Toxicological Evaluations
As part of its programme for the prevention of health hazards caused by industrial work substances, the Berufsgenossenschaft der chemischen Industrie (BG Chemie) began in 1977 to investigate the toxicity of those substances which are widely used, have many different applications and are suspected of being dangerous to health, in particular those having long-term effects on health. The investigations consist of a literature search and - depending on the results - commissions of experimental studi...
Der Stress am Arbeitsplatz nimmt dramatisch zu. Vorgesetzte verlangen hoehere Produktivitat, es fehlt die Sicherheit des Arbeitsplatzes und der Wettbewerb wird immer harter. Schlechtes Management, fehlende Fuhrungsqualitaten und nicht funktionierende Organisationsstrukturen sind uberall zu finden. Michael P. Leiter und Christina Maslach, die fuhrenden Burnout-Forscher Amerikas, zeigen in diesem Buch ihr revolutionares Programm, wie man mit Stress und Druck am Arbeitsplatz umgehen und seine Karri...
This innovative volume introduces Twinley’s concept of ‘The Dark Side of Occupation’. Focused on less explored and under-addressed occupations, it is an idea which challenges traditional assumptions around the positive, beneficial, health-promoting relationship between occupation and health. Emphasising that people’s individual experiences of occupations are not always addressed and may not always be legal, socially acceptable, or conducive to good health, the book investigates how these exper...
We Need More Occupational Therapist
by Occupational Therapist Publishing
Seit der Novellierung des Arbeitsschutzgesetzes ist die psychische Belastung im Rahmen der Gefahrdungsbeurteilung explizit zu berucksichtigen. Die zunehmende Bedeutung der psychischen Gesundheit in der Arbeitswelt verdeutlicht, dass psychische Faktoren im Rahmen der Pravention wichtig sind. Das Kompaktverfahren Psychische Belastung gibt einen UEberblick uber die rechtlichen Grundlagen und beschreibt eine gestufte Vorgehensweise zur Ermittlung und Bewertung psychischer Belastung bei der Arbeit. D...
Polychlorinated Dibenzo-para-dioxins and Dibenzofurans (Environmental Health Criteria)
Environmental Toxicants – Human Exposures and Their Health Effects, Fourth Edition
Health Care Science Technology: Career Foundations, Student Edition (HLTHCAR SCI TECH: CAR FOUND)
by Kathryn Booth
Print student edition
Using good management practice, rather than legislation, as a starting point, this system provides a set of initiatives comprising 233 individual elements, covering the spectrum of occupational health and safety. They are laid out in a formal structure to facilitate later auditing.
Proctor & Hughes' Chemical Hazards of the Workplace Fourth Edition Gloria J. Hathaway Nick H. Proctor James P. Hughes For professionals in occupational health and related fields, one reference guide has earned a reputation as the indispensable resource on unsafe chemicals: Proctor and Hughes' Chemical Hazards of the Workplace. The legacy continues with this new edition; offering accurate, up-to-the-minute analyses of over 600 potentially dangerous chemicals all in a streamlined format that...
Das vorliegende Handbuch gibt eine aktuelle und umfassende UEbersicht fur den sicheren Umgang mit biologischen Agentien. Die folgenden Themen werden behandelt: - Arbeitsschutzmassnahmen fur sicheren Umgang mit biologischen Agentien; - Kriterien fur die Einstufung von biologischen Agentien; - Beschaffenheitsanforderung fur Arbeitsbereiche der Sicherheitsstufen 1 bis 4; - organisatorische Massnahmen fur den sicheren Umgang mit biologischen Agentien; arbeitsmedizinische Aspekte; - gesetzliche Vorsc...
Aldrin and dieldrin health and safety guide (Health and safety guide)
Since our first manned space flights we have learned much about how the human body adapts to the space environment and in particular, to the absence of gravity. Today, space research provides a better understanding of our physiological response mechanisms to microgravity.Space and Life: An Introduction to Space Biology and Medicine describe
This is the fifth volume in an international series of analytical methods for the determination of toxicants in the air at the workplace. All methods are reliable, reproducable and meet the requirements for quality control. The analysis of the levels of hazardous substances in the air inhaled by workers in the chemical industry and similar working environments is necessary to monitor adherence to statutory concentration limits and to protect the workers from the adverse effects of such substance...
Das Buch gibt Laborleitern, ihren Mitarbeitern in Industrie, Handel und Forschung, aber auch Fachkraften fur Arbeitssicherheit, Sicherheitsbeauftragten und Aufsichtsbeamten, sowie Gutachtern und Sachverstandigen einen Leitfaden nach dem neuesten Stand des Wissens an die Hand. Der erfahrene Autor - selbst Chemiker und Technischer Aufsichtsbeamter in der Berufsgenossenschaft der Chemischen Industrie - zeigt Loesungen auf, beantwortet die haufigsten Fragen und bietet Hilfe bei der Umsetzung der nic...
Evidence-Based Interventions for Community Dwelling Older Adults
A critical milestone in the evolution of evidence-based medicine Evidence-Based Interventions for Community Dwelling Older Adults presents an overview of significant evidence-based programs that can improve the health of seniors living in community-based settings. The book examines research conducted on a variety of health-related issues, including depression, care management, falls prevention, physical activity, and medications management. It also looks at research models that were translated...
Health and Hazards in a Changing Oil Scene
The Politics of Chemical Risk: Scenarios for a Regulatory Future
All industrial countries have developed regulatory systems to assess and manage the risk of chemical substances to the working and natural environment. The pressure to harmonize these often specialized regulatory systems is increasingly strong at the international level. Such harmonization not only entails the assessment of particular chemicals, but also the way assessment procedures and their boundary with risk management is organized. As these initiatives intensify, they increasingly ra...
This collection of case studies of ergonomic interventions in the work place examines the benefits of efforts to prevent health disturbances in VDT work in actual work settings. Some aspects of the subject which are studied in this work are the influence of workspace on performance and satisfaction, some clinical findings in the area of health complaints and information on neck and pain injury.