All-new clinical resource to help primary caregivers take a lead role in the diagnosis, evaluation, and management of children with learning disabilities. Developed by a leading child and adolescent psychiatrist and a noted pediatrician, this all-new clinical resource is purpose-built to help primary caregivers take a lead role in the diagnosis, evaluation, and management of children with learning disabilities. Turn here for: Clear, concise overviews of the full range of learning disorders, Expe...
This volume, organized according to the Gregorian calendar, offers an overview of the developments that have significantly affected American network radio since its inception in the mid - 1920s. For each day of the 366-day calendar, there are three major categories of information that may be included: the occasions, practices, or decisions which left indelible marks on broadcasting (listed by date of occurrence); the programming that filled the airwaves (listed by date of debut and/or cancellati...
Current Directions in Dyslexia Research
This book covers research on biopsychological aspects of dyslexia reflects on psycholinguistic aspects of dyslexia offers reflections on dyslexia treatment research in general. It points out that in some dyslexics it is not sufficient to treat word identification difficulties alone.
Language and Language Disorders in Childhood (Child Psychology Psychiatry Supplement)
by Lionel Hersov
Covers recent advances in the field of language and language disorders in childhood. The topics include theories of language development, educational and social influences, classificatory systems, experimental studies in children's verbal communication, home-based treatment of childhood autism and epidemiological studies, with the final contribution a scholarly overview of language disorders in the light of work with autistic children. Contributors include psychiatrists, psychologists, education...
LGBTQ : Support and Care Part 1: Combatting Stigma and Discrimination (Pediatric Collections)
Pediatric Collections offers what you need to know - original, focused research in a snapshot approach. LGBTQ youths report experiencing more bullying than their non-LGBTQ peers. Bullying of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youths stems from stigma, which is the social devaluation and discrediting that occurs when several processes co-occur and are reinforced by power, including labeling, stereotyping, separation, status loss, and discrimination. Part 1 of this first-of-it...
Childhood obesity is one of the biggest social and medical concerns of our time! Find medical & biblical answers to protecting kids from the dangers of obesity. Three Core Concepts: Portion control, nutritious meals and regular exercise with fun ideas.
Treating Traumatic Stress in Children and Adolescents
by Margaret E Blaustein and Kristine M Kinniburgh
Completely revised and updated, this Second Edition spans every issue related to ADD care and treatment. New chapters focus on emerging issues, the overlap of sleep disorders, how sleep disorders mimic ADD/ADHD and/or increase the symptoms, ADHD and sleep apnea, ADHD and restless legs or periodic limb movements in sleep, sleep in children, adolescents and adults, the aged population, ADD and women, novel treatment approaches, including a new cognitive training program, methods to diagnosis ADD/...
El Peditria Eficiente
by Francisco Javier Leal Quevedo and Ernesto Plata Rueda
Que Hacer Cuando Su Nino Se Enferme?
by Gloria G Mayer and Ann Kuklierus
Winner of the History of Science Society's 2022 Davis Prize How one mother challenged the medical establishment and misconceptions about autistic children and their parents In the early 1960s, Massachusetts writer and homemaker Clara Park and her husband took their 3-year-old daughter, Jessy, to a specialist after noticing that she avoided connection with others. Following the conventional wisdom of the time, the psychiatrist diagnosed Jessy with autism and blamed Clara for Jessy’s isolation....
* Activities for Sensory Integration
by Constance H Sheda and Patricia R Ralston
Congenitally Corrected Transposition (Modern Paediatric Cardiology S.)
by T.G. Losekoot and etc.
Dieses Sachbuch widmet sich der Vater-Sohn-Beziehung - und zwar mit Blick auf jedermann; ebenso wie es Soehnen und Vatern (und Muttern) anregende und aufschlussreiche Lekture sein soll, koennen Psychotherapeuten und Berater mit Gewinn mitlesen. Es werden zunachst Aspekte beleuchtet, die Vater-Werden, Mann-Sein und Sohn-Sein heute beinhalten. Anschliessend wird der Wandel der Vater-Rolle und des Vater-Bildes, insbesondere in der jungeren Zeit, dargestellt. Untermauert durch aktuelle Ergebnisse de...