Chronische Schlafstörungen können eine erhebliche Belastung darstellen: Tagesmüdigkeit, Überlastungsgefühle, Konzentrationsprobleme und Stimmungsschwankungen erschweren die Alltagsbewältigung. Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, Schlaganfälle und Unfälle im Straßenverkehr können die Folge sein. Ist kein unmittelbarer körperlicher Auslöser der Schlafprobleme mehr zu ermitteln, beginnt für Betroffene oft eine lange Suche nach Hilfe. Ein neues Trainingsprogramm mit kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutischer Ausr...
In diesem Buch informiert der renommierte Kopfschmerzexperte Professor Dr. Hartmut Goebel uber Formen und Ursachen von Kopfschmerzen und Migrane sowie uber moderne Diagnosemoeglichkeiten und Therapieverfahren, inklusive alternativer Behandlungsverfahren. Daruber hinaus erhalten Betroffene wichtige Informationen und Tipps zur Selbsthilfe und Vorbeugung. Dazu gehoeren u.a. zahlreiche Adressen von Selbsthilfegruppen und Kliniken, Tipps zur richtigen Einnahme von Medikamenten und Hinweise auf wertvo...
Making Sense of Sleep Medicine (Making Sense of)
This is a practical and patient-complaint focused handbook, directed to motivate non-sleep experts and beginners in sleep medicine and technology. This book provides a basic review of the area of sleep, identifies some common patient presentations and illustrates the types of investigations that should be requested. With sleep and breathing problems being so common and affecting many other chronic clinical conditions, it is important that primary care and other general physicians as well as alli...
Proceedings of SPIE present the original research papers presented at SPIE conferences and other high-quality conferences in the broad-ranging fields of optics and photonics. These books provide prompt access to the latest innovations in research and technology in their respective fields. Proceedings of SPIE are among the most cited references in patent literature.
Biomedical Applications of Polymers (Polymer Science and Technology, #7)
Implanted Antennas in Medical Wireless Communications (Synthesis Lectures on Antennas)
by Yahya Rahmat-Samii and Jaehoon Kim
One of the main objectives of this lecture is to summarize the results of recent research activities of the authors on the subject of implanted antennas for medical wireless communication systems. It is anticipated that ever sophisticated medical devices will be implanted inside the human body for medical telemetry and telemedicine. To establish effective and efficient wireless links with these devices, it is pivotal to give special attention to the antenna designs that are required to be low pr...
Bio-inspired/biomimetic Sensor Technologies and Applications (Proceedings of SPIE, v. 7321)
by Nicholas F. Fell and Venkataraman S. Swaminathan
Die Angst vor Brustkrebs ist berechtigt, da es sich um die haufigste Krebserkrankung der Frau handelt. Manchmal wird diese Angst gezielt geschurt, das Risiko bewusst ubertrieben. Wer aber sollte Interesse haben, diese Furcht auszunutzen? Welche Folgen hat das fur Frau und Gesellschaft? Dieses Buch beschreibt nicht nur einen Koerperteil, der als Krankheitsort fur Betroffene, Angehoerige, AErzte und Pharmaindustrie unterschiedliche Bedeutung gewinnen kann. Es skizziert die Brust auch als Symbol, d...
Pulmonary Diseases, an Issue of Medical Clinics of North America, E-Book (Clinics: Internal Medicine, #107)
Causes of Sleep Complaints, an Issue of Sleep Medicine Clinics, E-Book (Clinics: Internal Medicine, #17)
Proceedings of SPIE present the original research papers presented at SPIE conferences and other high-quality conferences in the broad-ranging fields of optics and photonics. These books provide prompt access to the latest innovations in research and technology in their respective fields. Proceedings of SPIE are among the most cited references in patent literature.
Office-Based Procedures: Part II, An Issue of Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice
by Reedy-Cooper and Clebak
Update in Preventive Cardiology, an Issue of Medical Clinics of North America
by Jacoby
Total Well-Being, an Issue of Anesthesiology Clinics (Clinics: Internal Medicine, #40)
Ferri'S Clinical Advisor 2023, Elsevier E-Book on Vitalsource (Retail Access Card)
by Ferri
Proceedings of the 1999 Bioengineering Conference
The approximately 400 posters from the June 1999 conference are divided into sessions on: cell-biomaterials interactions, computer-aided surgical simulation and planning, cell and tissue engineering, biomechanics of heart and vessels, cervical spine biomechanics, cartilaginous tissue mechanics, micr
With its trademark clear, concise writing style and evidence-based focus, Comprehensive Gynecology, 8th Edition, remains your #1 choice for practical, in-depth coverage of any women's health issue you're likely to encounter. It covers all key issues in gynecology, now fully updated to include new information on topics such as laparoscopy and innovations in robotic surgery, reversible contraception, and advancements in treating endometriosis. For residents, specialists, primary care doctors, and...
Pediatric Orthopedics, an Issue of Physician Assistant Clinics, E-Book (The Clinics: Internal Medicine, Volume 5-4)
Handbook of Biomedical Telemetry (IEEE Press Series on Biomedical Engineering)