The ketogenic diet has gained in popularity, but that has led to some bad information being shared. You can do keto right, and you can do keto wrong. This book is all about how to do keto the right way! Despite what health science has beaten into us over the last fifty or so years, humans thrive on high-fat, low-carb diets. Millions of people around the world have discovered that a ketogenic lifestyle is the key to weight loss, disease prevention and intervention, and a more vibrant life. Gone...
The Handbook is composed of two parts, the first volume covering supplements for human usewhile the second volume is devoted to agriculture supplements. This volume, relating to agriculture supplements, covers various food byproducts and nutritional and other food supplements used in animal feeding. In addition, it also includes information on nutrition supplements for plants.
Poor quality dietary habits are one of the most pressing public health concerns of our time. As a society, we are faced with the paradox of malnutrition and overconsumption existing side-by-side. Many people in our communities deal with the stark reality of food insecurity coupled with a reliance on inexpensive, nutrient-poor calories that contribute to the nationwide prevalence of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic conditions. As a resource for both students and practiti...
The importance of meeting the dietary needs of individuals is critical for good health. This requires educating individuals so that they understand how to best obtain important nutrients and that quality foods rich in these nutrients are accessible to the increasing world population. Many diseases can arise from nutrient deficiencies and toxicities, including rickets, scurvy, and spina bifida, resulting from deficiencies in vitamins D, C, and B, respectively. It is also possible to ingest materi...
Essential Oils Analysis by Capillary Gas Chromatography and Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy (A Wiley Heyden publication)
by Karl-Heinz Kubeczka and V. Formacek
In addition to capillary gas chromatography and GC-MS, carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy provides an alternative method for essential oils analysis. The excellent visual spacing of the signals enables oil samples to be analyzed without preliminary separation of their components. Also, information relating to the molecular structure of the oil constituents can be ascertained from the measured chemical shifts. This second edition clearly demonstrates the power of the technique in the characterization of...
Amino Acid Composition and Biological Value of Cereal Proteins
Cereals belong to the most important elements in the history of mankind. From the beginning of agriculture, cereals have been by far the most important staple food in the world. Although the cereal consumption decreased to a low level in the developed countries in Europe and North America, in the devel oping countries over two-thirds of the calorie and protein intake is based on cereals. A substantial quantity of cereals goes indirectly into food via feed to animals. Generally, cereal proteins...
Parents and ancestors are always important: they endow us with a genetic inheritance for better or for worse, for the balanced diet, for overfeeding or for starvation. Some of us die young, some succumb in middle age to chronic disease, others join the gero cracy - the healthy, happy people in their 70s, 80s or even 90s. Genetic inheritance, nurture and nutrition, all play their part. The nurture and nutrition are our own responsibility; we make our choices and live with the consequences. This...
Address the growing societal problem of childhood obesity with this practical guide Childhood obesity and its associated health issues remain major societal concerns across both developed and developing worlds. In the United Kingdom, as many as a quarter of all children starting school are living with obesity, and this prevalence only increases as children and young people age. It has never been more critical for dietitians, nutritionists, and healthcare professionals to understand the mechani...
Designing Foods
This lively book examines recent trends in animal product consumption and diet; reviews industry efforts, policies, and programs aimed at improving the nutritional attributes of animal products; and offers suggestions for further research. In addition, the volume reviews dietary and health recommendations from major health organizations and notes specific target levels for nutrients. Table of ContentsFront MatterExecutive Summary1 Data Sources, Key Nutrients, and Selection of Targets for Change2...
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Volume 1
The market for cheese as a food ingredient has increased rapidly in recent years and now represents upto approximately 50% of cheese production in some countries. Volume one is entitled General Aspects which will focus on general aspects on the principles of cheese science. This title contains up-to-date reviews of the literature on the chemical, biochemical, microbiological and physico-chemical aspects of cheese in general. Cheese: Chemistry, Physics, and Microbiology Two-Volume Set, 3E is avai...
Das Lebensmittelmonitoring ist ein gemeinsam von Bund und Landern durchgefuhrtes Untersuchungsprogramm, das die amtliche Lebensmitteluberwachung der Bundeslander erganzt. Wahrend die Lebensmitteluberwachung vor allem durch verdachts- und risikoorientierte Untersuchungen die Einhaltung lebensmittelrechtlicher Vorschriften kontrolliert, ist das Lebensmittelmonitoring ein System wiederholter reprasentativer Messungen und Bewertungen von Gehalten an unerwunschten Stoffen wie Pflanzenschutzmitteln, S...
Dietary Phytochemicals in Cancer Prevention and Treatment (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, #401)
The sixth annual research conference of the American Institute for Cancer Research was held August 31 and September 1, 1995, at the Loews L'Enfant Plaza Hotel in Washing ton, DC. In view of the promising leads in the diet/nutrition and cancer research field, the conference was devoted to "Dietary Phytochemicals in Cancer Prevention and Treatment. " The number of sessions was increased over that in previous conferences in order to accommodate the topics of interest. The conference overview, enti...
The explosion of information published these days in the primary research literature represents in some ways a substantial barrier to the new investigator or researcher crossing over traditional boundaries between fields. Commonly held beliefs and practices of the field's cognoscente often are poorly understood or appreciated by researchers even in closely related areas. Although review articles offer some relief from this situation, a more complete overview of a subject can often only be had th...
Advances in Nutritional Research (Advances in Nutritional Research, #1) (Advances in Nuclear Science & Technology, #12)
by H. Draper
This volume continues the theme established in Volume 1 of providing a con spectus of the current state of knowledge on topics of active nutritional re search. It is the aim of the editors, through this series, to assist investigators in keeping abreast of developments in fields other than their own and to provide a source of reference materials for use in graduate teaching. In addition, general reviews will be published occasionally on fields of less active current research interest which hav...
Advances in Nutritional Research (Nato ASI Subseries B:, #110)
Volume 5 of Advances in Nutritional Research reflects a strong current interest in the relationship between nutrition and disease. The impact of disease on nutritional status is described for hepatic encephalopathy and cancer and for several ailments of hospitalized children. The impact of nutrition on disease is illustrated using the examples of retinol in tumorigenesis, vitamins A and E in inflammatory lung disease, fatty acids in atherogenesis and obesity, and folate in megaloblastic anemia....
Meatless? Yes. Flavorless? Hardly! You don't have to be a vegetarian to enjoy this new collection of delicious meatless recipes. These recipes are anything but boring, and even the most discerning carnivore around goes crazy for the robust flavor bursting forth from recipes like breakfast bruschetta, green lentil and coconut soup, goat's cheese parcels, spicy bean and tomato fajitas, roasted ratatouille, baked potatoes with mustard seeds, zucchini and parmesan frittata, curried tofu burgers, asp...
Inherited Disorders of Sulphur Metabolism
by Nina Carson and D.Noel Raine