Tilapia Culture, Second Edition, covers the vital issues of farmed tilapia in the world, including their biology, environmental requirements, semi-intensive culture, intensive culture systems, nutrition and feeding, reproduction, seed production and larval rearing, stress and disease, harvesting, economics, trade, marketing, the role of tilapia culture in rural development and poverty eradication, and technological innovations in, and the environmental impacts of, tilapia culture. In addition, t...
Microbiology with Diseases by Body System with The Microbiology Place Website
by Robert W. Ph.D. Bauman
Designed for pre-nursing and allied health students (and also mixed-majors courses), Microbiology with Diseases by Body System, Second Edition retains the hallmark art program and clear writing style that have made Robert Bauman's book a success. Filled with intriguing content based on cutting-edge research that engages students, the Second Edition features increased clinical coverage as well as a strong focus on the beneficial effects of microbes. Media Manager 2.1 provides instructors with the...
New Technologies for Reclamation of Industrial Wastewater
by Pankaj Chowdhary and Sujata Mani
New Technologies for Reclamation of Industrial Wastewater provides information on several types of industrial wastewaters containing a variety of toxic and recalcitrant compounds. It also focuses on the ecotoxicological and health hazards posed by the chemicals released along with industrial effluents. It covers various conventional as well as modern wastewater-treatment technologies and their advantages and disadvantages. Features: Elucidates various types of industrial wastewaters generated...
Defending Life discusses the relationship between hosts and parasites. A major contention of the book is that the immune system depends ontologically on the ecosystem in which it is embedded; it would not have the features it has if it was not related in one way or other to parasitic agents and to the host’s own cells and tissues. To sustain the argument, life is investigated at all layers – from molecules up through cells, organisms and ecosystems. Together with the inverse course, which goes f...
Basic Cell Culture (A Practical Approach, #254)
This guide for the newcomer covers all areas which are basic to the performance of animal, including human, cell culture. Experienced researchers should also find it useful as a source of reference when entering a new field, or when setting up a new laboratory.
Alcamo's Laboratory Fundamentals Of Microbiology
by Jeffrey C. Pommerville
This popular lab manual offers thirty-four multi-part lab exercises designed to provide students with basic training in the handling of microorganisms, while exploring microbial properties and uses. This lab manual can also be used independently of the main text. An instructor’s manual, downloadable from the Web, accompanies the lab manual and provides principles of lab safety; research topic ideas, information on customizing laboratory programs with the manual; helpful suggestions for setting...
Bacterial Pathogenesis (Selected Methods in Enzymology)
Bacterial Pathogenesis contains a selection of key articles from Volumes 235 and 236 of Methods in Enzymology. It presents in benchtop format assays and methods used to identify and characterize determinants of bacterial virulence.
Phage Therapy: Current Research and Applications
Phylogenomics: Foundations, Methods, and Pathogen Analysis offers a deep overview of phylogenomics as a field, compelling recent developments, and detailed methods and approaches for conducting new research. Early chapters introduce phylogenomic taxonomies of organisms and pathogens, phylogenomic networks, phylogenomics of virus virulence, and ancient DNA analysis, with a second section offering methods, detailed descriptions and step-by-step instruction in genome assembly and annotation, horizo...
This volume covers practical important topics in the analysis of protein sequences and structures. It includes comparing amino acid sequences to structures comparing structures to each other, searching information on entire protein families as well as searching with single sequences, how to use the Internet and how to set up and use the SRS molecular biology database management system. Finally, there are chapters on multiple sequence alignment and protein secondary structure prediction. This boo...
Functional and biochemical characterization of GmCLC1, a vacuolar chloride channel from soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.)
by Robert Daniel Hoffmann
The Genus Yersinia (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, #529)
For the eighth time the yersiniologists all over the world gathered together when the International Symposium on Yersinia was organized by University of Turku and Turku Microbiology Society in Turku, Finland. Over 250 delegates from 28 countries attended the Symposium. The Symposium logo (Picture 4, next page) presents a bacteriophage attached to the surface of the bacterium. One can easily imagine that most of the aspects covered in this Symposium are included in the logo: the bacteriophage gen...
Dr. Hilary Koprowski is the pioneer of live polio vaccine, the first researcher to advance the diagnostic and therapeutic use of monoclonal antibodies, and the developer of the "gold standard" rabies vaccine. This biography chronicles his distinguished career and life's work in the field of microbiology. A world-reknowned maverick in biomedical research, Koprowski's research methods were often considered controversial and even radical. Nonetheless, he acquired key positions in many research orga...
Cellular Microbiology (ASM Books)
Cellular Microbiology is a new upper-level textbook which describes the interactions of microbes and pathogens in the wider context of the cell properties, helping the reader to envisage different possibilities for his or her own problem while detailing known specific examples. It provides microbiologists moving into cell biology with a deep understanding of the field as well as a broader knowledge of possible interactions between their favourite organism and mammalian cells. It also provides c...
Bioreactor Immobilized Enzymes and Cells