Biomaterials Science
by Buddy D Ratner, Allan S Hoffman, Frederick J Schoen, and Jack E. Lemons
Proceedings of SPIE present the original research papers presented at SPIE conferences and other high-quality conferences in the broad-ranging fields of optics and photonics. These books provide prompt access to the latest innovations in research and technology in their respective fields. Proceedings of SPIE are among the most cited references in patent literature.
Optics in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine III (Proceedings of SPIE, v. 7179)
by Sean J. Kirkpatrick and Ruikang K. Wang
Encyclopedia of Biomedical Polymers and Polymeric Biomaterials, 11 Volume Set
The Encyclopedia of Biomedical Polymers & Polymeric Biomaterials presents state-of-the-art research and development on the application of novel polymers in a vital area. This groundbreaking work includes the insight of a large number of contributors from around the world who offer a broad-based perspective on a multitude of topics. Authoritative, dynamic, and comprehensive, this multi-volume reference covers the broad subject area of polymer applications in the medical field, providing readers...
This book describes the most effective treatment for the problems that exist in the leadership of hospitals in the UK and discusses the characteristics of top leaders occupying executive hospital board positions. It focuses on the potential adverse effects of dysfunctional leadership.
Although all primary care organisations have to develop business plans at every level, for many this is a new experience. This book will show the reader how., The Business Planning Tool Kit is a practical, comprehensive book that contains all the reader needs to know about business planning in primary care. The book includes topics on what to include in a business plan, personnel, finances, premises and information management. It is an interactive guide including links to websites that have prac...
For nearly a quarter of a century Bruce Blum has been implementing information systems. In this book he describes and evaluates a comprehensive environment called TEDIUM, for the development and maintenance of information systems. TEDIUM automates most of the software life cycle and has been used to implement large and complex systems, which are used routinely in life critical situations.Blum reviews the software process, describes the TEDIUM environment, evaluates 8 years of operational experie...
Handbook of Biophotonics, Volume 3
This new handbook covers the world of biophotonics not only geographically -- with the editors coming from different continents -- but also in terms of content, since the authors come from the whole spectrum of biophotonic basic and applied research. Designed to set the standard for the scientific community, these three volumes break new ground by providing readers with the physics basics as well as the biological and medical background, together with detailed reports on recent technical advance...
Handbook of Cognitive Behavioral Approaches in Primary Care
The American Psychological Association, National Institute of Health, and the National Institute of Mental Health have strongly advocated for the integration of psychology and primary care, as the new, cutting-edge approach to health care delivery. To address this need for integration, this seminal text provides thorough descriptions of common psychological and medical problems that arise in primary care, and identifies cognitive-behavioral techniques to overcome these barriers. Issues discuss...
For generations, doctors have been diagnosing babies with colic, offering little comfort and few solutions to worried, weary parents. But recent medical advances made through cutting-edge technology now reveal that many if not most cases of colic are actually caused by acid reflux. In this revolutionary book, Bryan Vartabedian, a noted pediatric gastroenterologist and the father of two babies with acid reflux, provides hands-on, practical advice about this hidden epidemic–and how to make your ow...
Atlas of Breast Cancer
by R.W. Blamey, Christopher Elston, Robin Wilson, and John Robertson
Validation describes the procedures used to analyze pharmaceutical products so that the data generated will comply with the requirements of regulatory bodies of the US, Canada, Europe and Japan. Calibration of Instruments describes the process of fixing, checking or correcting the graduations of instruments so that they comply with those regulatory bodies. This book provides a thorough explanation of both the fundamental and practical aspects of biopharmaceutical and bioanalytical methods valida...
This book presents a positive view of community care and the place of social work within it. It describes the major changes introduced into the social services system and their effects upon professional development. Parallels are also drawn with changes in other systems such as health, social security and housing. The careful integration of practice issues makes this a core text for students of social work qualifying programmes, especially those following a particular pathway in community care.
Because of the unique needs of children with ASD, it is important to pay special attention to the details of their experience in the medical environment. Designed to help make the medical experience easier for all involved, this book presents information on ASD, the varying developmental levels, interventions, and assessments that medical staff, parents, educators, and key service providers can use to more effectively interact with and support children with ASD while in the medical setting. The...
This volume of six essays surveying the work of S.W. Hayter is published to coincide with a major retrospective exhibition of his prints at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford in Autumn 1988. Hayter (1901 -) is considered the most important British printmaker in the history of gravure and one of the most important printmakers of the century. His "Atelier 17" in Paris has been the source of the most significant innovations in intaglio printmaking for the last 60 years, and virtually every great artist i...
Amyloid, Prions, and Other Protein Aggregates (Methods in Enzymology)
This volume includes a core of methodologies to attack the unique experimental problems presented by protein misassembly. Emphasis is on human biology applications, the area in which there is the most interest, in which most of the work has already been done, and in which there is the best evidence for the structural sophisitication of the protein aggregates.The critically acclaimed laboratory standard for more than forty years, Methods in Enzymology is one of the most highly respected publicati...
Der Ratgeber erklart einfach und verstandlich das Krankheitsbild, deutet moegliche Fruhwarnsignale oder Symptome anhand von Beispielen, und zeigt den Weg zur gesicherten Diagnose mit Vorstellung der unterschiedlichen medizinischen Verfahren. Zudem werden die therapeutischen Moeglichkeiten samt Selbsthilfe der Patienten vorgestellt. Kribbeln und Stechen, brennende Schmerzen, aber auch Taubheit in bestimmten Koerperteilen koennen erste Anzeichen fur eine Polyneuropathie sein. Gerade in den letzten...
Lehrbuch Der Klinischen Akupunktur
by G Stux, N Stiller, R Pothmann, and A Jayasuriya
Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation, Radiotherapy, Heavy Ion - X-Rays, Production of