
Die Nackengabel von Zerynthia (Thais) polyxena Schiff. und die Phylogenese des Osmateriums
by Max Wegener
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
Aimed at students taking a course on visual perception, this textbook considers what it means for a man, a monkey and a computer to perceive the world. After an introduction and a discussion of methods, the book deals with how the environment produces a physical effect, how the resulting "image" is processed by the brain or by computer algorithms in order to produce a perception of "something out there". It also discusses color, form, motion, distance, and also the sensing of three dimensionalit...
In Transcend, famed futurist Ray Kurzweil and his coauthor Terry Grossman, MD, present a cutting edge, accessible program based on the vanguard in nutrition and science. They've distilled thousands of scientific studies to make the case that new developments in medicine and technology will allow us to radically extend our life expectancies and slow the aging process. Transcend gives you the practical tools you need to live long enough (and remain healthy long enough) to take full advantage of t...
Voices Are Not for Yelling / La Voz No Es Para Gritar (Best Behavior) (Best Behavior)
by Elizabeth Verdick
English-Spanish bilingual editions of titles in Free Spirit s popular Best Behavior series. This friendly, encouraging bilingual English-Spanish book introduces and reinforces where and when to use an indoor voice or an outdoor voice. Vivid illustrations teach children the times and places for an indoor voice, the ways people ask us to quiet our voices, and how to use our words to talk about a problem. Includes a section for parents and caregivers in both languages.
Freshney's Culture of Animal Cells
by Amanda Capes-Davis and R Ian Freshney
FRESHNEY’S CULTURE OF ANIMAL CELLS THE NEW EDITION OF THE LEADING TEXT ON THE BASIC METHODOLOGY OF CELL CULTURE, FULLY UPDATED TO REFLECT NEW APPLICATIONS INCLUDING IPSCS, CRISPR, AND ORGAN-ON-CHIP TECHNOLOGIES Freshney’s Culture of Animal Cells is the most comprehensive and up-to-date resource on the principles, techniques, equipment, and applications in the field of cell and tissue culture. Explaining both how to do tissue culture and why a technique is done in a particular way, this classi...
This full-color manual is designed for students with minimal backgrounds in science who are pursuing careers in allied health fields. Designed to support the twelfth edition of Hole's Essentials of Human A&P by Shier, Butler, and Lewis, this manual contains 49 laboratory exercises and reports, which are integrated closely to the textbook. Exercises are planned to illustrate and review the anatomical and physiological facts and principles presented in the text and to help students investigate som...
Spezielle Zoologie. Teil 1: Einzeller und Wirbellose Tiere (Sav Biologie)
Diese 3. Auflage des 1. Teils der „Speziellen Zoologie“ wird weiterhin das maßgebende Lehrbuch der Systematischen Zoologie für Studierende der Biowissenschaften sein. Während die Systematisierung der eukaryotischen Einzeller umfangreiche Umstellungen erforderlich gemacht hat, erreicht die Großgliederung der Metazoa einen hohen Grad an Verlässlichkeit. Die wichtigsten Neuerungen sind die Auftrennung der Protostomia in die Spiralia (=Lophotrochozoa) und Ecdysozoa, die Herausnahme der Acoelomorpha...
Sein abgeschlossen vorliegendes Sammelwerk brachte mir der Heraus- geber, Herr P. Lazarus, mit dem Ersuchen, ich mochte, unbesohwert durch Autoritat auf diesem Gebiete, lediglich als dankbarer erster Leser des weit iiber das gewohnliche MaB hervorragenden Werkes und aus der Dberzeugung heraus, wie viel Anregungen wir Alle durch die bisherige Entwickelung der Lehre von den radioaktiven Stoffen bereits gewonnen haben, der groBen Arbeit einige empfehlende W orte fUr meine klinischen Kollegen mitgeb...
Sinne und Verhalten: aus dem Leben einer Spinne
by Friedrich G. Barth
Spinnen sind wundervolle Kreaturen. Ihr reichhaltiges und komplexes Verhalten verfügt über hochentwickelte Sinnessysteme und ist hervorragend an die Bedingungen ihrer Umwelt angepasst - wie sich aus ihrem evolutionären Erfolg ersehen lässt: sie hatten 400 Millionen Jahre Zeit, ihre Biosensoren zu einer faszinierenden technischen Perfektion und Komplexität auszuarbeiten. Professor Friedrich G. Barth stellt in seinem packenden Buch diese "technische Perfektion" in den übergeordneten Zusammenhang d...
Anatomy & Physiology: An Integrative Approach
by Michael McKinley, Valerie O'Loughlin, and Theresa Bidle
McKinley/O'Loughlin/Bidle's Anatomy and Physiology: An Integrative Approach 3e brings multiple elements of the study of A&P together in unique ways that maximize understanding. Covering anatomy and physiology in each chapter, the text emphasizes the interdependence of body systems by weaving prior coverage of one system into textual explanations of how other systems work. All figures are carefully designed to support the text narrative, and they carry brief textual explanations to make figures s...
Brain Opioid Systems in Reproduction
Many aspects of reproduction are controlled by the brain. For example, ovulation, birth and lactation are dependent upon signals from the brain directed at the endocrine system. The brain is also responsible for ensuring that the animal behaves in a way appropriate for these changing reproductive states. The nerve cells responsible for controlling the endocrine system and sexual behaviour receive much information about the internal and external environment. The details of how this information is...