Transmission Electron Microscopy (Springer Series in Optical Sciences, #36) (Series in Optical Sciences, v. 36)
by Ludwig Reimer
The aim of this book is to present the theory of image and contrast formation and the analytical modes in transmission electron microscopy. The principles of particle and wave optics of electrons are described. Electron-specimen interactions are discussed for evaluating the theory of scattering and phase contrast. Also discussed are the kinematical and dynamical theories of electron diffraction and their applications for crystal structure determination and imaging of lattice defects. X-ray micro...
Cardiovascular and Musculoskeletal Systems (Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals, No 9)
This is the ninth volume in a series dealing with induced lesions in laboratory animals. The information on pathology and toxicology documented in the series is an aid to scientific institutions, industry and government agencies charged with the safety testing of food, drugs and chemicals.
Insect-Plant Interactions in a Crop Protection Perspective (Advances in Botanical Research)
Insect-Plant Interactions, the latest edition in the Advances in Botanical Research series, which publishes in-depth and up-to-date reviews on a wide range of topics in the plant sciences, features several reviews by recognized experts on all aspects of plant genetics, biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, physiology, and ecology.
Adhesion of Microbial Pathogens (Methods in Enzymology)
The critically acclaimed laboratory standard for forty years, Methods in Enzymology is one of the most highly respected publications in the field of biochemistry. Since 1955, each volume has been eagerlyawaited, frequently consulted, and praised by researchers and reviewers alike. More than 250 volumes have been published (all of them still in print) and much of the material is relevant even today--truly an essential publication for researchers in all fields of life sciences.
Pathologie, Klinische Zytologie, Histochemie, Onkologie, Hamatologie, Medizinische Informatik Das Buch beschreibt die Grundlagen und wichtige Anwendungen stereologisch-morphometrischer Methoden sowie der rechnergestutzten Bildverarbeitung auf dem Gebiet der klinischen Zytologie und Histopathologie. Dabei liegt der Schwerpunkt auf dem Gebiet der Histometrie, einer sehr jungen Disziplin, in der bisher eher stereologische interaktive Methoden Anwendung fanden. Nicht nur die verschiedenen Messverfa...
The Pathology and Imaging of Coronavirus Pneumonia
The Pathology and Imaging of Coronavirus Pneumonia is a comprehensive study of the coronavirus family-related pulmonary diseases, specifically targeting the three subtypes of coronaviruses that have been confirmed to infect humans: SARS, MERS, and COVID-19. It is based on heterogeneous data from imaging and clinical sources, and particularly emphasizes the imaging-based staging diagnostic model rooted in the pathogenic and pathological aspects of clinical staging, thereby aiming to better align...
Study Guide for Understanding Pathophysiology - E-Book
by Sue E Huether, Kathryn L McCance, and Clayton F Parkinson
9788131269855 Textbook of Pathology - E-Book
by Rajeswari Kathiah, Gayathri Devi T, and Indhu Kannan
Neurology and Psychiatry
Biological Oxidants: Generation and Injurious Consequences is a collection of papers that describes research work done concerning molecules of the intracellular and plasma membrane generating system in leukocytes; the intracellular interactions in oxidant-induced cellular injury; malignant transformation; and intracellular mechanism of oxidant formation. One paper reviews biological oxidants and the molecular basis of chronic granulomatous disease, particularly on compositions found within the...
Target Organ Pathology
The major organs of the body are targets for chemically-induced effects in animals and humans. This book reviews the mechanisms of these toxic effects and the structure/functional changes which occur in the target organ tissues as a result.
Autonomic Nervous System Part 2, Dysfunctions (Handbook of Clinical Neurology)
Autonomic nervous system dysfunction and pathology are dealt with in this volume. The profound autonomic accompaniments of acute and chronic pain are given extensive coverage. Physical exertion, the demands it places on autonomic control, and resulting thermoregulatory failure, as well as sexual dysfunction, are conjoined in this volume. Common diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, neoplasia, the epilepsies, and cerebrovascular disease perturb homeostasis and thus activate compensatory a...
Lectins and Glycobiology (Springer Laboratory)
The role of lectins and glycoconjugates in various cellular processes is receiving increased interest. Since many cellular glycoconjugates are ligands for lectins, they are used as efficacious tools in biochemistry and cell research. This volume provides all of the relevant techniques to investigate the structure and function of lectins and their various reactions. Included are methods for the preparation of synthetic carbohydrate ligands, the determination of physico-chemical properties of lect...
Introduction to the Work of a Medical Examiner: From Death Scene to Autopsy Suite
by John J. Miletich and Tia Laura Lindstrom
1. 1 Platelets in Hemostasis and Thrombosis: A Brief Overview For more than 100 years the dominant role of blood platelets in hemostasis and thrombosis has been well documented. Seven years before their identification as a distinct class of blood corpuscles by Bizzozero (1882), Zahn (1875), using intravital microscopic observations, described the growth of an arterial thrombus as the result of "continued apposition of colorless blood corpuscles along the direction of blood flow. " A hallmark sti...
Eduard Kaufmann: Trattato Di Anatomia Patologica Speciale. Vol. 3, 2 (Trattato Di Anatomia Patologica Speciale, #22)
Lehrbuch Der Speziellen Pathologie Und Therapie Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Therapie
by Theodor V Jurgensen
Rudolf Virchow: Archiv Für Pathologische Anatomie Und Physiologie Und Für Klinische Medicin. Band 218
Rudolf Virchow: Archiv Für Pathologische Anatomie Und Physiologie Und Für Klinische Medicin. Band 175
Rudolf Virchow: Archiv Für Pathologische Anatomie Und Physiologie Und Für Klinische Medicin. Band 195
by Rudolf Virchow