We can all point to random examples of innovation inside of healthcare information technology, but few repeatable processes exist that make innovation more routine than happenstance. How do you create and sustain a culture of innovation? What are the best practices you can refine and embed as part of your organization's DNA? What are the potential outcomes for robust healthcare transformation when we get this innovation mystery solved? Loaded with numerous case studies and stories of successful...
Beratungs- Und Formulierungshilfe Chefarztvertrag
by W Kohlhammer Gmbh
Im Gesundheitswesen ist seit einigen Jahren eine Transaktionswelle in Gang gekommen, die sich insbesondere in einer zunehmenden Anzahl von Akquisitionen oeffentlicher Krankenhauser durch private Klinikbetreiber manifestiert. Zahlreiche wirtschaftliche und rechtliche Besonderheiten sind der Grund fur eine hohe Komplexitat des Transaktionsprozesses. Daher beschaftigt sich das Buch mit der Ermittlung und Bewertung von Entscheidungsgroessen, welche den Erfolg von Krankenhausubernahmen beeinflussen....
With the same clarity that made the previous editions bestsellers, Healthcare Delivery in the U.S.A.: An Introduction, Third Edition provides readers with the understanding required to navigate the healthcare provider field. In the intervening 8 years since the 2nd Edition was published, there have been significant developments in the healthcare delivery systems, including COVID-19, global health issues, and the evolution of the Affordable Care Act and other financing mechanisms. Brilliantly sim...
Management of Healthcare Organizations
by Peter C Olden and Cathleen O Erwin
Service Fanatics: How to Build Superior Patient Experience the Cleveland Clinic Way
by James Merlino
Zur Optimierung der Qualitatssicherung in der betrieblichen Weiterbildung wird ein Trainingsmodell vorgestellt, in dem sich die noetige soziale Managementkompetenz besonders effektiv entwickeln lasst. Zentrales Merkmal ist die am Einzelfall orientierte kontrollierte Praxis; so lasst sich die Wirksamkeit dieser Weiterbildung kontinuierlich darstellen und die Qualitat bereits wahrend der Leistungserstellung sichern. Workshop, Seminar, Einzelberatung und die Anwendung in den dazwischenliegenden Tra...
TIME’S NOW for Women Healthcare Leaders: A Guide for the Journey Women comprise over 80 percent of healthcare frontline employees, but they often hit the proverbial glass ceiling. Only 30 percent of healthcare C-suite Executives and less than 15% of CEOs are women. Moreover, while 51 percent of medical students are women, only 16 percent of the Department Chairs and Deans are women. Clearly, women are facing barriers to achieving their potential, limiting their ability to add their unique tale...
Nurses typically go in to the profession of nursing because they want to "care" for patients, not knowing that the inherent stresses of the work environment put them at risk for developing psychological disorders such as burnout syndrome, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety and depression. Symptoms of these disorders are often debilitating and affect the nurse’s functioning on both a personal and professional level. While environmental and/or organizational strategies are important to...
Pauschalierendes Entgeltsystem Fur Die Psychiatrie Und Psychosomatik Version 2021
by Kohlhammer Verlag
Successful Change Management in Health Care
by Annette Chowthi-Williams and Geraldine Davis
Change is frequent in healthcare, yet change management is often far from perfect. This book considers the complexity of change within large organisations, explores existing models of change, and emphasises the vital role of emotional and cognitive readiness in successful change management. Despite the plethora of organisational change management approaches used in healthcare, the success rate of change in organisations can be as low as 30%. New thinking about change management is required to im...
Man, Woman, Birth, Death, Infinity, Plus Red Tape, Bad Behavior, Money, God, and Diversity on Steroids A warts-and-all exploration of the struggles suffered and triumphs achieved by America's health-care professionals, Hospital follows a year in the life of Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, which serves a diverse multicultural demographic. Unraveling the financial, ethical, technological, sociological, and cultural challenges encountered every day, bestselling author Julie Salamon tracks...
Data Science for Effective Healthcare Systems (Chapman & Hall/CRC Internet of Things)
Data Science for Effective Healthcare Systems has a prime focus on the importance of data science in the healthcare domain. Various applications of data science in the health care domain have been studied to find possible solutions. In this period of COVID-19 pandemic data science and allied areas plays a vital role to deal with various aspect of health care. Image processing, detection & prevention from COVID-19 virus, drug discovery, early prediction, and prevention of diseases are some thrust...