Yoga and Breast Cancer is a practical how to guide to using yoga to manage stress, relieve pain and gain the strength necesary to make it through this illness. It follows the authors' own research in the subject that has shown a proven correlation between yoga practise and better health and outcomes after a Breast Cancer diagnosis. More than simply an exercise guide, the book is a deeply soothing form of moving meditation and physical activity that is a safe way to rebuild strength, stamina and...
Kmb: Gangguan Sistem Integumen Dan Sensori
by Joyce M Black and Jane Hokanson Hawks
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Andreoli and Carpenter's Cecil Essentials of Medicine E-Book (Cecil Medicine)
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Studyware and Audio Library for Delmar S Administrative Medical Assisting, 4th
by Wilburta Q Lindh, Marilyn Pooler, Carol D. Tamparo, Barbara M Dahl, LINDH, POOLER, TAMPARO, and Dahl
Delmar's Clinical Medical Assisting (Book Only)
by Wilburta Q Lindh, Marilyn Pooler, Carol D. Tamparo, Barbara M Dahl, LINDH, POOLER, TAMPARO, and Dahl
Medical-Surgical Nursing (Delmar's Nursing Review)
If you are preparing to take the NCLEX-RN(r) examination, you cannot afford to be without Delmar's Nursing Review Series. These texts provide you with a detailed and focused review in 8 specific subject areas: Pharmacology; Medical-Surgical Nursing; Pediatric Nursing; Maternity and Women's Health Nursing; Gerontologic Nursing; Psychiatric Nursing; Legal and Ethical Nursing and Community Health Nursing. Delmar is a part of Cengage Learning.
Nurse's Notes on Medical-Surgical-Critical Care Nursing
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Study Guide for Lewis' Medical-Surgical Nursing E-Book
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Case Studies in Nurse Anesthesia
Clinical case studies make it easy to learn and master perioperative nurse anesthesia! Written in a succinct question-and-answer format, Case Studies in Nurse Anesthesia covers anesthesia management for the most frequently performed surgical procedures. Chapters are organized by surgical specialty, and each case describes the entire perioperative course of care, including the patient's history, physical assessment, anesthetic considerations, surgical concerns, differential diagnosis, and potenti...
Clinical Companion to Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing Elsevier eBook on Vitalsource (Retail Access Card)
by Debra Hagler, Mariann M Harding, Jeffrey Kwong, Dottie Roberts, and Courtney Reinisch
Studyware and Audio Library for Lindh/Pooler/Tamparo/Dahl S Delmar S Clinical Medical Assisting, 4th
by Wilburta Q Lindh, Marilyn Pooler, Carol D. Tamparo, Barbara M Dahl, LINDH, POOLER, TAMPARO, and Dahl
Medical Assisting
by Lucille Keir, Barbara A. Wise, Connie Krebs, and C. Krebs-Shannon
Praise for previous editions: "The evidence-based protocols are designed as a primary reference and are useful, substantive, and timely....The broader contributions of useful format and succinct review of the evidence make it likely that this text will continue to be the leading resource in nursing education and practice." --The Gerontologist "As a gerontological clinical educator/research nurse, I will often use this as a reference. The format and the content are good, and the explanation...