Workbook and Lab Manual for Mosby's Pharmacy Technician E-Book
by Karen Davis and Anthony Guerra
Coping with Coronavirus: How to Stay Calm and Protect your Mental Health
by Dr Brendan Kelly
Für Die Physiotherapie - Prüfungsfragen Mit Antworten: Anatomie Physiologie
by Christoff Zalpour
Abseits der herkoemmlichen Touristenstroeme, in der Mitte Chinas, liegt das Wudang-Gebirge. Hier hat eine besondere Form des Daoismus, der ureigenen chinesischen Religion, ihre Wurzeln. Die Sanfeng-Daoisten betreiben Kampfkunste und praktizieren ein spezielles Qigong. Ein Herzstuck dieses Qigongs ist die Methode "Seiner Natur folgen - zuruckkehren zum Ursprung", die dem grossen Meister Huo Long (um 1200) zugeschrieben wird. Ziel der UEbung ist es, verbrauchtes, Krankheit verursachendes Qi aus de...
Workbook and Lab Manual for Mosby's Pharmacy Technician
by Karen Davis and Anthony Guerra
This easy-to-use, chapter-by-chapter companion to Mosby's Pharmacy Technician: Principles and Practice, 6th Edition helps you solidify your understanding and mastery of key skills and concepts. Each chapter of this combination workbook and lab manual contains a wide variety of review questions, exercises, and experiential lab activities to help reinforce key concepts, encourage you to reflect critically, and relate to practice for success on the job. Combined with the core textbook, this learnin...
Reconstructive Surgery of the Hand and Upper Extremity
by Gunter Germann, L Scott Levin, and Randy Sherman
Stretching (Stretching Exercise Routines for Flexibility)
by Ace McCloud
Virtual Reality in Health and Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Science in Practice)
This edited book focuses on the role and use of VR for healthcare professions in both health and rehabilitation settings. It is also offers future trends of other emerging technology within medicine and allied health professions. This text draws on expertise of leading medical practitioners and researchers who utilise such VR technologies in their practices to enhance patient/service user outcomes. Research and practical evidence is presented with a strong applied emphasis to further enhance the...
Computer Systems Experiences of Users with and Without Disabilities (Rehabilitation Science in Practice)
by Simone Borsci, Masaaki Kurosu, Stefano Federici, and Maria Laura Mele
This book provides to manufacturers, designers and evaluation professionals the necessary tools for balancing design and the assessment phases during the product lifecycle. It proposes an integrated model of interaction evaluation for a holistic analysis of the user experience by both discussing in details the interaction testing methods, and promoting the involvement of disabled users in human computer interaction evaluation.
'thought provoking'Gwen AdsheadShocking, eye-opening and grimly fascinating, these are the true stories, patients and cases that have characterised a career spent treating mentally disordered offenders.As a forensic psychiatrist, it's Dr Das's job to treat and rehabilitate what the tabloids might call the 'criminally insane', many of whom assault, rob, rape, and even kill. His work takes him to high-security prisons and securely locked hospital wards across the country, as well as inside courtro...
Dieser Ratgeber soll psychisch erkrankten Menschen helfen, von mehr Bewegung zu profitieren. Durch Burn-out, Depressionen oder AEngste entstehen oft Barrieren, die es fur die Betroffenen noch schwerer machen, sich fur mehr Aktivitat im Alltag zu motivieren. Die erfahrenen Autorinnen erklaren zunachst, warum Bewegung gerade fur psychisch erkrankte Menschen wichtig ist und geben Beispiele, wie diese trotz aller Barrieren aktiver werden koennen.
Offering an authoritative, multidisciplinary approach to the complex issues associated with neuromuscular disease, Neuromuscular Disorders, 2nd Edition, provides the latest tools and strategies for minimizing disability and maximizing quality of life. Dr. Tulio Bertorini, an expert in clinical neuromuscular care, and a team of world-renowned contributors cover all management and therapeutic considerations regarding the full range of neuromuscular disorders and resulting complications. Offering...